
9 Basic Rules in Grammar to Improve Your English [A Guide]

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Rules in grammar play an integral role because they help the students learn, understand, and execute them in their day-to-day lives. More importantly, English Grammar completely depends upon these rules that must be followed while speaking and writing. Students just require a basic understanding of the grammar rules to develop effective linguistic skills and effective vocabulary

Effective linguistic skills will indirectly enhance the confidence among students. Therefore, In this blog post, you will get a deep insight into the different rules and tips that must be followed to avoid mistakes while speaking and writing English.

Nouns Rules in Grammar 

Naming words are called nouns that are used to name people, objects, people, and ideas. There are various rules for nouns in the English language that apply to singular, plural, and possessive nouns. 

Here is the list of common rules for nouns that must be considered while writing.

  • Some singular nouns act as plural nouns and take plural verbs. For example, The deer are grazing.
  • Some nouns are plural and always used as plurals. For example, His spectacles are black.
  • Some nouns are plural in nature but are always used as singular nouns and take singular verbs. For example, The news went viral. 
  • Some collective nouns can be used both as singular and plural. For example, The team won the match. (Singular) The team were working together. (Plural)
  • Some material or abstract nouns do not use articles. For example, Laughter is a good medicine.

Learn more about Nouns Here!

How to Use Nouns and Prepositions TogetherNoun, Verb, Adjective, & Adverb
Clauses: Meaning, Types and ExamplesNouns

English Grammar Rules for Pronouns

The words that are used in place of the nouns are called pronouns. Various rules for pronouns must be followed while writing sentences in English. Let us read the below list of rules of pronouns carefully.

  • Subjective Pronouns are always used at the beginning of the sentence. For example, She is playing in the garden.
  • Pronouns’ subjective form is different from the objective form. For example, he-him, she-her, they-them, I -me, It -it, you- you.
  • Possessive pronouns are used to show ownership and do not require apostrophes. For example, The dog moved its tail.
  • Pronouns that are used to make comparisons must be of the same case. For example, I eat more ice cream than my brother.

Also Read: Clauses: Meaning, Types and Examples

Adjectives Rules in Grammar 

The words used to describe nouns or pronouns in the sentence are called Adjectives. Various rules for adjectives must be followed while writing sentences in English. Let us read the below list of rules of adjectives carefully.

  • If the adjective is used in as ______ as or so____as it is always followed by a positive degree of adjective. For example, Delhi is as cold as Canada.
  • Certain adjectives cannot be used as comparative and superlative adjectives in a sentence. 

For example, She is more perfect than me./She is the most perfect in the class. Both sentences are wrong we cannot use the more perfect or most perfect form of an adjective.

  • If two adjectives are used to describe the same noun or pronoun in the same sentence they should be of the same degree. 

For example,

India is the greatest and proud nation. (❎) 

India is a great and proud nation. (✅)

  • With certain adjectives, if we add ly it becomes adverbs. For example bitterly, hardly, scarcely, etc.

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Verbs Rules in Grammar

Verbs are the words that tell us about the action in the sentence. Various rules for verbs must be followed while writing sentences in English. Let us read the below list of rules of verbs carefully.

  • Singular nouns always take singular verbs and plural nouns take the plural form of a verb. For example, I spend my time playing games. They are playing games.
  • The helping verbs or auxiliaries also follow the same rule we use singular auxiliaries with singular subjects and plural with plural subjects. For example, I am, She is, He is, They are, We are, It is. The same is followed with was and were.
  • The use of has and have is also the same as has is used with third person singular pronouns and the singular subjects whereas have is used with the plural pronouns and plural subjects. For example, She has done her work. They have completed their task.
  • Two or more subjects when joined using and conjunction always take plural verbs. For example, Rohit and Mohit are best friends.
  • Two or more subjects when joined together using or conjunction always take a singular verb. For example, My mom or dad is sitting here.

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Adverbs Rules 

Adverbs are words that describe a verb, adjective, or another adverb in the sentence. Various rules for adverbs must be followed while writing sentences in English. Let us read the below list of rules of adverbs carefully.

