
How to Tackle GMAT Exam Anxiety?

5 minute read

Anxiety is the demon most of us fight before every red-letter day. It reaches new heights when the date of that competitive exam which you have been preparing for comes closer. Before appearing for a prominent exam such as GMAT, feeling anxious is quite normal as long as you don’t go overboard and take it out on the question paper. Not knowing how to handle your exam anxiety can adversely affect your GMAT scores thus tampering with your career aspirations. To victoriously qualify the test, it is mandatory to gear up not only for the exam syllabus but also combating your anxiety. If you are appearing for the GMAT 2021, here is a detailed blog aiming to provide you with some helpful tips to beat exam anxiety on the d-day.

Must Read: Sample Questions for GMAT 2021

Signs of GMAT Exam Anxiety

Before tackling the problem of anxiety, you must identify the signs first. Check out the points below to know more!


You might have prepared for the exam to the best of your ability but GMAT exam anxiety might make you believe that you haven’t prepared even a bit, doubting your own self and your ability to succeed.

Despair About the Future

As soon as GMAT exam anxiety sweeps in, the despair about the future also does. The person starts questioning their future; regarding it bleak and hopeless. (Remember: This is not the case)

Physical Symptoms

Sweating, frequent stomach aches, and headaches are some physical symptoms that you might experience due to GMAT exam anxiety.

Types of GMAT Exam Anxiety

The following are some of the main types of GMAT exam anxiety:

  • Time-induced anxiety: Religiously checking the time.
  • Situational anxiety
  • Career anxiety
  • Timeline anxiety
  • Subject-induced anxiety

6 Tips to Manage GMAT Exam Anxiety

Now how one must manage their signs of anxiety? Read on below!

Be Prepared

The first and foremost thing you need to ensure for any exam that you are well-prepared. You must start preparing as early as possible and plan to put at least two-three months of time to gear up for the vast GMAT syllabus. Devote separate days for each section or else create an integrated study plan to go through all the sections and topics of the exam. Once you have covered the major components of GMAT, practice mock tests and sample papers and learn how to solve them in the allotted time. It is only through proper preparation that you can successfully tackle the test-day anxiety and make it through like a warrior!

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Make Positivity Your Mantra

Positive thinking plays an imperative role for helping you crack any exam successfully. Rather than overflowing your mind with negative thoughts, the what-ifs and whatnots, the best success mantra you can adopt is to stay positive. Through your GMAT preparations, trying to keep your thoughts positive and whenever you feel the negative questions arising, replace them with an optimistic thought. This way, you can strengthen your positive thinking and combining it with being fully prepared, you will victoriously ace the GMAT exam with flying colours!

Related Read: Success Mantra For Competitive Exams

Practice Yoga & Meditation

Preparing for a competitive exam does not indicate that you have to keep yourself in a book all the time. If you believe that surrounding yourself with books will keep you in the study mode, then sorry to burst your bubble, this is not the appropriate approach. You should take timely breaks and give your brain the essential space to retain the knowledge. So, while prepping for the GMAT exam, spend at least 30 minutes every day to exercise or go for a walk. 

Further, practising yoga is another a helpful way to calm your exam anxieties as it will rejuvenate you along with enhancing your concentration. Whenever you feel like that you are collapsing in the loop of overthinking, try focusing on your breath for a few minutes. Also, meditate every day for five minutes and it will surely aid you in soothing in your anxieties regarding the GMAT exam.

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Keep the Essentials Ready

Last moment anxiety chills are the worst when you cannot find the admit card before leaving your place for the final showdown. To avoid such end moment hassles, it is advised to prepare the essentials a day before the final GMAT exam. First, you must list down all the necessary things which you will need on the exam day. Do not forget to keep your admit card along with a valid ID proof. Through these simple practices, you will wake up with a relaxed mind and find yourself ready to ace the exam.

Know All About How to Prepare for Competitive Exams!

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Take Healthy Meals

You must have heard your parents comment on how oily junk food can make you lethargic. Well, they are completely right. During your GMAT preparations, make sure to follow a healthy diet filled with leafy greens and fruits. If your body feels fit from the inside, you will definitely witness the positive results. Especially, on the morning of the GMAT exam, grab a healthy breakfast. Maintaining a healthier body will lead to the reduction of nervousness and anxiety. Do not forget to keep some quick snacks in your bag along with a water bottle which you will need during the exam.

Be Confident

To deal with all your anxious thoughts, you must remind yourself that you have the flexibility to reattempt the GMAT again if you didn’t get the required score. Also, you can practice a prep-talk in front of a mirror and remind yourself of your strengths. Let go of the social pressure about getting a low score. Even if you do not score well in the first attempt, you can take the GMAT exam multiple times in a year. Leave all your negative thoughts behind and enter the exam hall with a fresh mind.

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How do I get over my fear of the GMAT?

One must devote ample time to prepare for the GMAT examination, as well as choose the right resources to back yourself up to handle the fear of GMAT.

How do you calm down from test anxiety?

Follow some of the anxiety exercises, drink lots of water, and give yourself the chance to feel what you feel to calm down from test anxiety.

Amongst all these preparation and test-day tips to tackle anxiety, it is important to get the expert guidance to efficiently gear up for the GMAT exam. Thus, you must wisely select the source to gain the intricacies of the preparation strategies. A right mentor can equip you with the insights to tackle the exam in a proficient way. So, if you are planning to take the GMAT for the upcoming intakes, reach out to our Leverage Edu experts and avail the benefit of our exclusive interactive online classes, tutorials, and study materials that can equip you with the requisite knowledge to crack your exam with higher scores!

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