
Staffing Class 12

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Staffing Class 12 Notes

The subject of Business Studies class 12 deals with management functions such as planning, organising, and after organising, comes the topic of staffing. As per Dale Yoder’s words, “Staffing is that phase of the management which deals with the effective control and use of manpower or human resources.” This blog will cover some important study and revision notes on the chapter of staffing class 12 as per the syllabus of business studies. So get ready with a pen and notebook in hand and read this blog till the end. 

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What Is Staffing?

As per the chapter of Business Studies, Staffing Class 12, it is defined as the process of putting the right people to jobs. This process begins with human resource planning and includes different other functions like:

  • Recruitment
  • Selection
  • Training
  • Development
  • Promotion
  • Performance appraisal of the workforce 

Need and Importance of Staffing

The importance of staffing class 12 can be described on the basis of the following factors and points:

  • Filling the roles by obtaining competent personal
  • Helps in placing or assigning the right person at the right job
  • Increases the growth of enterprise
  • Enables optimum utilisation of human resources
  • Helps in competing
  • Helps in improving the job satisfaction and morale of employees

Staffing: As a Part of Human Resource Management (HRM)

As we all know, staffing class 12  is one of the management functions in an organisation that all managers have to perform. Managers have to deal with people or human resource directly. Hence, staffing becomes an important function because as and when the organisation grows, the number of people needed to complete the assigned tasks and deadlines will also grow. For this, more people will be employed in the organisation. Sometimes when a company reaches that stage, a separate department called the human resource department or HRM is formed, consisting of line manager(s) and those who are good at managing and dealing with other people or the organisation’s human resource. 

The fun fact is that earlier, staffing was only focussed or limited till the hiring of people for specific or vacant positions. As evolution happened and over the period of time, staffing has become a part of HRM that consists of not only staffing but also other things such as job evaluation, management of labour relations and other activities like: 

  • Human resource planning
  • Recruitment, selection and placement
  • Performance appraisal
  • Motivation
  • Compensation
  • Social security
  • Career growth

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Process of Staffing 

According to the chapter of Staffing class 12, the process of staffing involves the following steps:

  • Estimating the manpower requirements
  • Recruitment
  • Selection
  • Placement and orientation
  • Training and development
  • Performance appraisal
  • Promotion and career planning
  • Compensation

Estimating Manpower Requirement

The chapter of staffing class 12 tells us about estimating the manpower requirements which consists of:

  • Making of inventory of existing human capital in terms of qualifications, training & abilities.
  • Evaluation and assessing of all departments’ future needs for human resources.
  • To establish a curriculum for the provision of human capital.

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As per the Staffing class 12 chapter, recruitment can be defined as a process or step of the staffing process that deals with searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organisation. There are 2 sources of recruitment:

  1. Internal sources of recruitment refer to inviting the tight candidates from within an organisation. It includes: 
    1. Transfers 
    2. Promotion 
    3. Lay-off

Advantages of Internal Sources of Recruitment

There are several advantages of internal sources of recruitment as per the chapter of staffing class 12. They are mentioned below.

  • It is more economical and viable.
  • It helps in motivating the existing employees.
  • Through transfer, employees get training also in the form of the job position.
  • No wastage of time on employee training and development by the organisation
  • Filling of jobs internally is way cheaper.
  • The internal recruitment process also simplifies the entire recruitment or staffing process and, of course, selection & placement too.

Limitations of Internal Sources of Recruitment

  1. There are also certain limitations of internal sources of recruitment as per the chapter on staffing class 12. They are mentioned below:
    • Availability of fresh talent is reduced in the organisation 
    • Sometimes, employees may become lethargic 
    • The spirit of competition among the employees is also hampered
    • The productivity of the organization also decreases due to frequent transfers of employees 
  1. External Sources of Recruitment is the source of recruitment that deals with people or candidates that are being called/invited from outside the organisation to fill the vacant job positions. It consists of:
    • Direct Recruitment
    • Casual callers
    • Advertisements
    • Employment Exchange
    • Placement agencies and management consultants
    • Campus recruitment
    • Recommendations of employees
    • Labour contractors
    • Factory gate

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Advantages of External Sources of Recruitment

We now move on to the several advantages of external sources of recruitment as per the chapter on staffing class 12. They are mentioned below.

  • Availability of fresh talent
  • qualified personnel
  • Wider Choice 
  • Competitive Spirit is maintained throughout the organisation 

Limitations of External Sources of Recruitment

The limitations of the same are mentioned below.

  • Dissatisfaction among existing employees
  • Costly process
  • Lengthy Process


The next step after the recruitment process is selection. It deals with discovering the most promising and suitable or rightful candidate to fill up the vacant spot of job position in the organisation. According to Staffing class 12, the process of selection is a lengthy process that includes the following steps:

  • Preliminary screening
  • Selection test
    1. Intelligence test
    2. Aptitude test
    3. Personality test
    4. Trade test
    5. interest test
  • Employment interview
  • Reference and background checks
  • Selection decision
  • Medical examination
  • Job offer
  • Contract of employment

Training and Development

We now look the important points of training and development and its features.

  • As per the chapter of staffing class 12, training refers to the process of equipping the employees with the necessary and required skills to perform the job. 
  • On other hand, development can be described as the overall growth of the employees in the organisation as it focuses more on personal growth and successful employees development. 

Benefits of Training 

Tabulated below are the important benefits of the chapter staffing class 12.

