How to Score Good Marks in Exams?

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How to Score Good Marks in Exam

While preparing for exams, every student hopes of scoring good marks. During this crucial time, students often look for ways to effectively spend their time studying and learning. But, it’s not always easy to find the correct answer to “how to score good marks in exam”. There are some tips and tricks that can help students in studying effectively and in scoring good marks in the exam, here is an article which will provide you with those tips and tricks.

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Best Study Strategies to Score Good Marks in Exams

In order to score good marks in any exam, it is important to know about the best study strategies you can utilise to memorize or learn new topics, revise the older ones while also maintaining a good pace in your preparations. Here are the best study strategies to guide you towards a higher score:

  • Curate a preparation schedule beforehand by listing down the subjects you need to cover for every exam and the sub-topics you need to start with. While planning the study schedule, make subject combinations of an easier with one difficult discipline and this way you will be able to efficiently cover different topics in a day.
  • Don’t cram answers but find innovative ways to learn a concept. There are many tricks to learn any topic without mugging it up and you should always try finding interest in whichever subject you are studying. Look up video tutorials and use flashcards or memorization techniques like mnemonics, mind palace and visualization to grasp the essential core of a subject and you will surely score good marks in exams.
  • Practice, Practice & Practice: The success mantra for a higher score is taking as many mock tests and practice tests consistently. You can find sample papers online or ask your teachers to give previous year question papers and spend at least a week or few days before exam practising different question papers with a timer.
  • Don’t forget about your health while studying for an exam. While it is important to invest extensive hours to score good marks in exams, it is also crucial to eat healthy food and get fresh air every day. Exercise once in every two or three days for at least 30 minutes or go for a run in the morning to freshen up your mind. Physical activities can significantly help you accentuate your learning process and will also keep you refreshed and motivated.
  • Make your own notes as it will help you remember concepts in a better way. Did you ever wonder that the student you take your class notes from always scores higher in the exam? It’s because writing things down assists your brain remember them for longer. So, prepare your own study notes and at least a month before the exam which will increase your chances of scoring better.

15 Effective Ways on Score Good Marks in Exams

Students do not have to go beyond their scope of hard work. Whether you are gearing up for competitive exams or school, college and board exams, following a routine and adding habits like planning, organizing, timing, etc. can help you achieve your goals. Here are 15 effective ways on how to score good marks in the exam that every student must follow:

Effective Time Management

You have probably heard this “if you don’t value time, time won’t value you”. This is one of the most important things that you should take care of, start by maintaining a time-table for a steady and healthy study pattern. Make a chart of your daily routine, adjust your study timings accordingly. Try and put little breaks in between that give your mind rest so that you can start fresh. It is a top strategy to score good marks in exams and by scheduling your daily routine incorporating studies in an interval of 3-4 hours, you can effectively create a balanced study plan.

Create a Study Plan

Whether you are gearing up for board exams or competitive exams, having a meticulously designed study plan is an imperative way to ensure that you score good marks in exams. Make a study plan by dividing subjects (if you are preparing for a school/college exam) or sections (for competitive exams) that you will be covering on different days as well as put some time away for revision at the beginning of your day to go through what you learned the day before. This way, you will know beforehand what you will be studying the next day, and sticking by a study plan will save you plentiful time for strategizing every day and every section or subject’s preparation.

Follow a Proper Diet

Healthy Diet

Having healthy food, water, and juices can help provide high energy and protein which allows the brain to work fast and also in memorizing what you studied. Make sure to increase your intake of fruits as well as green vegetables while also making sure that you are getting proteins and healthy fats. Also, our body constitutes 70% water and that’s why it becomes to keep yourself hydrated by regularly drinking water. Take a good amount of protein in your diet which will help you focus on your studies and will make you physically strong. 

Important: Minimize your caffeine (tea, coffee, and sodas) intake and substitute them with healthy fruit juices, shakes, smoothies, and lots of water.

