
Class 11 Political Science

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Class 11 Political Science

Political Science is an essential part of everyone’s life, irrespective of the continent, country, or state of an individual. Whether one makes a Career in Political Science or not, it impacts all of us to a great extent in our day to day life. However, its importance increases for those who signup for Humanities and has Political Science courses as one of the major subjects in the curriculum. CBSE Class 11 political science book is designed in a comprehensive way that provides understanding to the students on the working of the Indian Constitution. The textbook focuses on how government institutions were shaped in the past and how are they currently functioning. The blog will provide you with a deep understanding of the Political Science syllabus.

Class 11 Political Science Syllabus CBSE 2021- 2022

Tabulated below is the class 11 Political Science syllabus by CBSE-

Units and Chapters  Marks
Part A: Indian Constitution at Work 40 Marks
Chapter 1: Constitution: Why and How, Philosophy of the Constitution, Constitution as a living document
Chapter 2: Rights and Duties in the Indian Constitution
Chapter 3: Election and Representation
Chapter 4: The Executive
Chapter 5: The Legislature
Chapter 6: The Judiciary
Chapter 7: Federalism
Chapter 8: Local Governments
Part B: Political Theory  40 Marks 
Chapter 1: Political Theory: An Introduction
Chapter 2: Freedom
Chapter 3: Equality
Chapter 4: Social Justice
Chapter 5: Rights
Chapter 6: Citizenship
Chapter 7: Nationalism
Chapter 8:Secularism
Chapter 9: Peace
Chapter 10: Development

Political Science Chapters

The curriculum designed for Class 11 Political Science throws light on concepts related to the working of our government and constitution. The course curriculum is divided into 2 parts, students get to learn about the Constitution as well as Political Theory. Given below is the list of chapters in the Class 11 Political Science Syllabus:

Part A: Indian Constitution at work
Units Chapters
1 Constitution: Why and How, Philosophy of the Constitution, Constitution as a living document
2 Rights and Duties in the Indian Constitution
3 Election and Representation
4 The Executive
5 The Legislature
6 The Judiciary
7 Federalism
8 Local Governments
Part B: Political Theory
Units Chapters
9 Political Theory: An Introduction
10 Freedom
11 Equality
12 Justice with special reference to Social Justice
13 Right
14 Citizenship
15 Nationalism
16 Secularism
17 Peace
18 Development

Note: The total weightage of Class 11 Political Science is 100 Marks (Theory 80 + Project Work 20)

Important Chapters in Class 11 Political Science: PART A 

While all the units of the class 11 Political Science are equally important, some chapters are more important in terms of weightage and concepts. Given below is a brief summary of such Political Science chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Constitution: Why and How? In this chapter, you will study the Constitution and how it was made, the Constituent Assembly, Constitution as a Living Document, Procedural achievements and Philosophy of the Constitution, and Basic Structure and Evolution of the Constitution.
  • Chapter 2: Rights and Duties in the Indian Constitution: Under this unit of class 11 Political Science, you will learn about the importance of Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution, Relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles and Directive Principles of State Policy.
  • Chapter 3: Election and Representation: This chapter of Political Science explains about Elections and Democracy, Election System in India, Free and Fair Elections, Reservation of Constituencies and Electoral Reforms.
  • Chapter 4: Executive: Under this unit of class 11 Political Science, you will learn about the Different Types of Executive, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Permanent Executive: Bureaucracy and Parliamentary Executive in India.
  • Chapter 5: Legislature: In the chapter ‘Legislature’, you will study the need, Functions, Power and the 2 houses of Parliament. Furthermore, you will also read about the process of control over Executive, Legislative functions, Self-regulation, and Parliamentary committees.
  • Chapter 6: Judiciary: This unit is related to Why do we need an Independent Judiciary?, Judiciary and Parliament, the structure of the Judiciary, Judiciary and Rights and Judicial Activism.
  • Chapter 7: Federalism: Under this unit of Class 11 Political Science, students study about What is Federalism?,  Federalism in the Indian Constitution, conflicts in India’s federal system, Federalism with a strong Central Government and Special Provisions.
  • Chapter 8: Local Governments: This chapter of Class 11 Political Science, explains about Why do we need Local Governments?, Growth of Local Government in India, 73rd and 74th Amendments and implementation of 73rd and 74th Amendments.

