
Questions that Parents of International Students Must Ask

5 minute read

As a parent, it is natural to get worried about your child planning to pursue higher education abroad. It is normal to get puzzled by numerous questions coming across your mind. These questions may include the right courses, university and country, the application process, safety and study visas. Sometimes, many parents are almost clueless about what to begin with and what they would ask to make the right choice for their children. To help you with this, here are the 12 questions that parents of international students must ask.

How is an international degree beneficial for my child?

There are immense benefits to pursuing an international degree. This international degree would help your child in developing a global perspective and most importantly your child would get a valuable experience. Further, these international degrees are designed with a curriculum that is worth helping students to be ready for work and gain the required knowledge about their respective industries. 

When to get started with the application process?

If you want to take our suggestion then you must start your application process 6-8 months in advance. As application deadlines for universities, programs and courses differ, you are advised to check the official website of the university or you may contact education experts who can guide you throughout your application process.

How can you help your child? 

You may help your child by first initiating basic research. Then you are required to identify, research and understand your child’s aim and interests. After completion of the research procedure, you can discuss your child’s aspirations. You can come to Leverage Edu – Your Trusted Study Abroad Expert to get assistance in the evaluation of your child’s profile and to find the best country, course and university for your child.

What are the basic documents required to make an application?

Here is the list of documents that you may require to submit for the application process.

How is this beneficial for my child’s career graph?

Your child will always have an advantage over other students of the same age group due to an international degree. This international degree is just like a pistol loaded with bullets of global experience and mindset that would always help your child to shoot other candidates for employment opportunities across the globe. 

Is this new country safe for my child?

One of the most common questions that parents of most children who are planning to pursue studies abroad are concerned about. The top priority for every international university is the safety of international students studying at the institution. To meet this requirement there are intensive protocols and measures set by various institutions for the safety of international students on and off-campus. Further, some of the institutions and governments have specialised departments for this separately.  

Why should my child go to a country with no acquaintances?

It is common for parents to choose a country on the basis of which country has the most relatives and friends for their child so that child can have a person to go to. This can be convenient but is not the only criteria for your child to study abroad. You must know that international exposure can help your child to develop a personality with confidence and independence. Further, there are facilities provided by almost all government universities and governments that would act as support extending from airport pickup to medical care for your child.

Is it affordable to send my child to study abroad?

One of the most important questions that parents of international students must ask is about affordability. To meet this criterion you need to keep the budget a priority while choosing a university or a country. However international education experience comes at a cost but it is absolutely worth it. The investment is big but the investment return is more than double once your child graduates with a degree pursued abroad. Further, if budget is a problem then you may consider various scholarship programs offered by universities to relieve your financial stress. 

Want to study abroad but are worried about expenses? Let Leverage Finance help you!

What are the accommodation options available for my child? 

There are a number of options available for different accommodations on-campus and off-campus. These options may include rented apartments, dormitories or host families. There are many institutes that have partnerships with numerous accommodation partners that may help your child in finding the right place.

What will my child eat? 

As an Indian mother, it is quite obvious to get worried about your child and food.  What will my child eat? Is this your question? Then you don’t need to worry about this as there are a plethora of restaurants that offer good quality Indian food. Further, you also need to teach some basic recipes to your child so that he/she can enjoy homemade food abroad. If your child is one of those who love to explore food and eat out at numerous cuisines then relax there is nothing to get worried about.  

What if my child experiences culture shock?

This is also quite normal and you must not get worried about this. Every student when reaching a new place feels slightly jolted but your child will come around and would definitely learn to adjust as per their surroundings in the meanwhile. 

How will Leverage Edu guide my child’s study abroad journey?

Leverage Edu – Your Trusted Study Abroad Expert has an experienced team of international experts who’ve been helping students to pursue their dreams of studying abroad. Most of these students are international students thus we can help you with end-to-end assistance from the application process to accommodation. Leverage Edu will hold your child while every procedure is taking place from selecting the course to pre-departure.

Hope now you know the questions that parents of international students must ask. Our Leverage Edu experts will provide you with end-to-end assistance from the application to the Visa process. Call us at 1800 57 2000 to book a FREE 30-minutes counselling session today.

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