  • Adverbs are placed close to the words they qualify. 
  • Adverbs of manner are placed close to the verbs and adverbs of time and frequency are placed at the beginning or the end of the sentence.
  • While using negative adverbs avoid making double negatives using verbs. For example, She hardly knows her. (❎) instead of the first one use this She hardly knows her.
  • Adverbs and adjectives are two different parts of a speech. Students must avoid confusing them. For example, She reads careful is wrong because careful is an adjective and cannot modify the verb the right sentence will be She reads carefully.
  • Some adverbs have irregular verbs that do not take (-ly). For example, well, fast, late, etc.
  • We must avoid the overuse of adverbs in sentences because it makes your writing messy and unclear.

Find more exciting exercises to practice adverbs here!

Interrogative AdverbsAdverbs of Frequency
Conjunctive AdverbsAdverb of Time
Adverb of DegreeAdjective Phrases

Prepositions Rules 

Prepositions are the words that show the relationship of nouns or pronouns with the other word in the sentence. The below list of rules of prepositions must be followed while writing sentences in English.

  • Prepositions must have an object in the sentence.
  • Prepositions are words that are always placed before nouns and the preposition.
  • Pronouns following the prepositions must be in objective form.
  • Don’t confuse the use of to preposition with the infinitive to.
  • A verb cannot be an object of preposition.

Find more exciting reads on Prepositions here!

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Grammar Rules for Conjunctions

Conjunctions are the words that are used to join or link words, phrases, or clauses together. The below list of rules of conjunctions must be followed while writing a sentence in English.

  • The conjunctions so/as and as/as are used to make comparisons. The first one is used to make a negative comparison and the latter is used to make a positive comparison. For example, As she behaved so she had to bear.
  • The conjunction both is always followed by the conjunction and. For example: She is both beautiful and pretty.
  • Lest is negative and is always followed by should or the first form of the verb. The words no, never, not are not used with lest. For example, Walk carefully lest fall.
  • Though and although are always followed by the comma or yet. For example, Though he put in a great deal of effort, he didn’t crack the exam.
  • Unless and until are negative words. Unless is action-oriented and until is time-oriented. For example, Unless you hard work, you can never achieve success. The mother asked her daughter to wait until she returned.

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Rules for Interjections 

The words or phrases that are used to express certain emotions are called interjections. Some common examples are Hurrah!, Wow!, Oh! Ouch! etc. The below list of rules of interjections must be followed while writing sentences in English. 

  • Interjections can be used before or at the end of the sentence depending on what is happening.
  • Some interjections can be used to express yes or no. For example, Yes, He is sure about the task.
  • Interjections are always acceptable in informal and casual writing.

Quick Read: Tenses Rules: Charts, Examples, Types [PDF Available]

Tenses Rules in Grammar

Rules of Tenses help the students understand how to correctly use the different tenses in a sentence, without making any grammatical mistakes. They are also used to indicate when an event or action has occurred.

Present Tense Rule

Present Simple TenseSubject + V1 + s/es + Object for singular
Subject + V1 + Object for plural
Present Continuous TenseSubject + is/am/are + V1 + ing + Object
Present Perfect TenseSubject + has/have + V3 + Object
Has- singular Have-plural
Perfect Continuous TenseSubject + has/have+been + V1 + ing + Object+since/for 

Past Tense Rule

Past Simple TenseSubject + V2 + Object
Past Continuous TenseSubject + was + V1 + ing + Object with singular
Subject + were + V1 + ing + Object with plural
Past Perfect Subject + had + V3 + Object 
Past Perfect Continuous Subject + had+ been + V1 + ing + Object+since/for

Future Tense Rule

Future Simple TenseSubject + will/shall + V1 + Object
Future Continuous TenseSubject + will be/shall be + ing + V1 + Object
Future Perfect TenseSubject + will have/shall have + V3 + Object
Future Perfect ContinuousSubject + will have +been + V1 + ing + Object+since/for

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What are the ways to learn English grammar?

The students can learn grammar by thoroughly understanding the concept and the practice exercises and worksheets based on them.  

What are the 5 basic rules of English Grammar?

The 5 basic grammar rules are:
1. Students must write a complete sentence.
2. Subject and verb must agree with each other
3. Write using proper punctuation marks.
4. Use the right vocabulary for effective writing 
5. Use of correct apostrophes within the sentence.

What is the syllabus in English Grammar?

The Basic Syllabus of English Grammar consists of an understanding of eight parts of speech nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

This was all about the basic rules of English grammar you need to master as a beginner. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out the Learn English page of Leverage Edu.

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