
Different Parts of the PTE Speaking Test: Tips, Score Calculator

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Different Parts of the PTE Speaking Test: Tips, Score Calculator

Different Parts of the PTE Speaking Test: Are you preparing for the Pearson Test of English (PTE) exam? If so, you’ll need to know all about the speaking test. While it is not the most difficult of sections, it requires a good amount of knowledge and practice. The PTE Speaking Test is divided into 5 parts. In this blog post, we will explore each part in greater detail so that you can gain a deeper understanding of what is expected from you on test day. Read on to learn more about the different parts of the PTE speaking test.

Name of the exam Pearson Test of English
Conducting BodyPearson PLC Group
Mode of examOnline
Purpose of examEnglish proficiency test
Sections English Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading
Exam duration2 hours

The Different Parts of the PTE Speaking Test

The PTE Speaking module comprises 5 sections. Here is a brief overview of each section:

Personal Introduction

This part of the test requires you to introduce yourself in English and talk briefly about your background, hobbies, interests, or any other relevant information. This should take no more than 1-2 minutes and will be recorded for assessment. This part of the test is designed to assess your ability to communicate in English.

Describe Image

This part of the speaking test requires you to look at an image and describe it using an extensive array of vocabulary and accurate grammar. You will have 25 seconds to prepare your response, followed by 40 seconds of recording time. This part of the test is designed to assess your ability to think on your feet and use descriptive language.

Re-tell Lecture

This part of the speaking test requires you to listen to a lecture in English and then summarize it using accurate grammar and relevant vocabulary. You will have 40 seconds of preparation time, followed by 60 seconds of recording time. PTE Re-tell is designed to assess your ability to understand complex information and communicate it effectively.

Read Aloud 

Reading aloud is another part of the speaking test. This exam tests your ability to read clearly and speak accurately. You have around 30-40 seconds to prepare for this exam and then 30-40 seconds to speak in this test. You have to speak the text into the microphone. Speak smoothly and loudly to score high in this part. 

Answer Short Question

This section of the test requires you to answer a simple question in English. You will have 10 seconds to prepare your response, followed by 40 seconds of recording time. This part of the test is designed to assess your ability to think on your feet and provide an accurate response in English.

Summarize Written Text

This portion of the PTE test requires you to read a text in English and summarize it, including the main ideas. You will have 10 minutes to prepare your response, followed by 1 minute of recording time. This part of the test is designed to assess your ability to understand complex texts as well as communicate accurately and succinctly.

PTE Speaking Score Calculator 2024

Candidates will be given 54 to 67 minutes to complete the PTE Speaking and Writing Section. The sections gauge an individual’s aptitude and competence in English Speaking and Writing. The written assessment encompasses numerous topics on which one must write well-structured content and convey their perspective articulately. Refer to the following table to understand the PTE Speaking and Writing Score Calculator. 

Types  of Questions Marking Scheme Total Questions 
Read Aloud Partial Credit 6-7
Sentence Repeat Partial Credit 10-12
Image DescribePartial Credit 3-4
Convey the Lecture Partial Credit 1-2
Short Questions Correct/Incorrect5-6
Summarize the TextPartial Credit 1-2
Essay Writing Partial Credit 1-2 

Top 5 Tips to Ace PTE Speaking Test

Acing the speaking section can be a bit difficult for you. People do make lots of mistakes. Therefore, these are some tips for the PTE Speaking section that you can follow:

  • Go carefully through your syllabus and sort out the topics you have to study. Always make a plan on how to go further with your syllabus.
  • Avoid using that informal language and keep your simple while speaking.
  • Manage your time accurately. Make sure you plan on how much to spend on each question.
  • Sometimes while speaking, you may feel a bit nervous and lack confidence, and you may speak some unclear words. Your scores depend on your oral fluency. So, try to use clear words.
  • Avoid taking breaks while answering your question. Complete the full sentence in one.

So that was all about the different parts of the PTE speaking section. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic.

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What is the format of the PTE Speaking Test?

The PTE speaking text consists of a spoken response to a prompt. You will be given a maximum of 2 minutes to respond to the prompt and your score will depend on your content, pronunciation, fluency, and intonation.

How do I prepare for the PTE Speaking Test?

To prepare for the PTE speaking text, you should practice your pronunciation and intonation, as well as develop a thorough understanding of the prompt. Additionally, it is important to be familiar with the commonly used vocabulary and to practice using complex sentence structures.

What is the difference between the PTE Speaking Test and other English tests?

The PTE speaking test is more focused on your ability to communicate effectively in English, whereas other English tests may focus more on grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, the PTE Speaking Text requires you to respond to a prompt within two minutes. Other English tests may require longer responses or essays.

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