
Registered Nurse Salary in Ontario (2024): Average Salary, Best Places to Work 

4 minute read

Do you know that the average registered nurse salary in Ontario is much higher than the national average in Canada? In fact, nearly 80% of registered nurses (RN) in Ontario earn around $76,400 to 158,520 CAD per year. It requires more nurses than doctors in Hospitals and health institutes. Their work is diverse and around the clock. Therefore, in order to provide the staff with a healthy work-life balance, registered nurses often work on rotational shifts. 


This means the Hospital will hire double the staff for a single position to maintain a 24-hour shift for the patients. This is why the demand for registered nurses around the world is really high. As countries have started valuing their healthcare employees more than before, the salaries and perks of registered nurses have also increased. For a detailed analysis of the average registered nurse salary in Ontario, read the complete article. 

Here are some awesome Part-Time Jobs in Ottawa: How to Find, Best Jobs & Salary

What is the Average Registered Nurse Salary in Ontario in 2024?

The average salary of a registered nurse in Ontario is around 39.50 CAD to 53.00 CAD per hour. This is a good income and also lies above the national average of 40 CAD to 41 CAD per hour. Moreover, if you want to look at a monthly income, it will be around 5,918 CAD. 

If we look at a broader range, the monthly salary of a registered nurse in Ontario is between 974 CAD to 11,257 CAD. Similarly, the average annual salary for this role in Ontario is around 83,583 CAD. Again, if we look at a broader range the average salaries lie between CAD 76,400 and 158,520 CAD. 

Registered Nurse Salary in Ontario

Do you know there are a lot of Part-Time Jobs in Toronto? Learn how to find them, the best jobs and salary.

Average Registered Nurse Salary in Ontario With Experience

The average salary of a fresher registered nurse in Ontario is around 76,400 CAD per year. With years of experience when you reach the mid-senior level, then your salary will come close to 83,583 CAD per year. 

This takes at least 4 to 6 years of experience. Moreover, after 8+ years of experience and skill development, you will be able to reach the senior most positions of being a registered nurse in Ontario. At this time your salary will be around 158,520 CAD per year. 

Registered Nurse Salary in Ontario

Have you heard about these Top 5 Healthcare Jobs in Canada by Demand?

Registered Nurse Salary in Different Provinces of Ontario

Yes, the demand and pay for registered nurses within Ontario are also very dynamic and different. Big cities like Vancouver and Toronto pay better salaries to nurses and other healthcare staff than other smaller cities. The following table includes the salaries offered in different provinces of Ontario for registered nurses. 

City Average Salary 
North Bay84,746 CAD per year
Barrie83,835 CAD per year
Brantford82,499 CAD per year
London80,744 CAD per year
Toronto80,582 CAD per year
Whitby80,077 CAD per year
Oakville79,540 CAD per year
Kitchener77,376 CAD per year
Ottawa75,215 CAD per year

Best Companies to Work as a Registered Nurse in Ontario

We have brought to you the best organizations that offer salaries to registered nurses in Ontario. Go through the list carefully but keep in mind that these salaries are reported by existing employees in the organisations and the average is taken between salaries offered to people working at different positions and with different experience levels. 

Company Average Salary 
University Health Network55,723 CAD per year 
Pristine Quality Healthcare Services Corp.127,625 CAD per year
Zuriel Health Care Inc.102,220 CAD per year
Lakeridge Health59,809 CAD per year 
The Scarborough Hospital79,126 CAD per year 
Nexim Healthcare Inc125,299 CAD per year
Gifted Hands Health Services99,671 CAD per year
Everest Home Health Care89,910 CAD per year
Priority Healthcare Group88,205 CAD per year
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance89,837 CAD per year

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There can be many job roles similar to that of a registered nurse in Ontario. Some of these job profiles are quite similar to those of a registered nurse in terms of roles and responsibilities. Therefore, it is important to have an idea about income in related fields before applying for a registered nurse profile in Ontario. 

Job Profile Average Salary 
Nurse  33.16 CAD per hour
Dialysis RN 60,790 CAD per year 
Registered Nurse – Medical/Surgical  39.95 CAD per hour
Nurse Anesthetist283,550 CAD per year
Physical Therapist107,390 CAD per year
Home Health Nurse  (Registered)34.56 CAD per hour
Dental Hygienist107,330 CAD per year
Licensed Practical Nurse60,270 CAD per year
Pharmacy Technician46,580 CAD per year
Clinical Nurse  35.81 CAD per hour

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What is the minimum salary for an RN in Ontario?

The lowest registered average nurse salary in Ontario, Canada is around 974 CAD. 

Can nurses make 100k in Canada?

Yes, in provinces like Ontario in Canada, registered nurses can earn as much as 158,520 CAD annually. This will need the right skill set and experience to get to this salary. 

What is the RN salary in Ontario per hour?

The average salary of a registered nurse in Ontario is around 39.50 CAD to 53.00 CAD per hour. 

What is the salary of an entry-level nurse in Ontario?

The average salary of a fresher registered nurse in Ontario is around 76,400 CAD per year. The salary range keeps getting higher as you gain a higher number of years of experience.

This was all about a Software Engineer’s salary in Toronto. For more such informative blogs on jobs that pay a high salary, follow Jobs Abroad on Leverage Edu

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