
A Speech on How to Eradicate Poverty

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A Speech on How to Eradicate Poverty

The United Nations General Assembly declared 17 October as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty to mark the adoption of resolution 47/196. The roots of this day trace back to 17 October 1987. On that day, hundreds and thousands of people gathered at the  Trocadéro in Paris where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948. The day is observed to honour the victims of extreme poverty, violence, and hunger. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. And the theme of 2022 is “Dignity For All in Practice.” To read about how to eradicate poverty speeches, keep reading!

Speech in 150 Words

Good morning, everyone. I am XYZ, and today I stand before you to enlighten you all on the topic “How to Eradicate Poverty.”

“Dignity for all in practice” implies that the rights of every individual belonging to any social status and category must be respected. We, as fellow human beings, should come together in support of the people who suffer from poverty and, along with that, have to face other complex societal issues, including dangerous work conditions, unsafe housing, lack of nutritious food, unequal access to justice, lack of political power, and limited access to health care.

It is our social responsibility to make amends for a better society and empower people to become independent. We must treat all individuals as equals and respect them and their dignity. By addressing our privileges and making efforts for a vision that is valued in the future then only we can make truly begin to overcome such social evils. Sensitivity is one of the most human traits that we all possess but sadly its impression is getting reduced. I say we must value the emotions associated with human nature and tread stronger to become better versions of ourselves for the greater good. 

Speech in 250 Words

Good morning to one and all. Today, I XYZ stand before you to present my views on “How to Eradicate Poverty.”

The poverty rate is on the rise in India as well as the world. Approximately 85% of the world’s population lives on less than $30, or INR 3,000 per day. This restricts their ability to afford a healthy lifestyle and basic healthcare facilities Such situations lead them to be disrespected by the general public and subject them to social exclusion, discrimination, and disempowerment. To step up to resolve this global concern, the United Nations declared October 17 as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. With this initiative, many individuals and organisations should realise their social responsibility toward marginalised people and should support them. Although it will be a cumbersome task to completely eradicate poverty, we can at least begin taking small steps towards the same.

Poverty can be controlled by improving the food security system for them and allowing them access to education so that they can understand their fundamental rights. Many campaigns should be put into action to spread awareness about poverty and measures to be taken to reduce it. The government should improve its existing policies regarding subsidies for poor people. Non-governmental organizations should also have social services camps for them. They can also raise funds through various social events to provide monetary assistance.

These measures need to be executed on a global scale, which will require rigorous planning, research, and initiative by a large number of people. Thus, people should collectively make efforts to better the situation and develop a sustainable plan to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

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Speech In 300 Words 

Greetings of the Day I am XYZ, and today I stand before you to enlighten you all on the topic “How to Eradicate Poverty.”

Let me begin by simulating some self-reflection. Can you imagine living without a roof over your head, not being able to afford your basic bread and butter, and not having access to basic amenities or your basic human rights? It is difficult to even imagine these gruesome words, yet they are the reality for millions of people. To be more precise, around 1.3 billion people in the world still live in multidimensional poverty, with children and people of a young age making up almost half of it. 

Many critically important concerns have risen. Unequal opportunities and income levels are responsible for creating a gap between the rich and the poor in the world. The pandemic rubbed these realities even harder, exposing poverty-stricken people to inhumane actions. These tough times hold the mirror of self-awareness for all of us and evoke the commitment to stand together to address the dignity and respect that each individual deserves. And many initiatives should be taken on a social level, like improving access to sustainable livelihoods, creating equal opportunities for everyone, access to education, and providing universal access to basic social services for people. 

To globally address these concerns the United Nations General Assembly observed 17 October as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This day is observed by recognizing the effort and daily struggle of people living in poverty and providing an opportunity for them to make their needs and concerns known to the general public. Poverty is a global issue that requires global attention to be resolved. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty raises awareness of these issues and reminds us that the social and environmental causes of poverty can be addressed.

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