Challenge Yourself

One of the most important aspects of scoring good marks in exams is to track yourself and keep growing. Set targets for yourself. Start by setting daily targets of completing tasks including revision and preparation, then move onto increasing a little by adding more study time and more syllabus. This exercise will help you cover a lot of your syllabus along with improvement in your study pattern.

Yoga & Meditation


Yoga is an extremely useful technique to boost your concentration as well as stay healthy while gearing up for an exam. If you don’t exercise regularly, try learning a few yoga asanas that can accentuate your well-being while also keeping exam stress in check. Further, meditation can also help you focus on your studies. Doing meditation for 30 minutes a day can help you increase your memory by 20%. For students who have a serious problem with concentration and sitting for long hours, meditation can help you focus your mind. To begin with, sit down in a cross-legged position for 5 minutes during your study breaks and try to focus on your breathing.

Important: Yoga exercises such as forward bends, downward dog, Surya namaskar (sun salutations) and kapalbhati asanas are extremely helpful in alleviating exam stress and increasing concentration.

Maintain Your Body Clock

While preparing for the exams, students tend to go through a lot of stress and anxiety. Constant study pressure is not good and that’s why it is important to give rest to your body. Students should take a nap or breaks between long study times. If you’re studying for 2-3 hours, try and take a break of 15 minutes which will relax your mind and also help you store what you learned and thus score good marks in your exams. Also, regularize your sleep schedule by getting a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep at night which will further accentuate your focus on studies.

Practice Sample Papers & Mock Tests

While studying for any exam, the best way to test what you have learned is through previous year sample papers as well as mock tests. These tests are specially designed to help students gear up for the exam day by evaluating beforehand if they can efficiently give a mock exam in a given time. In order to score good marks in exams, the ideal time to practice sample and mock tests is just a few days before the final showdown, when you are done with the syllabus of each subject or section. Set your timer, take a sample paper and give the test as you would do on the d-day. This way, you will also get to know which sections are time-consuming for you and where you can save your time.

Must Read: How to Concentrate on Studies the Right Way?

Locate Your Weak Points

This is one of the most important aspects to consider while preparing for exams. You should make a note of your weak concepts and work on them along with the rest of the subjects. For example, if you’re weak in Maths, it might scare you and you will try to avoid it as much as you can, but make a habit of including the tough subjects in your study plan so that you don’t feel the burden towards the end. Further, once you know which concepts you need to strengthen, ask your friends to help or seek guidance from teachers regarding the same,

Understand Concepts Rather Than Mugging Up

There are lots of students who use tricks to memorize but don’t ever rote memorize especially for subjects like Maths and Physics. Having clear concepts helps you memorize better. Always get your doubts cleared so that your core concepts and fundamentals of the subject are crystal. Try understanding every topic rather than mugging stuff and for that, you can use visualization and storytelling as well as other techniques.

Check Out: How to Increase Concentration?

Find The Scoring Sections

In every exam, there is at least one section and even multiple ones where one can easily score marks with minimal effort. Generally, there are one or two-mark sections in exams that you can locate and train yourself to ace within lesser time. Whether you are prepping for competitive exams or school or college tests, find these scoring sections and ready yourself to crack them easily.

Create Your Own Study Notes

Create Your Own Study Notes to Score Good Marks in Exams

Preparation is done best when you have your notes prepared in your own language. Don’t just rush through chapters, write the detailed information that is provided in the textbooks. Read a point and then re-write it in your own words. This can greatly help in your revision and understanding of topics. For each individual subject, try and maintain a separate notebook. When writing your own notes, highlight important topics. Don’t try to just simply copy everything that is written in the textbook, instead, go through the topic, then write key points of the same in your own words. For detailed topics, try creating sub-sections of the same. Draw graphs and flow charts wherever necessary. When prepared in such a manner, study notes can prove out to be extremely useful.

Important: Try using colours and highlighters in your study notes which will make learning an engaging and fun process!

Opt for Group Study

Studying in groups can be another engaging method to score good marks in exams. So, when you feel like that you have been studying all by yourself limited in the four walls of your room, invite some friends for a group study session. Revise concepts and help each other understand different concepts which will also help you boost morale and motivation during the stressful days of exams.

