Interesting Science Experiments for Class 6

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Science Experiments for Class 6

Fire, smoke, coughing and spiked hair are not the only consequences that one may get by performing an intensive science experiment especially one with chemicals. You must have seen in Dexter’s Laboratory that mere mixing of two chemicals or substances can result in a blast, but that’s a rather dramatic representation, to begin with! There are various scientific experiments that you can perform with simple household products and understand concepts actually earlier took years to be ideated. So, fetch your lab coat as we bring you a list of 10 interesting science experiments for class 6 that you can perform at your home. 

Bouncing Egg Experiment 

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 1

We know how fragile eggs are, even a slight bump or jerk happens to crack the shell of the egg. Through this simple science experiment for class 6, we will tell you how you can make an egg bouncy. To start, you will need an egg and a bowl filled with white vinegar. Immerse the egg in the bowl and then leave it at room temperature for around 3-4 days. Later on, you will see that the egg has become translucent in its appearance and is no more fragile than it used to be earlier. 

Naked Eggs - Cool Kitchen Science Experiment for Kids | Educational Videos by Mocomi

Light Travels Only in a Straight Path 

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 2

This science experiment for class 6th will explain to you how the light only travels in a straight path. It is not feasible to determine the path of light in the day to day activities but through this experiment, we can learn about it quickly. For this, you need to light a candle and please two cardboards adjacent to it, one behind the other. Make one hole in both the cardboards exactly at a place from where you can see the flame of the candle. Turn off the lights and you will be able to see the rays emerging from the candle will go straight into those holes.

Different Sizes of Shadows 

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 3

We know that all the opaque objects have shadows. You must also come across that we see various types of shadows in different lightings. Have you ever thought why a certain shadow is a bigger or any other one is smaller? For this Class 6 science experiment, take a torch and a circular piece of cardboard and stand in front of a wall.

Place a circular piece closer to the wall and direct the light of the torch towards it and then move the piece of the cardboard closer to the torch. You will see in the former case the shadow of the cardboard is almost equal to its original size but in the latter case when the cardboard is closer to torch the shadow is enlarged. 

Burning of Paper is a Chemical Change

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 4

In the sixth standard students are memorized with various types of changes that take place around us. Out of all the science experiments for class 6 on types of changes, through this one will understand how the simple act of burning a paper is a chemical change. Take a normal paper and light a matchstick to burn it. Make sure that you take the help of an adult while burning the paper to ensure all the required precautions. Note that once the paper is completely burnt then only ashes will be left behind. Since the burning of paper has resulted in the formation of a new substance, it is classified into the category of chemical change. 

Saturated Solution 

We know that water is known as a universal solvent. It can easily absorb the majority of soluble substances around us. In this science experiment for class 6, we will begin by taking a glass full of water and adding a spoonful of sugar in it. Mix sugar thoroughly and keep on adding one by one spoon after mixing. After some time you will notice that no more sugar is getting dissolved in water. This signifies that water has reached its saturation point. 

Difference Between Like and Unlike Poles of a Magnet

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 5

While playing the magnet you might have experienced that, often magnets do not get attracted if we try to do so. This is because, just as our planet earth, magnets also have North and South poles. So, for our next science experiment for class 6, let’s begin by taking two bar magnets and keep them facing like poles that are N-N or S-S, you will see that like poles do not attract each other as they are repulsive. But when the same magnets are kept facing unlike poles together N-S, they will immediately get attracted to each other. 

Transportation of Water in Plants 

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 6

Plants are also living organisms, thus, they possess a constant need for food as well as water. We know that plants are autotrophs and make their own food, but do you know how transport water for the process of photosynthesis? To understand this we will take a stem of a plant and cut it. In a bowl, we will take some coloured water, in which we will place that stem for about 2-3 days. You will notice that after a few days the colour of the stem and leaves matches the colour of the water. This science experiment for class 6 shows that plants transport their water with the help of their stem. 

The Stem of a Plant Always Grows Upward

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 7

Roots and stem are considered to be fundamental parts of the plant. Do you know that roots and stems grow in a particular direction? You will come across various science experiments for class 6 which will easily explain this to you. Let us consider a simple one, take any flower pot and place it upside down in sunlight for at least one week. After one week or 10 days, you will see that in spite of the downward direction placement the stem of the plant has changed its direction and has started to grow upwards. 

Courtesy: Eco self-study

Difference Between Transparent and Opaque Materials

We are surrounded by various sorts of materials which either allow light to pass through them or don’t. Among all the science experiments for class 6, this is the most interesting one which will help us bifurcate materials into transparent and opaque. First, we will light up a candle, then take a glass jar and try to see that candle through it. You will be able to clearly see the candle as glass is a transparent material. Now, take a wood log and try to see the candle through it. You will not be able to see it because wood is an Opaque material. 

Oxygen is Necessary for Fire 

Science Experiments for Class 6 - 8

Lighting a candle or simply lighting up anything is a common phenomenon of daily life. According to you what is the essential thing required to light a fire? Don’t know the answer? Let’s explore it through this science experiment for class 6. Begin by lighting up two candles. Place a glass jar on top of a candle that covers it entirely. After a while, you will notice that the flame of the candle covered with a glass jar will go off. This is because, in that covered jar, the amount of oxygen is limited and eventually gets exhausted resulting in the going off of the flame. Thus, the most necessary thing for lighting a fire in the presence of oxygen. 

Unique Fact: We all love to blow out candles on our birthdays. Since oxygen is essential for the existence of fire, then how come the candles are blown out by a simple puff of air? This happens because the air that we blow out from our mouth contains carbon dioxide which acts as a fire extinguisher. 

