
BSc Psychology Syllabus

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BSc Psychology Syllabus

BSc Psychology is a branch of science that deals with the study of the mind, human behaviour, cognition, feelings and emotions. The course curriculum BSc Psychology includes the study of human behaviour stimulated by functions like cerebral processes, goals, attitudes, emotions, dispute resolution, pressure management, motivation and characteristics of the mind. The scope of Psychology includes fields like clinical, developmental and forensic sciences. But is it a well-fit course for you? To find out you must know the subjects and career options in the field. Here is a comprehensive blog that covers the BSc Psychology syllabus, subjects and its career scope.

Course LevelGraduate (UG)
Duration of the Course3-4 years depending upon the university
Examination TypeSemester-Wise
Job PositionsPsychologist, Psychiatric, Motivational speaker, Childcare worker, Career Counselor, Rehab expert etc.

Branches of Psychology

Psychology as a field of study is diverse and encompasses various branches or specialisations within itself. The following table shows the same:

Animal PsychologyMedia PsychologyEducational Psychology
Media PsychologyClinical Psychology Educational Psychology
Criminal PsychologyIndustrial PsychologyCommunity Psychology
Branches of Psychology

To know more about the subdivisions in the field of Psychology,
read our blog on Branches of Psychology!

BSc Psychology Subjects

The BSc Psychology curriculum is a blend of behavioural studies and psychological sciences. The curriculum is designed to impart the study of social behaviour and mental wellness among learners. Here is a list of subjects in the BSc Psychology syllabus: 

  • General Psychology
  • Biological Basis of Behavior
  • Social Psychology
  • Physiological Psychology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Human Development
  • Social Behaviour
  • Elementary Statistics
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Psychological Statistics
  • Psychopathology
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Educational Psychology
  • Psychological Research
  • Computer-Assisted Testing and Field Study
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Human Resource Development
  • Counselling Psychology
  • Psychology and Social Issues
BSc Psychology Syllabus

BSc Psychology Semester-Wise Syllabus

Since the actual course offerings might vary as per the course and university, we have given a rough breakdown of the BSc Psychology Semester-wise syllabus below:

Semester 1

  • Statistical Methods for Psychological Research
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Stress & Well-being
  • Attention and Perception
  • Motivation
  • Emotions
  • Intelligence and Creativity

Semester 2

  • Biopsychology
  • Nature and Methods of Physiological Psychology
  • Memory
  • Psychology of Individual Differences
  • Learning
  • Cognition
  • Endocrine System
  • Nervous System
YouTube – What Lies Beneath

BSc Psychology Semester 3

  • Development of Psychological Thought
  • Psychological Research
  • Social Psychology
  • Experimental and Non-experimental Research
  • Hypothesis
  • Non-parametric and Parametric Statistics
  • Observation, Interview Methods
  • Problem and Variables
  • Application of Measure of Central Tendencies and Variability
  • Quantitative Analysis and Qualitative Analysis

Semester 4

  • Understanding Psychological Disorders
  • Statistical Methods of Psychological Research
  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Emotional and Social Development
  • Social and Cultural Context in Human Development
  • Problems and Issues of Human Development
  • Development Concerns during Adolescence, Early Youth and Adulthood

Semester 5

  • Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders
  • Development Psychology
  • Stages of Life Span Development
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Inter-group Conflict
  • Cultural Psychology
  • Self in Psychoanalysis
  • Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Self and Personality
BSc Psychology Syllabus

BSc Psychology Semester 6

Note: The aforementioned syllabus is for a 3-year BSc Psychology course and can vary as per the course and university.

