IELTS Writing Task: Topics, Tips, Section-Wise Marking Scheme

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IELTS Writing Task: Topics, Tips, Section-Wise Marking Scheme

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Common to both, IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training, the writing section of the IELTS exam is considered crucial to scoring well. Since the writing test will be timed, you must practice an ample number of questions to qualify for the exam with flying colours. For all those gearing up for the IELTS exam, here is a comprehensive blog about the IELTS writing tasks. Read the complete article to learn more about the IELTS writing task.

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IELTS Writing: An Overview

IELTS Writing comprises two types of tasks, namely Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2. Refer to the data given below to go through the different types of tasks and what they entail to get a solid idea about the section and its questions.

IELTS Writing Task 1

In IELTS Writing Task 1, you are asked to answer a given problem with a letter requesting information or explaining a situation. About 20 minutes is spent on Task 1, which requires candidates to write at least 150 words. Depending on the task, you are assessed through the following:

  • engagement in personal correspondence
  • providing general factual information
  • expressing needs, wants, likes and dislikes
  • expressing opinions

IELTS Writing Task 2

The Writing Task 2 of IELTS requires you to write at least 250 words. You will be given a topic and will be tested on your ability to respond by giving and justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining problems, identifying possible solutions and supporting what you write with reasons, arguments and relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Top 5 Tips To Help You Ace the IELTS Writing Section

The IELTS Writing Section might seem like a formidable mountain to climb, but fret not! With the right preparation and consistent practice, you can reach the summit and achieve stellar scores. Here are the top 5 IELTS preparation tips to expedite your journey to IELTS success:

  • Practising with a variety of example papers is an excellent way to prepare for IELTS writing. This simulated testing environment allows students to gain a thorough grasp of the section’s structure, the intricacies of question forms, the anticipated level of difficulty, and the strategic use of time, all of which are critical for optimising one’s performance.
  • Prioritize purchasing resources that reflect the latest test format and come from reputable experts. Look for those packed with practice tests and loaded with insightful strategies to propel your scores. 
  • Set self-imposed deadlines for your studies to improve your speed and accuracy. Structuring your preparation around time restrictions will improve both efficiency and execution.
  • Effective IELTS preparation goes beyond textbooks and involves a complete immersion in the English language. Reading captivating novels, watching compelling films, and listening to the diverse voices of podcasts and news channels not only strengthens one’s linguistic foundation but also broadens vocabulary horizons and refines grammatical precision, preparing candidates for the complexities of the IELTS exam.
  • Dedicated practice is essential for IELTS achievement. Create a precise timetable with specified time limits for each exam section to ensure optimal preparation. You will feel confident in confronting even the most difficult issues if you engage with practice exams regularly and meticulously cultivate your skills across all subjects.
How To Write ANY IELTS Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

IELTS Writing Score: How IELTS Band Scores are Calculated?

The overall IELTS Band Score is calculated by averaging the four component scores and rounding to the closest full or half band. The component scores are equally weighted. If the average of the four components is less than 25, the Overall Band Score is rounded up to the half band; otherwise, it is rounded up to the full band. If the average is less than 25 or 75, the final score is rounded down.

  • Reading 6.5 + Writing 5 + Speaking 7 + Listening 6.5 = 25
  • Divide 25 by 4 = 6.25
  • Ends in .25 so round up to the next half-band
  • Overall band score = 6.5

How is the IELTS Writing Test marked?

Qualified examiners analyse and mark the IELTS Writing exam, ensuring uniform and high-quality results worldwide. Writing exams are marked by two or more examiners to ensure accuracy and fairness. Your Writing exam response is evaluated based on ‘task response,’ ‘coherence and cohesion,’ ‘lexical resource,’ and ‘grammatical range and correctness.’

5+ Most Common IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics 2024

Here are the most common topics for IELTS Writing Task 2 in 2024. Students attempting the IELTS Writing Task 2 are required to come up with solid written answers that are not only well-articulated but also coherent and comprehensible. Having a certain familiarity with such topics can help you come up with better responses in your IELTS writing task 2. Have a look.

  • Food
  • Activities
  • Business
  • Work
  • Employment
  • Environment
  • Job
  • Language

IELTS Academic Writing Pattern

Opted by the candidates who want to seek quality education from a university in English-speaking countries, the Academic version of IELTS has to be completed in 60 minutes in which, the applicants have to solve 2 questions. Mentioned below are the types of IELTS writing tasks which you will come across.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

In the first task, candidates will be evaluated based on a picture description test where information given in the form of a picture has to be deduced. Commonly, the pictures included in this IELTS Writing task are graphs, pie charts, tables, or infographics. The maximum word limit of this question would be 150 words. It is advised to wrap up this question in 15-20 minutes.

