Importance of Women’s Education

9 minute read
Importance of Women's Education

What is education? Education is defined as learning or studying existing knowledge and cultural legacy. It is a fundamental human right, accessible to all genders or sexes. Across the world, education is viewed as a necessity yet millions of women remain illiterate because of poverty, social stigma, discrimination, lack of resources and much more. In this blog, we will understand the importance of women’s education and will see some of the famous quotes of world leaders on women’s education.

Also Read: Myths About the Indian Education System

What is the Importance of Women’s Education?

YouTube: Unerase Poetry

Female education is a catch-all term for a complex set of issues and controversies surrounding education for girls and women (including elementary, secondary, and university education, as well as health education). It’s also known as women’s education or girls’ education. Inequalities in education for girls and women are complex: some problems are more systematic and less explicit, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education disparities, while others are more systematic and less explicit, such as violence against women or prohibitions of girls from going to school.

Importance of Women’s Education: Explained in Simpler Terms

Women’s education is critical to the country’s entire development. It’s similar to an effective medicine that may know how to cure a patient and recover their health. A well-educated lady is capable of managing both her personal and professional lives. The physical and intellectual growth of the child is the moral goal of education. Education’s true objective is to provide students with “full knowledge” or “greater information.” 

A well-educated woman provides the skills, knowledge, and self-assurance necessary to be a better mom, worker, and citizen. A well-educated woman will also be more productive and well-paid at work. Indeed, the return on investment in education is often higher for women than for males.

Why is it Important to Educate Women? 

The Power of a Female Education  | Gwyneth Martin | TEDxYouth@WBAIS
YouTube: TEDX Talks

The following are some of the reasons why it is crucial to educate women, especially in an underdeveloped country:

Basic Right

To begin with, education is a fundamental right for everyone, and when we say everyone, we must remember that women should be included in this group. We cannot have such a big number of illiterate women in our society; it would be a great loss to us. Every girl and woman, whether rich, poor, young, elderly, married, single, widowed or of any other social position, has the right to an education. Education is a fundamental right, not a privilege.

Increases Literacy Rate

Nearly 63% of the world’s 163 million illiterate youngsters are female. By providing education to all children, literacy rates will rise, boosting development in undeveloped countries.

Eliminates Human Trafficking

According to the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking, women are most vulnerable to trafficking when they are uneducated and poor. This multinational business may be seriously impacted by giving young females opportunities and essential skills.

Political Representation

Women are under-represented as voters and political participants all across the world. Civic education, training, and overall empowerment, according to the United Nations Women’s programmes on leadership and participation, will help bridge that gap.

Equality in Society

Discrimination and inequality always begin at the root level. When a boy goes to school while his sister remains home because she is a girl, it sows a seed of bias in the boy’s head. He believes he is superior simply because he is a boy, and he has no rationale for this belief. When women participate in education by attending schools and colleges with males, the boys are more aware of their educational rights and are less likely to acquire a superiority complex. As a result, teaching both men and women promotes the concepts of equality and democracy.

Poverty Reduction

When women have equal rights and access to education, they are more likely to engage in business and economic activities. By feeding, clothing, and providing for entire families, increased earning power and income battle existing and future poverty.

Speech on Importance of Women’s Education

Women's day speech | Women empowerment & role essay writing | Gender equality | inspirational quotes

It is undeniable that the relevance of female education is a significant problem. There is no gender equality; it is only for boys and girls to think as a group. Boys and girls should be equally prepared when it comes to national growth and development. How can we imagine a future world full of technology, creativity, beauty, and development in every sector while keeping one of our four productive populations in a four-walled boundary that we call home?

The majority of people in India, as we all know, live in rural areas. This community, though, has evolved through time. Public perceptions of freedom were not any more conservative. Many families have relocated their girls to states with greater resources. They study theatre, dancing, art, music, sculpture, science, history, journalism, and medicine, among other subjects.

Girls, like any other boy who is focused on reaching their objectives, go out and give it their all, whether it’s in education or athletics. They achieve because of their hard work and dedication.

The only thing that stands in the way of anyone achieving it is that it is impossible to attain. Girls, on the other hand, require a lot of familial support in addition to their desire. They require a family that understands them, and their family, like any other male counterpart, must grow. His parents are in charge of a lot of obligations.

Children are like buds; if you give them enough water and enough sunlight at the right time, they will blossom into healthy blossoming flowers. When I say that, I’m referring to children of either gender. We can solve all of our issues if we can shift our girls’ how attitudes about education and the importance of their country’s growth.

Importance of Women’s Education in Women Empowerment

Women’s empowerment is an important element of every community, state, or nation. In a child’s basic life, it is a woman who performs a prominent role. Women have a significant role in our culture. Women’s empowerment via education might result in a good attitude change. As a result, it is critical for India’s socio-economic and political development. The Indian Constitution gives the government the authority to take affirmative action to promote women’s empowerment. Education has a huge impact on the lives of women.