Turning a Potato into a Battery

Courtesy: Pinterest

Wow! This seems to be magic. Isn’t it? Well, guess what it is just simple science. With this class 6 experiment, students will be able to learn the use of the potassium which is present in the potatoes to conduct energy which will turn potatoes into batteries. For this class 6 experiment, you require potatoes, good quality copper wires, galvanised nails, copper nails, and 1 LED bulb or light. The experiment is an oldie but still considered to be a goodie. If you are not having potatoes at home, then the experiment can even be performed using lemons or other high-potassium fruits and vegetables. 

POTATO BATTERY: Make your own
Source: Questacon

Study of Sound Waves Using a Spoon

This class 6 experiment will help you study and learn about how vibrations create the sound as well as the role of conductors. You will only be needing a few common things like a ruler (preferably a wooden or a plastic one), metal spoons of two different sizes, a long piece of yarn or string. First of all, create a loop in the middle of the yarn or the string. Now insert the end of the spoon into this loop. Pull each end of the yarn and tie a knot such that the spoon hangs in the. Now take each string and start wrapping them around your forefinger in both the hands. Now place the strings against your ears (near the ears) such that the spoon must be hanging below or near your waist and both the ends of the yarn or string must be placed near your ears. Now ask someone to gently hit the spoon with a ruler.

Let’s Put an Egg in a Bottle

This is yet another class 6 experiment which is a classic again but never fails to delight the students and kids. You will only be needing a few things to perform this experiment namely: a hard-boiled egg (peeled), a glass bottle having a mouth smaller than the egg, matches or lighter and paper strips. Cut a long paper strip and then light the piece of the paper strip, taking the help of an adult. Quickly put this paper strip in the bottle while it’s burning and quickly place the egg on top of the mouth of the glass bottle and observe the egg popping inside the glass bottle just like that. 

The Sci Guys: Science at Home - SE3 - EP6: Egg in a Bottle - Combined Gas Law
Source: The Sci Guys

Experiment using Naked Eggs

Well, don’t just throw away those naked or the shell-less eggs that you have just discovered using the above-mentioned class 6 experiment. Submerge those naked eggs into corn syrup and water, in separate vessels or glasses. Make sure that the eggs are completely submerged. You will notice that the eggs tend to shrink or grow depending upon the liquid they are placed into. 

Growing and Shrinking Egg - Sick Science! #187
Source: Sick Science

Magic Water Balls

Magic Water Balls : Science Experiment ( School Projects )
Courtesy: LearnoHub- Class 11, 12 YouTube

A simple science experiment for Class 6 students, the Magic Water Balls experiment needs a glass container, a cup of water balls and a bottle of water. Take the container, put it on paper with any text like ‘Magic Water Balls’ written on it and then fill the container with the water. As the balls start swimming into the water, you will start to see the text which happens as the refractive index of water matches that of the water balls and thus the text is visible!

Dry Ice Boat

Science Experiments with Dry Ice  : Make your Boat
Courtesy: Yucky Science, YouTube

The Dry Ice Boat experiment is another fun one to do at home for Class 6 students. Here are the requirements for the Dry Ice Boat experiment:

  • A wide tray
  • 2 Pipettes
  • Some food colors
  • Dry ice
  • One scissor
  • Water to fill up the tray
  • Hammer
  • Safety gloves and glasses

Start with wearing the gloves and glasses first and then fill the tray with water. Then, take some food colors and add them to the water to make it darker. Now, ask an adult to break the dry ice using a hammer. Now, add the little pieces of dry ice in the water and you will see them revolving in circles. You can further extend the experiment by cutting a pipette into two pieces and then adding some ice to the one-piece and putting them in the water (See video for reference).

Make a Hot Air Balloon

Warm Air Rises (Making a Hot Air Balloon)
Courtesy: Funsciencedemos

As one of the best science experiments for Class 6, making a hot air balloon at home can be a magical yet tricky task. For this, you will just need a tape, some straws, a scissor and a big plastic bag for first making the balloon’s structure and then take some small birthday candles and a few square-cut size of aluminum foil. Ask an adult to help you make the balloon as in the video and then further attached the candles to the foil to make the base.

Build a Wind Vane

How to Make a Wind Vane
Courtesy: Howcast

A wind vane is a popular science project amongst school students and can be a fun DIY thing you can make for your room too! It is one of the best science experiments for Class 6 especially for those who don’t like working too long in the chemistry lab! So, let’s start with the requirements first. You will need the following things to build a wind vane:

  • 2 paper plates
  • Plastic straw
  • A cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Some straight pins
  • A pencil with an eraser on the top
  • Clay
  • Glue
  • Compass

Start with writing directions on the back of the paper plates using a compass and you can also decorate them with fun colours. Then, cut out the shapes of arrows from the cardboard and take a straw, cut its edges slightly to stick the direction arrows on both sides (refer to the video). Then, stick a pin right in the middle of the straw, and then stick it to the top of the pencil (on the eraser). Poke the pencil through your paper plate and put it in the modelling clay. Take another paper plate and put it under the clay and paste the two plates together. Now, your wind vane is ready, position it using a compass and blow on it to see how it works! Have fun!

Also Read: Bachelors in Chemistry

Thus, now you have a list of amazing science experiments for class 6 that you can try at home and have fun while learning basic science concepts! Confused about finding the right career path? Our Leverage Edu experts are here to guide you at every step of your academic and professional journey! Sign up for a free session with us today!

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  1. Very useful & educative experiments Thank you very much. It was very useful for my students in our science club.

  1. Very useful & educative experiments Thank you very much. It was very useful for my students in our science club.