IELTS Writing Task 1 topics

  • The chart given below represents the percentage of people, in the 1990-2010 age bracket, donating money to charity. Deduce the information given below in your words making comparisons wherever necessary. 
  • The following diagram shows the changes that the St. Mary School has undergone since it’s construction in 1950. Summarise the given picture and represent a comparison if required. 

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2

The IELTS Writing Task 2 will be an essay writing on a given topic. It will be based on an academic setup or could be generic in nature. Aspirants will have to draft at least 250 words and should aim to complete this task in 35-40 minutes. 

IELTS Writing Task 2 topics

  • Some people prefer to work for a single organization, while others believe in working for a variety of institutions. Highlight both views and present your opinions on the same. Include some examples in support of your answer.
  • Over the past thirty years, car ownership has increased at such a great rate that some nations now observe huge traffic jams. According to you, what are the measures that the government should adopt to stop people from buying or using more cars? Represent your views using suitable examples. 

Here are the most common topics for IELTS writing task 2. Have a look.

  • Art 
  • Education 
  • Environment
  • Friends and family 
  • Government and society 
  • Health 
  • Jobs and Employment 
  • Relationships 
  • Science and technology 
  • Sport 
  • Travel and tourism 
  • TV, music and media 

IELTS General Training Writing Section

The ones who have been either hired by an organisation overseas or are willing to immigrate to some other country opt for this variant of the test. In this component, there will be 2 IELTS Writing tasks that have to be solved in 60 minutes. Lets us have a look at the types of questions. 

IELTS General Writing Task 1

An argument in the form of a question will be given based on a situation and the candidates will have to deliver a response for it by either writing a formal, informal, or semi-formal letter. The word limit for this question is 150 words. Applicants must follow the prescribed format of letter writing.

Sample Questions

  • The central hospital of your city has organised a health check-up camp wherein it has requested the common people to volunteer. You are willing to go for the event to serve the community. Write a letter to the hospital about the same.  
  • You were a part of the social service community in your area and actively participated in many activities. However, due to some reasons, you are unable to contribute now. Write a letter to your manager for the same. 

IELTS General Writing Task 2

The second part of the IELTS writing task will be an essay question based on a given point of view, argument, or general topic. Topics related to everyday situations will be given and aspirants have to write a response for it in 250 words. 

Sample Questions

  • Some people believe that school students should be given homework daily while others say that children should be given quality time at home. Present your views on the same with some examples. 
  • Some parents believe that giving homework in the form of presentations/posters aid in creative thinking, while others prefer theory based tasks. Present your views on the same citing some examples. 
  • It is said that people should get married before 30 because it is good for the community and the individual. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

IELTS Academic Writing vs IELTS General Writing

Refer to the following data to get an understanding of the major differences between IELTS academic writing and IELTS general writing. Here, have a look.

IELTS Academic Writing IELTS General Writing
Question in task 1Includes visual information like graphs or diagrams Task 1 includes letter writing
20 Minutes  20 minutes for IELTS General writing task 1
View or argument or problem type of question Essay based on an issue of general interest

5+ IELTS Preparation Books to Purchase in 2024

Individuals preparing for the IELTS Exam, especially the writing section, can refer to the following table to go through the list of the best IELTS preparation books.  

Name of the BookAuthor/PublisherPricePurchase Link
The Official Cambridge Guide To Ielts Student’s Book With AnswersPauline CullenINR 594Click Here To Buy
R*barron’s Ielts Practice ExamsLin Lougheed INR 448Click Here To Buy
IELTS Graphs from the past examKiranpreet Kaur MakkarINR 287Click Here To Buy
Cambridge IELTS Academic 16 Student’s Book [paperback] CambridgeCareer Zone INR 130Click Here To Buy
Word Power Made Easy Including Latest Word List Norman LewisINR 149Click Here To Buy
IELTS WRITING ACADEMIC 2023Karamveer SinghINR 299Click Here To Buy
Cambridge IELTS 18 academic with authentic papersCambridge PressINR 234Click Here To Buy

So that was all about IELTS writing. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic.

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What is IELTS Writing Task 1?

In Task 1, you are asked to answer a given problem with a letter requesting information or explaining a situation. About 20 minutes is spent on Task 1, which requires candidates to write at least 150 words.

How long is IELTS Writing Task 1?

IELTS Writing Task 1 is 20-minutes long.

How many questions are there in IELTS General Writing?

IELTS General Writing has 2 questions.

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