Class 11 Political Science: PART B

Part B of class 11th Political Science elucidates the important concepts pertaining to Political Theory. Political Theory is the study of various facets of government including, but not limited to, rights, equality, freedom, social justice, citizenship, etc while keeping peace and development in mind.

  • Chapter 1: Politial Theory: An Introduction: This section of Class 11 Political Science explains What is Politics?, What do we study in Political Theory?, Why should we study Political Theory?, and Putting Political Theory to practice.
  • Chapter 2: Freedom: Freedom chapter explains about The Ideal of Freedom, What is Freedom?, Harm principle, Why do we need constraints?, and Negative and Positive Liberty.
  • Chapter 3: Equality: Equality unit explains What is Equality?, Various dimensions of Equality, Significance of Equality and How can we promote Equality? in-depth.
  • Chapter 4: Social Justice: Under this unit of Class 11 Political Science explains topics such as What is Justice?, Pursuing Social Justice, Just Distribution, and Justice as fairness.
  • Chapter 5: Rights: This chapter explains to a student about What are Rights?, Legal Rights and the State, Where do Rights come from?, Rights and Responsibilities and Kinds of Rights in depth.
  • Chapter 6: Citizenship: This segment of Class 11 Political Science explains What is citizenship?, Universal Citizenship, Citizen and Nation and Global Citizenship to students.
  • Chapter 7: Nationalism: Nationalism chapter provides detail to students on Nations and Nationalism, Nationalism and Pluralism and National Self-determination in depth.
  • Chapter 8: Secularism: In the chapter ‘Secularism’, students study in brief on What is Secularism?, The Western and the Indian approaches to Secularism, What is Secular State?, and Criticisms and Rationale of Indian Secularism.
  • Chapter 9: Peace: This segment of Class 11 Political Science, students learn about What is Peace?,  Peace and the State, Can violence ever promote peace?, Contemporary challenges to peace and Different Approaches to the pursuit of peace.
  • Chapter 10: Development: This section of Class 11 Political Science describes What is development? Dominant, development Model and alternative conceptions of development.

CBSE Class 11 Political Science Top 20 MCQs with Answers

Q1. The idea of our Preamble is borrowed from the

  1. Canada Constitution
  2. UK Constitution
  3. US Constitution
  4. French Constitution

Answer:  (c) US Constitution 

Q2. The freedom of speech and expression falls under

  1. Article 17
  2. Article 16
  3. Article 18
  4. Article 19

Answer: (d) Article 19 

Q3. The constitution of the country provides the basis for 

  1. Punishment of criminals
  2. Governance of the country
  3. Diplomatic relations with other countries
  4. Relationship with citizens

Answer: (b) Governance of the country 

Q4. The country that follows FPTP electrical system is 

  1. UK
  2. Israel
  3. Netherlands
  4. Argentina

Answer: (a) UK 

Q5. The longest tenure as the Prime Minister of India is enjoyed by

  1. Charan Singh
  2. VP Singh
  3. Lal Bahadur Shastri
  4. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Answer: Jawahar Lal Nehru 

Q6. “Hung House” means 

  1. No party gets elected a majority of seats in the elections
  2. No party get more than 50% votes
  3. A house is hung between the two buildings
  4. House elected without the approval of its citizens

Answer: (a) No party gets elected a majority of seats in the elections 

Q7. The salaries and allowances of the judges are determined by 

  1. Executive
  2. Parliament
  3. President
  4. Judiciary

Answer: (b) Parliament 

Q8. Which of the following Rural Local Government system exists in Haryana?

