
Human Body Systems

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Human Body Systems

Do you know that the human body is comprised of over 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, and approximately 360 pairs of muscles? The human body is the finest biological machine with many systems simultaneously working together. The main purpose of their joint working system is to facilitate life, movement, cognitive functions, growth, repair, reproduction, etc. Some of the vital human body systems include the central nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, immune system, reproductive system, skeletal structure, and muscular system. In this blog, we will walk through the major human body systems as well as their key functions.

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Understanding Human Anatomy 

Let’s understand what constitutes the main human body systems and the whole anatomy behind it. The main human body systems consist of: 

  • Brain and Nervous System
  • Heart and Circulatory System
  • Lungs and Respiratory System
  • Digestive System
  • Reproductive System
  • Immune System
  • Skeletal Structure
  • Muscular System

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Central Nervous System

Human Body Systems
Central Nervous System

Amongst the vital human body systems, the Central Nervous System comprises 100 to 180 neurons. How we walk, react, behave, think, and talk, all of these activities depend on the brain and nervous system of a human being. In a computer system where the central processing unit has an essential function to play, the brain and nervous system work in the likewise manner. The main parts of the brain comprise the forebrain, cerebrum, thalamus, midbrain, and hindbrain. Furthermore, the nervous system also plays a crucial role in learning, memory retention, and intellect. 

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Circulatory System

The circulatory system plays an extensive role as a delivery and waste removal system of the body. At the center of the circulatory or cardiovascular system, the heart ensures the flow of blood through the entire body and it normally pumps 60 to 100 times in a minute. The main function of the heart is to carry oxygen to various parts of the body. Amongst the different human body systems, the circulatory system plays an essential role in sending blood to the lungs to get oxygen. Moreover, there are four chambers of the heart for pumping the blood. The deoxygenated blood gets into the right atrium and into the right ventricle. It then goes into the left ventricle and left ventricle which leads the distribution of blood to various body parts. 

Respiratory System

Human Body Systems
Respiratory System

The respiratory system has an essential function to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. The major organ in the respiratory system is the lungs which are structured side by side but are different in size. Lungs pump oxygen-rich blood to all the cells in our body. When we breathe, the oxygen gets circulated with the help of the lungs and other human body systems. It enters into the respiratory system and goes through the trachea. It again goes through the bronchus branches and finally into alveoli, which are made of millions of cells. Moreover, the lungs remove carbon dioxide from the human body through exhalation. 

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Digestive System

Just like oxygen, the human body also needs food for survival. The food has to be properly digested and then broken into million of nutrients and glucose in order to produce energy. The process of the digestive system begins from the mouth where our teeth mash the food and then it is swallowed through the esophagus. Further, it penetrates through the digestive system with the help of lubrication. The human digestive system is comprised of small and large intestines. The Large intestine or colon is the real facilitator that removes the unneeded waste from the body. It equally hosts billion of beneficial bacterial known as gut flora or microbiome. 

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Immune System

Human Body Systems
Immune System

Do you know your immune system is the real protagonist in defending all the human body systems from different types of infections, be it viral or fungal? It acts like a military garrison that saves the human body from abnormal cells, parasites, and bacterial growth. It constitutes the white blood cells as well as antibodies. There are many factors that can adversely affect the immune system like anxiety, lack of sleep, improper diet, malnutrition as well as vulnerable diseases like HIV and AIDS.

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Reproductive System

Human Body Systems
Human Reproductive System

Human beings reproduce and procreate like other living beings. The reproductive system consists of a collection of internal and external organs present in both males and females for procreation. While the male reproductive system constitutes of two major parts, the testes where sperms get produced as well as the penis, the female reproductive system contains different internal and external organs including pair of ovaries that produces eggs and the uterus that gestates a baby until it is ready to be born. Further, it is amongst the complex and vital body systems as it is extremely imperative in ensuring the survival of species.

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We hope you liked our blog, where we tried to cover comprehensive information about human body systems. For more such informative articles keep following Leverage Edu!

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