BSc Psychology Subject-Wise Syllabus

The duration of BSc Psychology can range from 3 to 4 years, as per the universities you pick. Most of these universities follow a semester system. Let us try to understand the BSc Psychology syllabus in detail:

Introduction to PsychologyIntroduction to Psychology
Attention and Perception
Intelligence and Creativity
Stress and Well-Being
States of Consciousness
Environment and BehaviourLearning
Nature and Methods of Physiological Psychology
Nervous System: Structure and Function
Endocrine System
Psychological Approaches to the EnvironmentNature of Psychological Research
Steps in Psychological Research
Problem and Variables
Experimental and Non-experimental Research
Observation, Interview Methods
Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Application of Measure of Central Tendencies and Variability
The Normal Curve
Non-parametric and Parametric Statistics
Social Support and Community PsychologyLife Cycle Approach to Development
Social and Cultural Context in Human Development
Culture and Human Development
Cognitive Development
Emotional and Social Development
Development Concerns
Problems and Issues of Human Development
Parameters of Assessment, Psychological Scaling; Methods of ScalingEnvironment and Behaviour
Psychological Approaches to the Environment
Ecology and Development
Environment Assessment
Environmental Wisdom
Social Support and Community Psychology
Social Ecology and Community Psychology
Community Participation and Social Change
Diversity and Multiculturalism
Nature and Scope of Human Assessment
Parameters of Assessment, Psychological Scaling; Methods of Scaling
Principles of Psychological Test Construction
Types of Psychological Tests
Assessment of Psychopathological Behaviour

Find out the options to pursue Masters in Psychology in Canada!

BSc Psychology DU Syllabus

Here is the BSc Psychology syllabus for Delhi University:

Semester ISemester II
Introduction To Psychology
Statistical Methods For Psychological Research-I
Psychology Of Individual Differences
Semester III Semester IV
Development Of Psychological Thought
Psychological Research
Social Psychology
Understanding Psychological Disorders
Statistical Methods For Psychological Research-II
Applied Social Psychology
Semester VSemester VI
Understanding And Dealing With Psychological Disorders
Developmental Psychology
Organizational Behavior
Counselling Psychology

BSc Psychology Syllabus Books

Here are the best books for BSc Psychology:

Organizational BehaviorNewstrom JW
Theory and Practice of Counselling and PsychotherapyG.Corey
Human Resource ManagementDessler. G
Psychology FoundationB.T. Basavanthappa
Educational PsychologyJ.W.Santrock
Political PsychologyK.N.Sharma

Career Scope 

Now you already know the BSc Psychology syllabus it’s also very important to know the career opportunities associated with this field. BSc Psychology provides you with a plethora of opportunities in both the private and government sector depending on the level of qualification you attain. We have enlisted some of the popular job offerings in BSc psychology, take a look:

  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Developmental Psychologist
  • Career Counsellor
  • Career Employment Specialist
  • Child Care Worker
  • Child Support Specialist
  • Counselling Psychologist
  • Community Relations Officer
  • Day-care Centre Supervisor
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Human Resources Assistant
  • Health Educator
  • Industrial Psychologist
  • Neuropsychologist
  • Psychiatric Technician
  • Public Statistician
  • Psychiatric Assistant
  • Recreation Worker
  • Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Research Psychologist
  • School Psychologist
  • Social Worker
BSc Psychology Syllabus


What are subjects in BSc psychology?

The three-year BSc Psychology curriculum starts with an introduction to psychology and progresses to topics such as cognition, stress and well-being, Development of Psychological Thought, Social Psychology, Understanding Psychological Disorders, Statistical Methods of Psychological Research, Social and Cultural Context, and others.

Is BSc psychology a good career?

In terms of pay, a Bachelor of Science in Psychology is a good specialisation for students with less than a year of experience. Psychology students with less than a year of experience earn roughly Rs. 30,000 per month on average.

Is BSc psychology easy?

Psychology is a demanding degree, and many of your assignments will require you to reference your sources and back up many of your claims.

Hope this blog helped you to acquire all the necessary information related to the Bsc Psychology syllabus. Are you preparing for competitive exams and need professional guidance? Get in touch with experts at Leverage Edu who will solve all your problems and provide you with the best solutions!

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  1. Hey! I’m a Bsc graduate. I have done my bachelor’s in cardiac perfusion technology , would I be able to do Msc in psychology?

    1. Hey Arifa Reddypalli. You can read our blog on ‘BSc Psychology‘ to learn about the best universities for BSC psycohology by country. You can also find the eligibility criteria, application process, course scope, jobs, and salary in the blog. For fruther information connect with the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu.