What is the Full Form of DFO?

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Full Form of DFO

The full form of DFO is Divisional Forest Officer. A forest officer is in charge of administering, maintaining, and conserving the woods within his or her jurisdiction. In the Indian Forest Service, a divisional forest officer is a gazetted officer. They are hired through the Union Public Service Commission’s civil service test.

Responsibilities of DFO

A Divisional Forest Officer’s tasks are numerous and varied, however, they can be broadly classified into five major categories:

  • A Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) is in charge of the management and conservation of forests in their designated area. This includes designing and implementing forest management plans, enforcing forestry rules and regulations, overseeing forestry employees, and coordinating with other forest conservation authorities and organisations.
  • Another key responsibility of a DFO is to supervise forestry employees. In most situations, this entails leading a team of field foresters, biologists, and other specialists who are in charge of carrying out specific forest management activities. This can entail performing forest ecosystem studies, devising animal habitat restoration plans, and carrying out reforestation operations.
  • A DFO’s responsibilities include not only policymaking and planning but also enforcing forestry laws and regulations within its authority. Investigating unlawful actions such as logging without a permit, hunting without a licence, or starting fires in protected regions is part of this. When necessary, a DFO will collaborate with law enforcement agencies to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators.
  • A DFO is responsible for ensuring that the Forestry Department’s objectives are realised in their area of control as the head of a division within the department. This entails formulating long-term plans for forest management and conservation, supervising their implementation, and monitoring the results to assure their effectiveness.
  • Finally, a DFO must serve as a liaison between the Forestry Department and other agencies or organisations concerned with forest conservation.

Also Read: How to join Indian Forest Service?

This was all about DFO full form. Visit our Full Form Page to discover more intriguing articles about full forms. You can also check out the consolidated 300+ full forms list!

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