
Harvey Fellowship: The best Guide to Application and Benefits

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Harvey Fellowship

Studying the course of your choice abroad opens the door to a number of career options but it also comes at the cost of a huge sum of money. Owing to this, a lot of bright talent is forced to settle for the less. However, with the introduction of certain fellowships, students have better options now. Receiving a fellowship is a matter of more than just receiving monetary rewards and funding. The Harvey Fellowship is a program that provides scholarships to eligible Christian students who are enrolled in their graduate degrees at premium universities in fields that are known to be underrepresented by Christian students and those who have a distinct vision to create an impact on society through their careers. A well-rounded fellowship considers your overall holistic development. If you’re a Christian student, interested in making your dream career abroad, this blog will help you understand the Harvey Fellowship in detail.

Offered ByMustard Seed Foundation
Started in1992
Course LevelMasters
No. of Fellowships AwardedVariable
Selection CriteriaAcademic Merit

What is the Harvey Fellowship?

The Harvey Fellowship is a program that provides scholarships to eligible Christian students who are enrolled in their graduate degrees at premium universities in fields that are known to be underrepresented by Christian students and those who have a distinct vision to create an impact on society through their careers. The mission statement of this fellowship is:

1. To identify and mark Christian graduate students who possess exceptional leadership and academic abilities, and validate these abilities as gifts from God, worthy of cultivation.

2. To equip them with the financial resources necessary to undertake advanced study at premier graduate institutions in preparation for vocations that are culturally influential, and where there is little Christian presence.

3. To encourage Harvey Fellows to lead integrated lives, addressing important societal issues from within the framework of a Christ-centered worldview, by offering a forum for the exchange of ideas on the integration of faith, learning, and vocation, and encouraging the development of a network of talented Christians who are leaders in numerous occupational areas.

Important Dates for the Harvey Fellowship program

The application window starts on the 1st of August each year and the completed application should be submitted before November 1 in order to obtain the Harvey Fellowship.

Benefits/ Awards/ Stipend under Harvey Fellowship

Harvey Fellowship offers $16,000 (INR 12.2 lakhs) as the initial stipend and it can be renewed for up to a period of two years. This funding is usually offered for a period of two years in the case of master’s courses and for a period of three years in the case of a doctoral degree or law courses

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Courses Under Harvey Fellowship

Business, finance, teaching, economics, research, media and journalism, administration, international diplomacy, public and federal policy, security, theoretical and applied sciences, visual and performing arts, film production, and more.  Fields such as Christian education, homemaking, farming, religious/church work, civil service, elementary/secondary education, military service, clinical psychology/counselling, medicine, social work,  professional sports, and other related fields fall under the non-priority vocational categories for the foundation providing Harvey Fellowship program. 

Eligibility Criteria for Harvey Scholarship

Following are the points of eligibility to apply for Harvey Fellowship program: 

  • The applicant should have faith and belief in Jesus Christ, with a strong wish to bear witness and serve society in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • The applicant should provide an affirmation of either the Lausanne Covenant or provide a statement that states the differences in theological knowledge. 
  • Proof of involvement in the local church and the community is a bonus point viewed favourably by the scholarship foundation. 
  • The applicant should be in a full-time graduate course. If you are in a UG course, part-time, non-degree, or post-doctorate program, you are not eligible to apply. 
  • The applicant should apply to a reputed or globally recognized institution, most preferably to the top 5 institutions in the particular subject. 
  • The Applicant should prove that his/her choice of professional career will have a major impact on society which is currently being underrepresented by Christians so far. 
  • Some of the well-thought-out fields are business, finance, teaching, economics, research, media and journalism, administration, international diplomacy, public and federal policy,  security, theoretical and applied sciences, visual and performing arts, film production, and more. 
  • Fields such as Christian education, homemaking, farming, religious/church work, civil service, elementary/secondary education, military service, clinical psychology/counselling, medicine, social work,  professional sports, and other related fields fall under the non-priority vocational categories for the foundation providing Harvey Fellowship program. 

How to Apply for the Harvey Fellowship?

The application process for the Harvey Fellowship program includes creating and merging all the PDF files, as well as the facilitation of the receipt of all letters of recommendation. The application should then be completed and submitted before November 1 each year.

Documents Required

Here is the complete list of documents that are required to apply for the Harvey Fellowship:

1. Your contact details

2. Updated CV/Resume

3. Statement of the Vocational Goals and purpose

4. Lausanne Covenant Affirmation

5. 5 written essays (each having a maximum of 400 words)- including Personal Faith Statement, Leadership, Impact, Degree Program, Vocational Goals, and Other (related to any other optional information that you wish to share with the foundation)

6. Complete information about the degree program or school you are enrolled in

7. All the Letters of recommendation from your academic advisor, local church, spiritual recommender, and professional/academic area. 

8. Test scores like GMAT, GRE, LSAT, and other standardized examinations 

9. Official Undergraduate and Postgraduate transcripts

10. Any work sample that you possess (presentations, research excerpts or paper, published work, recital, research proposal, artwork, or more). You need to submit a maximum of 25 pages in the form of written work. 

This was all the required information regarding the Harvey fellowship program. If you have made your plans to pursue your higher education abroad but you are not sure about the fellowships available in that country, then the experts at Leverage Edu will help you explore the available fellowships. You can also get all your career-related queries answered within a few minutes by booking a 30 minutes free career counseling session with our mentors.

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