Teach Others What You Have Learned

Teach Others

It is quite a well-tested technique that you can gain clarity about a topic by teaching it to someone. This is where group studying plays a central role as it can help you strengthen each other’s concepts and knowledge. During a group study session, divide concepts between each other and take turns teaching them to someone else. This will surely assist you in accentuating your knowledge and thus scoring good marks in exams.

Minimize your Smartphone Usage

It is easy to get distracted by the different applications on your smartphones and that’s why it is imperative to set a minimal time to use your mobile while prepping for exams. Also, students spend a lot of time on social media and it becomes difficult to focus on studies. Try and stay away from your mobile as much as you can and spend extensive hours on your mobile phone weeks before exams.

Revise Consistently

Until you reach the final day of the showdown, make sure that you revise those concepts that you are learning and understanding every day. At the end of every day of your studying, try taking out 10 minutes to read through the stuff you completed that day. And before the exam day, try putting in a few days for just revision and practicing question papers. This way, you will be able to train yourself for D-day and will surely get good scores on the exam.

Don’t Neglect English

Don’t underestimate the power of increasing your percentage with English scores. Yes, we understand that subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, accounts, and maths are important and require more time for practice, revision, and learning but don’t neglect English. English is a highly scoring subject, students can score above 85 with daily revision even just for an hour 3 days a week. 

Break from Social Media

A break from social media a few months before is not a bad idea. You will have less distraction if you avoiding the use of social media. Without realizing a 5-minute scrolling turns into a one-hour Instagram reel session. You don’t have to delete social media accounts because for notes sharing WhatsApp comes in handy. You can limit your social media time. You can also turn your phone off or on silent mode while you are studying. You can replace your social media time with some useful and calming activities that will relax your mind.

IAS topper Shruti deshmukh how to avoid social media to become ias
Credits : Aakanksha Dubey Mishra

Take a Break from Books

While boards and competitive exam demands rigorous revision and studies, it is important to take a break in between few hours. Your mind and body need rest too. If you study without any breaks there will be constant pressure and stress on your mind and body, after few hours even if you have your books and notes open you won’t be able to learn or concentrate. Take 20 minutes to break after every 2 hours is a necessity. You can meditate or go for a walk in those 20 minutes to feel refreshed.

Don’t Be Overconfident

Confidence is great but overconfidence is self-destructive. You might be super sure about some topics because they were easy to learn or maybe they are your strong sections. It is essential to revise your strong area of expertise frequently so that they are easy to recall in exams. Don’t avoid any topics, proper and regular revision is key to ace exams.

Learn with Pictures

When you look at any billboard or poster. What’s the first thing you notice images or texts? An image attracts our mind more and easy to remember compared to the theory. Learning concepts with the help of flow charts and diagrams makes it easier to understand and learn better. Flow charts and diagrams will also help in quick revision before exams. 

Build your Space

You must have a separate room or space where you can study without any distraction it can be anything your study room, balconies, terrace, or even library. Study someplace quietly and keep it organized. Keep important things such as notes, stationery handy. Arrange your books and study materials neatly this will avoid any misplacement of notes and resources.

How to Create an Organized, Productive Study Space
Credits : Thomas Frank

Students need not strain themselves to study hard for scoring good marks in exams but adding a few good habits and adjustments can help in studying better.

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1- Do toppers also get low marks?

Yes, toppers can also get low marks in examination.

2- What is the secret of topper?

Toppers have certain habits that make them get good grades. Some of those habits are:- hard work, dedication, consistency, practice and revision, positive attitude, etc.

3- What is the best time to study?

The best time study is in the morning when the mind is fresh, it becomes easy to understand topics.

We hope that this article has provided you with useful tips and effective strategies on how to score good marks in the exam. We understand that the process of preparing for the exams can be so stressful and can give way to doubts. With the help of the experts at Leverage Edu, you can map out a career path that will take into account your strengths so that nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

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