How to Prepare for SAT Online?

7 minute read
How to Prepare for SAT Online

For those planning to pursue undergraduate programmes abroad, the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a widely accepted standardized test that they must take. It is generally opted by 11th and 12th-grade students who are aiming to study a bachelor’s degree at an international academic institution. SAT scores are accepted across numerous countries across the globe like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, to name a few. If you are gearing up for this exam, it is important to go through the SAT Syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly along with gathering the preparation essentials. This blog brings you an exclusive guide on how to prepare for SAT online, from the major online learning platforms to the best preparation materials with which you can successfully ace this exam!

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SAT Exam Highlights

Before we start discussing the question of how to prepare for SAT online, it is important to have a holistic understanding of the salient aspects of this exam:

Exam NameSAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
Administered byEducational Testing Service (ETS)
Conducted byThe College Board
Score Range400-1600
ModePaper-pencil Test
Duration3 hours 
Sections Reading, Writing and Language, Mathematics (Essay: Discontinued)

Also Read: SAT Exam Pattern

Passing The SAT exam

You can pass the SAT if you get a high score which is good enough to get you an admission in any college or university. There is no specific high score for SAT, it entirely depends on the college or university and their prerequisites. However, 1600 is considered a very score in SAT. The section on the essay has now been discontinued by the College Board in order to reduce the stress on students. To have most university/ college options available, it is best to score closest to the highest marks. 

While the average score of the SAT exam is 1060, you must make sure that you score somewhere in between 1060 and 1600. Another important strategy which you must have to pass the SAT is by practising enough and tackling the difficult part first. 

Top Online SAT Preparation Platforms

If you are looking for the best study guides on how to prepare for SAT online, then it’s important to go through the major online learning platforms that you can utilise for your preparation. Take a look at the top online platforms for SAT study material and preparation guides:

The College Board

As the conducting authority of the exam, the College Board offers a plethora of study material and tips on how to prepare for SAT online. There are an array of mock tests and video tutorials on SAT preparation that you can utilise. Further, taking up the official SAT practice sessions, you can evaluate your grasp on different concepts under the varied sections of the exam. The practise tests available in both the Microsoft Word and MP3 Audio Format. Along with the full-length practise tests, there are many personalised learning tools that you can access. These interactive tools provide a plethora of practice questions, videos, lessons, and test-taking tips and strategies.

Leverage Live

For those aiming to achieve a 1400+ SAT score, Leverage Live is the best preparation platform you must consider to prepare for SAT online. Offering online live classes, personalised attention as well as online doubt clearance, you can prepare for the SAT exam at home while learning from the industry-best and certified faculty in the world. Some of the prominent features of the online preparation courses offered by Leverage Live are as follows:

  • 45+ hours of live online coaching
  • 200+ practice questions & tips
  • 10 Mock Tests
  • 5 hours of a doubt clearing session
  • Convenient batch timings and personalised attention

The Princeton Review–SAT Prep

The Princeton Review for SAT prep is another prolific online resource platform you can utilise for your online preparations. It is one of the prominent learning platforms that you must consider while exploring the question of how to prepare for SAT online. Founded in the year 1981, the online resource offers comprehensive test preparation, books, tips, video tutorials, practice tools, strategies, amongst others.

SAT Preparation & Study Guides 2022

Here is a list of top study guides that you can utilise to prepare for SAT online:

Name AuthorLink
The Official SAT Study Guide edition​The College BoardBuy here
Barron’s SAT, 29th Edition
with Bonus Online Tests
​Barron’sBuy here
SAT Prep Black Book: The Most
Effective SAT Strategies Ever Published
​Mike BarrettBuy here
The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar WorkbookErica L. MeltzerBuy here
500+ Practice Questions for the New SAT​PrincetonBuy here
McGraw-Hill Education SAT​Christopher BlackBuy here
Gruber’s Complete New SAT Guide​Gary GruberBuy here
Reading and Writing Workout for the SATThe Princeton ReviewBuy here
The College Panda’s SAT MathNielson PhuBuy here
The Ultimate Guide to SAT GrammarErica L. MeltzerBuy here

Also Read: SAT Eligibility Criteria

Best Ways To Prepare For SAT

Mentioned below are some of the best ways and methods to prepare for the SAT. You can have a look here:

  • Get Familiar With The Pattern Of SAT

It is best to be familiar with the structure of the SAT. It is in total made of 1600 points. There are 800 points for the Maths section, 800 points for Writing and Evidence-Based Reading. The lowest score is 400 points. 

  • Learn Mental Maths

Out of the two maths sections, one of them will not allow you to use the calculator. But it should not be a cause of concern if you have brushed up your mental maths. Practising repeatedly and solving problems in your mind rather than by using a calculator will help you attempt this section easily and without needing a calculator. 

  • Read Nonfiction

The SAT has a heavy reading section. You have to finish one passage after the other within the time limit of one hour. Though the questions are easy and straightforward, the reading part can be tedious. By reading nonfiction while preparing for SAT, you will give your brain the ability to go through passages quickly and also 4 out of the 5 passages are nonfiction. 

  • Attempt Mixed Practice Tests

Do not allocate one day for each subject when you are practising and revising for the SAT. You can switch from section to section by attempting practice tests. Such tests are good in giving you a preview on what will happen on the actual test day and how you should attempt the entire paper. 

  • Revise Quickly During Your Breaks

We all know that you do need to take breaks between your study period. But its best to use free time by: 

  1. Reading chapters from a SAT study guide
  2. Revising your vocabulary for the exam
  3. Practice mental maths
  4. Take tips from friends and family who qualified the SAT.
  • Work On Your Weak Points

While preparing for the SAT, you will realise that you are good at some subjects while some subjects are difficult for you. It best to identify your weaknesses and work on them. Take diagnostic tests to see which areas are your weak points.

  • Don Not Mug!

Mugging up is always a bad idea, that too without understanding what you are learning. Mugging might seem easy in the beginning but without understanding, you will not retain that information for too long. A better idea than mugging or cramming would be revising every few days so that you remember what you have learnt. 

  • Revise Your Grammar

The verbal section in the SAT test is mostly made up of grammar. Grammar is easy to learn and understand and it is advisable to practice grammar regularly. 

  • Set A Score Goal

Once you have an idea of what the exam is all about, you must set a score goal and work towards scoring it. You must set a score goal which you can accomplish easily. Do not be hard on yourself and practice. A 100 point improvement in your baseline in a month should achievable. 

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What is the best online SAT prep course?

There are several online SAT prep courses that you can choose from. The College Board offers various study guides and preparation material for SAT aspirants. You can also sign up for online classes at Leverage Edu where you can avail expert guidance for your SAT preparation along with best study guides and materials. 

How can I prepare for SAT at home?

For those planning to prepare for SAT at home, you can utilise the online study resources available at different platforms such as the College Board, Princeton Review, Leverage Edu, amongst others. Also, make a study plan and schedule for your SAT preparation, target each section individually, practice sample tests extensively and use online prep materials to prepare for your SAT exam.

How long does it take to prepare for SAT?

Generally, it will take two months to prepare for SAT for which if you are putting 39 hours of study time. However, it varies depending on the individual and their preparation strategy to calculate how long it will take to prepare for SAT.

Top Read: SAT Exam in India

Hence, we hope that this blog has helped you gain a comprehensive understanding on how to prepare for SAT online. Book an online demo session with our Leverage Edu experts and let us guide you through your preparation journey with the best online classes and study materials to attain a higher SAT score and get into your dream university abroad! Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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