KET Exam: Cambridge English A2 Key Test

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What is the KET English Test

KET Exam: Cambridge English A2 Key Test also known as the Cambridge English Key (KET Exam) is a Cambridge English qualification at a basic level. This exam is perfect for a basic-level qualification as it is specifically designed for those who are new to English. It is proof that you can use English to communicate in simple terms. So, if you are planning to check your Proficiency in basic English, you must learn more about the KET exam. 

Cambridge English A2 Key Test Highlights

CEFR level:A2 
Scale score:120–139 
Test format:Computer or paper-based
No. of papers:3
Exam length:About 2 hours
A2 Key helps children around the world learn English
Credits: Cambridge English

What is KET Exam: Cambridge English A2 Key Test

  • The KET Exam: Cambridge English A2 Key Test for Schools qualification demonstrates that a student can interact in uncomplicated scenarios using English. It’s a natural progression from Cambridge English Qualifications for young learners, and it’s also an excellent place for older kids to begin studying English.
  • The exam instills confidence in students, allowing them to study for Higher-Level English Exams such as the B1 Preliminary for Schools.
  • The CEFR level of A2 Key for Schools is the same as A2 Key, except the content is geared for school-age students rather than adults.

Who Should Take KET Exam?

If you have completed approximately 250 hours of study or practice and can speak, write, and understand basic English, you should take the KET Cambridge English A2 Key Test. This exam is an initial step towards improving your English language skills for your future career or study. To take the exam, you must be able to:

  • Ask and respond to inquiries about yourself and others
  • When individuals talk slowly and clearly, you should be able to understand announcements and directions
  • You should be able to tell people what you think about something you read or heard

Must Read: IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

Exam Outline for KET Exam

The Cambridge English A2 Key Test for Schools consists of three papers designed to assess your English Abilities

PaperContentMarks(% of total)Purpose
Reading and Writing(1 hour)7 parts/32 questions50%Demonstrates your ability to comprehend simple written information like signs, pamphlets, newspapers, and magazines
Listening(30 minutes, including 6 minutes transfer time)5 parts/25 questions25%You must be able to comprehend announcements and other spoken information when people talk slowly
Speaking(8–10 minutes per pair of candidates)2 parts25%Answer and ask easy questions to demonstrate your ability to participate in a discussion. The Speaking examination is done in front of two examiners and one or two additional candidates. As a result, your test will be more realistic and reliable.

Reading and Writing Exam

The A2 Key for Schools Reading and Writing paper has seven parts and different types of texts and questions. Parts 1–5 are about reading and parts 6–7 are mainly about writing.

Part 1 (Multiple Choice)

Tasks for The TestFor the core message, read six short real-life texts.
Number of Questions6
MarkingOne mark for each correct answer

Part 2 (Multiple Matching)

Tasks for The TestMatch the questions to the texts after reading seven questions and three short texts on the same topic
Number of Questions7
MarkingOne mark for each correct answer

Part 3 (Multiple Choice)

Tasks for The TestFor a thorough comprehension of the essential themes, read one big text
Number of Questions5
MarkingOne mark for each correct answer

Part 4 (Multiple-Choice Cloze)

Tasks for The TestTo fill in the gaps in a factual paragraph, choose the appropriate vocabulary pieces
Number of Questions6
MarkingOne mark for each correct answer.

Part 5 (Open Cloze)

Tasks for The TestFill in the blanks in an email (and possibly the reply) with a single word
Number of Questions6
MarkingOne mark for each correct answer

Part 6 (Guided Writing)

Tasks for The TestWrite a brief email or note of at least 25 words
Number of Questions1
MarkingThere are a total of 15 marks available for this question

Part 7 (Picture Story)

Tasks for The TestWrite a short story of 35 words or more based on three picture prompts
Number of Questions1
MarkingThere are a total of 15 marks available for this question
Introduction to the Cambridge English Scale
Credits: Cambridge English

Score Outline for KET Exam

Each of the three exams (Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking) have their score, providing you with a clear picture of your performance. The exam’s overall outcome is calculated by an average of these three marks. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will also assign you a grade and a level (CEFR). 

KET Exam Scale Scores

You may be required to attain a specified score or grade, either overall or for a specific talent, depending on which institution, college, or organization you are applying to. The following scores will be used to report results for A2 Key for Schools:

Cambridge English Scale ScoreGradeCEFR Level
100–119Level A1A1

The CEFR Level A2 is the exam’s target audience. The exam can be used to assess students at levels above A2 (Level B1) and below A2 (Level C1) (Level A1).

Your Statement of Results will also show scores between 100 and 119, but you will not obtain a Key English Test certificate.

What is a Statement of Results?

The following information can be found in your Statement of Results:

  • Each of the three test papers received a score on the Cambridge English Scale (Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking)
  • Overall test score on the Cambridge English Scale
  • The total test grade (A, B, C, Level A1)
  • The exam’s total CEFR level.

How to Register for the KET Exam?

Find your Local Center

You must first locate an authorized exam facility in your area. There are over 2,800 centers in 130 countries throughout the world! On the official Cambridge English website, you can find the addresses and contact information for each exam center.

The list of centers in India is provided below.

Center Name City 
IA126 – ACE (Academy for Certification in English)Bangalore
IN144 – Allen Career InstituteKota
IA108 – Allen house Public SchoolKanpur
IN306 – Alpha Training And Consultancy ServicesChennai
IN994 – Aravali EduworldFaridabad
IN154 – British Council Exams & English Services IndiaGurugram
IN092 – Cambridge University Press India Pvt. LtdAll India
IN914 – Education Services Organisation (ESO)New Delhi
IN863 – Myclassboard Education Solutions Pvt LtdHyderabad
IA639 – Travlearn Services LLPOdisha

Contact Details

  • After you have located your nearest exam center, you must determine whether you want to take the exam on paper or on a computer. 
  • Depending on your pick, the dates and timings may change.
  • Once you have picked the version of the test you want to take, all you have to do now is call the exam center to schedule your appointment. 
  • You can contact them by phone or email, and they will answer any of your questions and ensure that you can arrange and take the KET in the best possible circumstances.

Also Read: Study at the University of Cambridge

Exam Updates for KET Exam 2020

Exams are updated regularly to ensure that they reflect the most recent research in language learning and teaching. The A2 Key, A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary, and B1 Preliminary for Schools tests have all been thoroughly reviewed to ensure that they remain relevant to the needs of schools and students. The new exam formats will be used starting in January 2020. The following changes have been made:

  • All of the papers include new and updated tasks.
  • An update to the way grades is published, bringing the tests in line with higher-level exams. Better alignment between the exams, indicating a clearer progression from one exam to the next. Qualifications in Cambridge English
  • In B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools, the Reading and Writing papers are separated.

KET Exam: Cambridge English A2 Key Test 2022-23 Exam Dates

The exam calendars below list the dates available for 2022-23

Cost of KET Exam

Exam centers establish the price of the test in all instances, so you should contact your preferred location directly. However, the estimated cost of the KET exam is around € 120(INR 10,357).

Validity for KET Exam Certificate

Your Cambridge English Certificate will remain valid indefinitely. Universities, colleges, and businesses, for example, might determine how long to accept results, so make sure you carefully verify their requirements.

Are you planning to study abroad after the KET Exam? Book your FREE counseling session with Leverage Edu today! We will help you throughout your study abroad experience, from choosing the best universities to the visa process. 

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