
IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary 

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IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary

Candidates who are appearing for the IELTS examination must be aware of the details of the examination. There is a standard marking criteria followed in the examination. For the writing task 1 vocabulary, students need to write an essay in response to the given question in the examination. 


The blog entails all the details regarding the IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary. It also includes information regarding the commonly used phrases, idioms, and expressions with a few examples. Interested candidates must go through the article below. 

How to Crack IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary

There are a few guidelines which must be followed by each candidate to get the scores they are aiming for. Students must have all the skills needed to crack the examination at once. 

  • Follow all the grammar rules to ace the examination. 
  • Be aware of the exam pattern followed. 
  • Practise as many test papers as possible. 
  • Watch English news on a daily basis to enhance the vocabulary
  • Must use new words for each sentence and avoid repetition of words. 
  • Inculcate the habit of conversing with friends and family in English. 

Must Read: Vocabulary Test

Factors of Assessment for IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary 

The marking scheme of the IELTS vocabulary test must be known by each individual appearing for the IELTS. The pointers below will help in understanding the marking criteria followed by the IELTS exam authorities. 

Task Achievement 

The candidate’s ability to give an answer to questions asked in the examination will be evaluated in this section. The information given with the visual information presented in the answer will be fruitful for the students. However, students must follow the given word count limit without making any errors in the answer. Otherwise, students will be penalized for the same. 

Coherence and Cohesion 

Students will be assessed according to their skills in linking words such as adjectives or conjunction. 

Grammatical Range and Accuracy 

The uses of correct phrases, synonyms and antonyms, adjectives, tenses, punctuation etc will be examined. Students must learn all the grammar rules by heart to avoid any penalization. 

Lexical Resource 

Candidate’s ability to implement the collocations, spellings, and correct tenses with a wide range of vocabulary with be assessed. We also advise the to avoid using informal language.  

Also Read: Everything About IELTS Exam 

Examples of IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary 

The list of various topics for the subject and preparation for the IELTS Task 1 vocabulary are listed below for the reference of the students. The examples will be helpful for the overview of topics as well. 

Linking Words for Writing Task 1 

A few examples of linking words to support the points made by students in the essay are listed below. 

  • Furthermore
  • However
  • As well as
  • In addition to
  • Not only but also
  • Moreover

Example: However, students must bring their admit cards to the examination hall. 

Listing Words for Writing Task 1 Vocabulary

Candidates must use the listing to organize their points and ideas in a sequence. A few connectors are mentioned below with an example. 

  • Firstly
  • Secondly
  • Last but not the least 

Example: Last but not least, students must bring their own water bottles.  

While Adding Examples Task 1 Vocabulary

One can use certain connectors to state their examples or prove a point in other words. 

  • For example
  • For instance
  • In other words 
  • Namely
  • Such as 

Example: For instance, you can go by bike all by yourself without his help. 

Highlighting Key Features Task 1 Vocabulary

One can use the below-mentioned connectors to state something as a result. 

  • Especially
  • Of course
  • Particularly 
  • Especially 

Example: Students are invested to attend the school festival, especially the ones who participated today in the tournament. 

The task for the writing section includes an essay of 150 words and they have to include the information using a graph. Students must know what type of vocabulary they can follow in the examination. A few examples are listed below. 

  • Variation
  • Upsurge
  • Growth
  • Upsurge
  • Soar 
  • Modest 
  • Marginal

Example: Students have seen an upsurge in sales after the last released advertisement. 

Also Read: Degree of Comparison Rules with Examples 

Vocabulary for Describing Increase and Decrease IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary 

Candidates can follow the possible pairings of connectors for increase and decrease. 

  • Nouns Phrases+Verb+Adverb 
  • There+be+noun+in+noun phrase 
  • Verb+Noun
  • Adjective+Noun
  • Those with ‘have’ or ‘take’
  • Noun+Noun 


The phrases students can use are given below. 

  • Declines
  • Drops
  • Falls
  • Goes Up
  • Increases 
  • Decreases 
  • Growth


Is there any vocabulary test in IELTS? 

No, there is no such vocabulary test in IELTS. But the IELTS examination is given by the students to evaluate their English proficiency skills and study abroad. 

How is the IELTS marking scheme divided? 

The marking scheme for the IELTS examination is into four categories: task achievement, lexical resource, coherence and cohesion and grammatical range and accuracy. 

Are there any passing marks for the IELTS examination? 

No, there are no such passing marks stated for the IELTS examination.

We hope the information mentioned in the above blog regarding the IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary will be helpful for the students. We advise students to prepare for the IELTS diligently and crack the examination in just one go! 

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