Women’s empowerment is a global problem, and many formal and informal movements throughout the world focus on women’s political rights. Women’s empowerment begins with education, which helps them to adapt to difficulties, face their traditional roles, and alter their lives. As a result, we must not overlook the value of education in terms of women’s empowerment. In light of recent advancements in women’s education, India is seen as the world’s emerging superpower.

Women’s empowerment, according to the United National Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), involves:

  • Gaining knowledge and awareness of gender relations, as well as the ways in which they may be changed.
  • Gaining a sense of self-worth, faith in one’s ability to effect desired changes, and the ability to direct one’s own life.
  • Having the ability to make decisions that give you negotiating power.
  • Improving one’s abilities to organize and influence social change to achieve a more just social and economic order on a national and worldwide scale.

As a result, empowerment is defined as a psychological sense of personal control or influence, as well as a concern for actual social power, political authority, and legal rights. Individuals, organizations, and communities are all included in this multi-level architecture.

Importance of Women’s Education Quotes

Below, we have listed some of the famous quotes by some of the most popular personalities in the world:

“There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free, and educated woman.”~Angelina Jolie

“If we are going to see real development in the world then our best investment is WOMEN!” ~Desmond Tutu

“As a tribute to the legions of women who navigated the path of fighting for justice before us, we ought to imprint in the supreme law of the land, firm principles upholding the rights of women.” ~Nelson Mandela

“We should be respectful but we must also have the courage to stop harmful practices that impoverish girls, women and their communities.” ~ Graca Machel

“When women are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.” ~Michelle Obama

“Young women who want an education will not be stopped.”~ Freida Pinto

“Women share this planet 50/50 and they are underrepresented – their potential astonishingly untapped.” ~Emma Watson

“To educate girls is to reduce poverty.” ~ Kofi Annan

“The seeds of success in every nation on Earth are best planted in women and children.” ~Joyce Band

Importance of Women’s Education on their Health

The Power of a Female Education  | Gwyneth Martin | TEDxYouth@WBAIS

Education has been linked to fewer child and maternal deaths, better child health, and decreased fertility in various research. Women with some formal education are more likely than uneducated women to use contraception, marry later, have fewer children, and be more knowledgeable of their children’s nutritional and other needs.

  • Feedback: Girls’ education assists women in limiting the number of children they have. Over time, increasing girls’ school attendance lowers fertility rates.
  • Mental Health: Increased access to education for women improves maternal health. An additional year of education for 1,000 women is known to help avoid two maternal deaths. 
  • Child Survival: Increasing the educational opportunities for girls has a beneficial impact on infant and child health. A child born to an educated mother has a 50% higher chance of living through the age of five than a child born to an illiterate mother.
  • HIV/AIDS: A girl’s or woman’s chance of getting HIV or passing HIV to her baby is decreased by education.Women in 32 countries who continued their education after elementary school was five times more likely than illiterate women to know basic HIV facts.
  • Income Potential: Women’s earning potential is enhanced by education. A single year of primary school has been proven to improve women’s earnings by 10% to 20% later in life, whereas female secondary education returns range between 15% and 25%.

Welfare Schemes For Women

Women Empowerment Schemes in India | Complete List | Government Schemes 2020 & Policies

The following are the welfare schemes initiated to promote women education:

Mahila Samakhya Programme: The New Education Policy of 1968 led to the establishment of the Mahila Samakhya Programme in 1988, which aimed to empower rural women from low-income families.

The Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme (KGBV) provides basic education to girls. It mostly serves rural regions with poor female literacy.

Girls who are not encouraged via SSA are covered under the National Programme for Education of Girls at the Elementary Level (NPEGEL).

The Saakshar Bharat Mission for Female Literacy was established to reduce female illiteracy.


What role does Education play for women?

Women’s education is critical to the country’s entire development. It’s similar to an effective medicine that may know how to cure a patient and recover their health. A well-educated lady is capable of managing both her personal and professional lives. The physical and intellectual growth of the child is the moral goal of education. Education’s true objective is to provide students with “full knowledge” or “greater information.”

What role do educated women play in society?

A well-educated woman provides the skills, knowledge, and self-assurance necessary to be a better mom, worker, and citizen. A well-educated woman will also be more productive and well-paid at work. Indeed, the return on investment in education is often higher for women than for males.

What is the current Literacy rate in India?

The overall literacy rate in India is 74.04% with Kerala with highest literacy rate while Bihar with the lowest literacy rate.

How can one create awareness of the importance of Women’s Education in India?

There are various powerful mediums available for Indians to raise awareness, the most primary place it begins is at home where girls should be encouraged to go to school and follow their talents. Powerful mediums like social media, government volunteers, advertisements, politicians can attribute to raising awareness.

In this blog, we saw the importance of women’s education. Many concerns must be solved, including infrastructure, teacher-to-student ratios, female child safety at school, an improved curriculum, and sanitary facilities, for more girls to be educated. Furthermore, parents must recognize the value of education and must not discriminate between their male and female children. Stay connected with Leverage Edu for educational content!

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