
Sociology Syllabus

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Sociology Syllabus

Sociology studies the evolution of human society as well as social relationships, interactions and cultures around the world. It includes a detailed examination of how human beings communicate with each other as well as with society and nature as a whole. Moreover, it tries to analyse social problems and paradoxes that permeate human society. As a subject, it has been researched widely in connection with Psychology, History, Political Science, Law, amongst others. This article aims to highlight some of the important topics of study that constitute a sociology syllabus during a specialized course in this field.

Also read: MA Sociology

Sociology Courses

Before delving into the key essentials of the Sociology syllabus, it is important to know the courses offered in the discipline of Sociology and Social Science. Typically, a bachelor’s degree in the field introduces an array of topics related to Sociology and the master’s course lets you dig deeper into its specialised disciplines. During a course in Sociology, students are encouraged to work on independent research projects to help them explore the extensive field of research. Further, the scope of Sociology, especially in terms of career opportunities has widened due to the development of niche fields such as industrial sociology, visual sociology, and much more. There are plentiful study abroad destinations that you can choose from to pursue an international degree course in Sociology. 

Sociology Syllabus

The syllabus of a course in Sociology is widely spread throughout a plethora of topics. A few integral topics that are taught as part of the Sociology syllabus are mentioned below.

1. Sociological Theories

Theories and writings of Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Auguste Comte, Michel Foucalt are extremely integral to the study of Sociology. 

Suggested readings include:

  • Karl Marx’s Capital
  • Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capital
  • E. Durkheim’s The Division of Labour in Society

2. Religion and Society

This subject aims to explore the history and evolution of the relationship between religion and society. Here are the key topics that you will study in this subject:

  • History, Social Structure of Religions and the Theory of Social Action
  • Religion, Culture and Collective Representation Systems
  • Social Movements
  • Critiques of Religion

Suggested readings in Sociology syllabus include:

  • Max Weber’s The Sociology of Religion
  • S. Freud’s Moses and Monotheism
  • H Eliade’s The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion

3. Political Sociology

Both political theory and sociological concepts have become increasingly interwoven. In this subject, you will be covering different aspects of Political Science combined with Sociology such as:

  • Politics and Political systems
  • Power, Authority, Consensus, Conflict, State
  • State and Society under Capitalism and Socialism

Suggested readings include:

  • David Easton’s An Approach to the Analysis of Political Systems
  • T H Marshall’s Class, Citizenship and Social Development

Also read: Career in Political Science

4. Sociological Research and Methods

Methods and tools of research help in cementing fundamental concepts as well as for the development of independent research capabilities and in the context of Sociology, you will study topics like,

  • Analytical, Empirical, Comparative, and Explorative Research Perspectives
  • Positivism and its Critiques
  • Qualitative Research Methods: Ethnography, Case Studies, Interviews, Narratives
  • Quantitative Research Methods: Statistical Techniques, Survey, Evaluative Methods

Suggested readings include:

  • Bryman Alan’s Social Research Methods
  • Carol Grbich’s New Approaches in Social Research
  • Goode and Hatt’s Methods in Social Research 

5. Sociology of Development

Development theories and perspectives, more often than not, have become a topic of study in itself. Some areas of Sociology of Development are:

  • Development Perspectives: Liberal, Marxist, etc
  • Globalisation
  • State and Market, Development and Society

Suggested readings in this subject of Sociology syllabus include:

  • W. Andrew’s Introduction to Sociology
  • J C Scott’s Seeing Like a State

6. Sociology of Gender

A large portion of the study of sociology focuses on understanding gender roles and gender theories. Key topics in this subject are:

  • Understanding Sex, Gender, Sexual Division of Labour, Gender Inequalities
  • Feminist Theories and Gender-Sensitive Critiques of Sociological Thought
  • Gender, Law and Human Rights

Suggested readings include:

  • Michael Kimmel’s The Gendered Society
  • De Beauvoir’s The Second Sex
  • M. Mead’s Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies

7. Society, Culture, Social Change, Social Stratification

This subject is comprised of an essential topic in almost all sociological courses, i.e. the study of our society, culture, social constructs, etc. Here are the central topics of this subject:

  • Society Categories: Tribal, Urban, Pre-industrial, Industrial and Post-Industrial, Marxist, etc
  • Social Change: Industrialisation, Globalisation, Modernisation, etc
  • Stratification Forms: Class, Caste, Power, Gender

Suggested readings include:

  • Fulcher and Scott’s Sociology
  • M Haralambos’ Sociology: Themes and Perspective
  • T B Bottomore’s Sociology: A Guide to Problems and Literature

8. Area-based Studies

Countries like China, India, France etc have developed their own distinctive culture and area-based studies concentrate on analysing the various ideologies and historical developments of several countries across the globe. Below mentioned are the major topics that will be covered in the domain of area-based studies:

  • South-east Asia: Social Organisation, Indigenous Political Systems, Colonial Period, Religions
  • South-west Asia: History, Policy, Religious Ideology, Violence
  • China: Mao’s Ideology, Class Hierarchies, China’s Growth Model, Status Symbols
  • Village and Urban Communities

Other topics covered in the Sociology syllabus include:

  • Sociological Law
  • Social Institutions
  • Sociology of Education
  • Medical Sociology
  • Industry and Society
  • Sociology of Media
  • Economic Sociology
  • Environment and Society
  • Rural Sociology

Also Read:

Note: This is only an indicative list of the Sociology syllabus. Subject and topics of study may vary depending upon the institution and program. It is advised that students visit the official websites of institutions for further information.

Research in Social Science has blossomed even more in the past few decades with the merging of cross-disciplinary topics which has led to the addition of newly found concepts in the Sociology Syllabus. The field of Social Science is filled with diverse and rewarding career choices to choose from. If you want to explore different programs in Sociology but are uncertain about the right path to take in this stream, the AI-enabled tool at Leverage Edu can help you in selecting the perfect specialisations that align with your interests and career ambitions.

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  1. Sociology as a subject of study is gaining more and more popularity among humanities students. Sociology is the study of human societies and relationships. The author of this post has highlighted upon sociology and the various core concepts covered under it. CMR University – School of Social Sciences and Humanities, offers B.A. (Hons) programme. In this programme, students can study a combination of 3 different subjects from Psychology, English, Sociology, Journalism and Economics. If you want to pursue a career in sociology, you can obtain an “Honours” degree in Sociology by specialising in it. For more information, you can visit BA honours courses in Bangalore.

  2. I really derive joy reading all this cause am so much in love with this course.
    And you all for posting such important information most especially for people like me that don’t know much about it.

  1. Sociology as a subject of study is gaining more and more popularity among humanities students. Sociology is the study of human societies and relationships. The author of this post has highlighted upon sociology and the various core concepts covered under it. CMR University – School of Social Sciences and Humanities, offers B.A. (Hons) programme. In this programme, students can study a combination of 3 different subjects from Psychology, English, Sociology, Journalism and Economics. If you want to pursue a career in sociology, you can obtain an “Honours” degree in Sociology by specialising in it. For more information, you can visit BA honours courses in Bangalore.