  1. Two-tier system
  2. One-tier system
  3. Three-tier system
  4. Four-tier system

Answer: Three-tier system

Q9. The Amendment process is given in the article: 

  1. 352
  2. 360
  3. 368
  4. 370

Answer: (c) 368

Q10. Indian federalism has been constitutionally 

  1. Symmetric
  2. Asymmetric
  3. Wide
  4. None of the above

Answer: (d) None of the above

Q11. A new threat to freedom that has emerged in the contemporary world is 

  1. Colonialism
  2. Terrorism
  3. Slavery
  4. Gender discrimination

Answer: (b) Terrorism 

Q12. Aung San Suu Kyi is a 

  1. Feminist Writer
  2. Political Philosopher
  3. Human Rights Lawyer
  4. Political Prisoner

Answer: (d) Political Prisoner 

Q13. Agrarian reforms introduced in India aimed at 

  1. Complete elimination of unequal relations in agriculture
  2. Elimination of property rights for women
  3. Regional disparities
  4. Regulate tribal access to forests

Answer: (a) Complete elimination of unequal relations in agriculture

Q14. Free-market is a product of 

  1. Socialism
  2. Feminism
  3. Neo-liberalism
  4. Patriarchy

Answer: Neo-liberalism 

Q15. Civil rights are given to the individual by 

  1. Nature
  2. God
  3. The state
  4. The people

Answer: (c) State

Q16. Citizenship may be lost under the following condition: 

  1. Marriage
  2. Long Absence
  3. Adoption
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above 

Q17. The German nation was first unified by 

  1. Prussia
  2. European Union
  3. Austria
  4. Russia

Answer: (a) Prussia

Q18. The “Hindutva” is advocated by the 

  1. Congress
  2. CPI
  3. Akali Dal
  4. Bharatiya Janata Party

Answer: (d) Bharatiya Janata Party 

Q19. What is very essential for the progress of humanity?

  1. Terrorism
  2. Cold War
  3. Peace
  4. War

Answer: (c) Peace

Q20. The melting of the Arctic and Antarctica may cause 

  1. Famines
  2. Drought
  3. Earthquake
  4. Floods and Submergence of low lying areas

Answer: (b) Drought 

Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 Political Science

Within the syllabus of Political Science class 11, you may exempt the following topics-

Books  Chapters
Book I: Indian Constitution at Work -Federalism (Completely Deleted)
-Local Governments (These topics are deleted from this unit: Why do we need Local Governments? Growth of Local Government in India.
Book II: Political Theory -Citizenship (Completely Deleted)
-Nationalism (Completely Deleted)
-Secularism (Completely Deleted)

Political Science NCERT Book PDF

For all the students who are starting to pursue or are preparing for class 11th political science exams, it is important to first complete the chapter from the NCERT books and then move on to help books. Thus, to help you with the same, we have attached below the PDFs for books 1 and 2-

Class 11 Political Science 2021 West Bengal Board Syllabus

For the students pursuing class 11 under the West Bengal board, here is the syllabus of Political Science for them-

SNo.  Topic MCQ
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(8 marks)
1 Political Science: The subject and its evolution 8×1 = 8 08
2 State 1 x 2= 2 8×1 = 8 10
3 Nationality, Nation and State 1 x 4= 4 1 x 4= 4 08
4 Fundamental concepts of Modem Politics 1 x 4= 4 1 x 4= 4 08
5 Citizenship 1 x 2= 2 1 x 2= 2 04
6 Constitution 8×1 = 8 08
7 Forms of Government 1 x 2= 2 8×1 = 8 10
8 Fundamental Rights and Duties 1 x 2= 2 8×1 = 8 10
9 Political Party and Pressure Grouos 1 x 6= 6 1 x 2= 2 08
10 Universal Adult Franchise 1 x 4= 4 1 x 2= 2 06
Total 80

Class 11 Political Science Syllabus 2020-21 HBSE

Here is the PDF form which you can download the class 11 Political Science syllabus


How many chapters are there in political science class 11?

Total chapters in class 11 Political Science syllabus are-

Part A: Indian Constitution at Work 
Philosophy of the Constitution
Rights of the Indian Constitution
Election and Representation
Local Governments
Constitution as a Living Document
Part B: Political Theory
Political Theory: An Introduction
Social Justice

Is the syllabus of Class 11 changed?

Every year the syllabus keeps on changing. For the academic session 2020-2021, the syllabus got reduced by 30% in order to support students in difficult times.

Is there any change in the syllabus of class 11 CBSE 2020 21?

Yes, the syllabus has been cut short by 30%.

This was all you need to know about Class 11 Political Science. Making the right correct career choice after completing school is mandatory these days. If you can’t pick up a suitable course, then taking career counselling at Leverage Edu can help you scale your potentials. Take our unique psychometric test and find what suits you the best!

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