
14 Year Old Saves 70,00,000 Litres of Water

3 minute read
Jal Mission by Rishabh Prashobh

Indian is the second-most populated country in the world with a total of 1.3 Billion people. By the year 2050, the population is estimated to increase to 1.6 billion. Due to the massive population, water availability per capita is likely to decrease. According to a report by ICAR, by 2025, India’s per capita water availability is predicted to decline to 1,465 cubic meters, and by 2050, it will drop to 1,235 cubic meters. In the worst-case scenarios, India will be declared a water-stressed country, if these figures drop below 1,000 cubic meters. Being responsible and doing the right thing to save water is the only way out of this alarming situation. Want some inspiration? Checkout Jal Mission by Rishabh Prashobh, a 14 year old boy who has saved 70 lakh liters of water uptil now!

Jal Mission by Rishabh Prashobh

By understanding the dire consequences of water wastage, 14-year-old Rishabh Prashobh- a class IX student of National Academy For Learning, Bengaluru, has launched the Jal Mission and saved 70 lakh liters of water in a year.

Wondering how he saved such a huge amount of water? By installing aerators in water taps in his school, his housing society, and at hotels.

What are Aerators?

Aerators are small attachments or mechanical devices that are fitted at the end of water taps or inside the spout. The purpose of fixing it is that it controls the amount of water by mixing air with the water. It ensures there is a consistent flow of water through the tap, without any changes caused by pressure.

Aerators can cut the flow by more than half. Taps that supply 15 liters of water per minute reduce to six liters per minute. These unique devices can save up to 1,274 liters of water a month!

Rishabh says, “At the household-level, the best way to reduce water consumption is by fitting aerators in water taps. Usually, the taps in our kitchens and bathrooms release 6 liters of water per minute, and aerators can cut them down to 3 or 4 liters.”

To test whether the aerators would work efficiently, in July 2019, Rishabh installed one in his grandmother’s home in Bengaluru. As the water bill was charged for the entire building with 17 homes, and split equally, Rishabh was unable to it at his own home.

Rishabh witnessed a good shift and mentioned, “Within a month of fitting just one aerator, we noticed a 30% drop in my grandmother’s water bill. Earlier the bill was around Rs 340, but the rate dropped to around Rs 250,” 

This groundbreaking device can benefit India in multiple ways and provide water in deficient places. Rishabh has high hopes to take his initiative to more schools, hotels, theatres, as well as cinema theatres across the city. He seeks to help the city save 1 crore litres of water which could be a positive change for India’s water-shortage issues.

Inventions and executions like these are much required to sustain the natural resources and provide them equally to all. Aerators are quite cheap and also easy to fix. People must take this small step to contribute to a huge change.  Hope you liked all the provided information on Jal Mission by Rishabh Prashobh. For more such informative news and updates stay connected to Leverage Edu. Follow us on Facebook, Quora, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

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