What is the full form of DND? 

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full form of DND

The full form of DND is Do Not Disturb (DND). It will stop unsolicited telemarketing calls and advertising Short Message Service (SMS) once it is activated. The Do Not Disturb (DND) registry, often referred to as the National Customer Preference Register (NCPR), is a national database that includes a record of all the subscribers’ mobile numbers who have signed up for the DND service in India. Your mobile number will not get any unsolicited telemarketing calls or SMS messages if it is on the DND list, according to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) regulations.

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Functions of DND:

Now that we know DND’s full form, let’s move on to other essential details. Do Not Disturb is included in the Control Center’s Focus section. Additionally, it can be found in the Settings menu.

  • The most basic mode, “Do Not Disturb,” temporarily turns off notifications. Additionally, you can program it to turn off when you move from your current position or after a scheduled event is finished.
  • In this setting, you can receive notifications from “important people and apps.” Additionally, if contacts try to contact you while you are in Focus mode, it will let them know.
  • Personal Focus features are shared by Sleep Focus, along with some additional health-related functions. It might improve the accuracy of sleep monitoring. More details can be found in our post on sleep mode.
  • Personal Focus is similar to Work Focus, although Work Focus is intended to be used on a timetable or when a certain app is open.

Also, Read: Models of Communication

Difference between Airplane Mode and DND

Your phone’s connection is momentarily disabled in “Airplane Mode,” making it unable to make or receive calls, send or receive emails, or perform other operations. All channels of communication remain open, while Do Not Disturb mutes the alerts you would typically get when receiving a call, text, email, or other message.


Q1. What is the purpose of activating Do Not Disturb (DND) on my mobile phone?

Activating DND helps stop unsolicited telemarketing calls and advertising SMS messages by registering your number in the National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) in India. This prevents your mobile number from receiving such unwanted communication, as per regulations by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

Q2. How does Do Not Disturb differ from Airplane Mode?

Airplane Mode disables all communication channels on your phone, including calls, texts, and internet connectivity. On the other hand, Do Not Disturb mutes notifications for calls, texts, emails, and other messages while allowing communication channels to remain open. It’s a feature designed to reduce interruptions without fully disconnecting your device.

Q3. What are the different modes available within Do Not Disturb?

Do Not Disturb offers various modes, such as personal focus, sleep focus, and work focus. Each mode allows you to customize settings to manage notifications based on your preferences and schedule. Personal Focus, for example, can be set to prioritize notifications from important contacts and apps, while Sleep Focus may assist with sleep monitoring by minimizing disruptions during designated sleep times.

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