Benefits of Training for OrganisationsBenefits of Training for Employees
Attitude formation.
Aids in or helps in
solving operational problems.
Reduced learning time.
Better performance.
Managing manpower need. Helps to adopt changes.
Boost up morale and employee satisfaction.
Less chance of accidents.
Better career options.
Earnings are increased.

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Methods of Training

According to the chapter of staffing class 12, the various methods of training are as follows: 

  1. On the Job Methods
    1. Apprenticeship programmes
    2. Coaching
    3. Internship training
    4. Job rotation
  2. Off the Job Methods
    1. Classroom lectures
    2. Films
    3. Case study
    4. Computer modelling
    5. Vestibule training
    6. Programmed instruction

Difference Between Training and Development

The last segment of the chapter on staffing class 12 looks at the difference between training and development. They are tabulated below.

Basis of differences TrainingDevelopment
DefinitionTraining refers to the process or procedure of imparting rightful and necessary skills and knowledge of a particular job to the employees.Development refers to the overall growth of the employee in all aspects of an organisation. 
PurposeIt is done for maintenance and improving or revamping the current performance of the employees. It seeks to develop those skills which may be required in future. 
MethodsTraining is imparted through on the job method.Development is imparted through off- the job method.
DurationThe duration of training programmes is short term.Development takes place over a longer period of time. 

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Short Questions on Staffing Class 12

Ques:1 How is staffing a continuous process? State

Answer: Staffing is a continuous process because new jobs may be created and some of the existing employees may leave the organisation.

Ques:2 What is meant by Induction Training?

Answer: Induction training means introducing the selected employees to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation.

Ques:3 How does staffing help to ensure higher performance of employees?

Answer: Staffing ensures higher performance by putting the right person on the right job.

Ques: 4 HRM is the most important task. Why?

Answer: The success of an organisation in achieving its goals is determined to a great extent on the competence, motivation and performance of its human resources.

Long Question Answers for Staffing Class 12

Ques:1 Define the staffing process and the various steps involved in it.

Ans: The staffing process of the management is concerned with acquiring, developing, employing, remunerating and retaining people. The following steps are involved in the staffing process:

(i) Estimating the Manpower Requirements The first step in the staffing process is determining the present manpower inventory and assessing the present and future manpower requirements of the organisation keeping in mind the production schedule, demand etc.

(ii) Recruitment Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. For this various sources can be used like transfer, promotion, advertising, job consultants etc.

(iii) Selection Selection is the process of choosing from among the pool of prospective job candidates developed at the stage of recruitment. It involves a host of tests and interviews.

(iv) Placement and Orientation Orientation is introducing the selected employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. He is taken around the work place and given the charge of the job for which he has been selected. Placement refers to the employee occupying the position or post for which the person has been selected.

(v) Training and Development All organisations have either in-house training centres or have forged alliances with training and educational institutes to ensure continued learning of their subordinates. By offering the opportunities for career advancement to their members, organisations are not only able to attract but also retain its talented staff.

(vi) Performance Appraisal After the employees have undergone a period of training and they have been on the job for some time, there is a need to evaluate their performance. The employee is expected to know what the standards are and the superior is to provide the employee feedback on his/her performance. The performance appraisal process, therefore, will include defining the job, appraising performance and providing feedback.

(vii) Promotion and Career Planning It is very important for all organisations to address career related issues and promotional avenues for their employees. They must provide opportunities to everyone to show their potential and in return promotions can be provided.

(viii) Compensation All organisations need to establish wage and salary plans for their employees. There are various ways to prepare different pay plans depending on the worth of the job. Compensation therefore, refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees.

Ques:2 Distinguish between training and development.


MeaningTraining is a learning process in which employees get an opportunity to develop skill, competency and knowledge as per the job requirement.Development is an educational process which is concerned with the overall growth of the employees.
TermShort TermLong Term
Focus onPresentFuture
OrientationJob orientedCareer oriented
ObjectiveTo improve the work performances of the employees.To prepare employees for future challenges.
Number of IndividualsManyOnly one
AimSpecific job relatedConceptual and general knowledge

Ques: 3 What are the advantages of training to the individual and to the organization?

Answer 3: Training is an important event for any organization. It is an activity that is aimed at building the skills and abilities of the individuals which is required to perform a job. It is an essential part of a job which is helpful in improving the knowledge of an individual. The nature of jobs has changed with the changes in the business environment. Here are the benefits of training for the employee and the organization.

Benefits to Employee

1. Training provides the employee with the skills to grow in the career. It is helpful in improving knowledge of the processes which is essential for future growth.

2. An individual with training will be able to earn more than those without any kind of training. It improves the working efficiency and results in good performance.

3. Training makes an employee more confident of handling work. The equipment and machines at the workplace will be easier to manage with proper training. There will be less accidents.

4. Training improves the self-confidence of the employees and helps them to face new challenges in work. The increased confidence also contributes to the feeling of higher job satisfaction.

Benefits for Organization

1. Training is a systematic way of teaching processes. It will therefore be more efficient and saves the organisation time and money.

2. Training helps individuals and makes them more efficient; the direct result is the improvement in productivity. The rise in employee productivity will result in growth of the company.

3. Training helps in preparing employees in facing new challenges and situations. It helps in building an effective way to counter issues that arise in future.

4. A good training helps in boosting employee morale. It gives proper confidence and motivation which reduces the employee turnover and absenteeism from work.

This brings us all towards the end of the chapter on staffing class 12. We hope that the blog will come in handy for that last moment revision before exams and fetch you more marks in the exams. So keep studying and score higher with Leverage Edu. If you are wondering what to do after the commerce stream in class 12th, get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu who will help you every step of the way! Sign up for a free session today!

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