
How to Become an Entertainment Engineer?

3 minute read
Entertainment Engineer

What do Kanye West’s hoverboard-type concert stages, Disney World’s roller-coasters and the movie sets of Blade Runner 2049 have in common? Yes, you guessed it right. They were all created and designed by Entertainment Engineers. They work behind the scenes to make these structures and manage them. It brings together the sobriety of engineering and the aesthetic pleasure of entertainment and fun. If you are aspiring to become one then this blog will help you gain more insights regarding this field. 

What Does an Entertainment Engineer Do? 

Entertainment Engineers create structural and mechanical systems for scenic visuals, concert staging, theme park rides and other entertainment fields. It is an exciting and challenging field where Entertainment and Safety come together so one should make sure that they’re equally balanced. The Engineers plan, design and conceive Entertainment Blueprints and then bring their vision into the real world. 

Becoming an Entertainment Engineer 

To pursue a career in this field, a bachelor’s degree is considered the minimum level of education. Graduates who wish to learn more can also pursue a Master’s Degree in this field. Students who aspire to build a career in this field should also have the ability to multitask, have a highly creative mind and possess excellent design skills. This is because there are both creative and technical skills to this work. They should also be able to communicate effectively. 

Top Universities

The Top Universities that offer the best and most popular courses in this domain are as follows:

  1. University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Entertainment Engineering Design program 
  2. University of Derby, United Kingdom – Various programs related to Entertainment Engineering 
  3. University of Utah – Entertainment Arts & Engineering program
  4. Drexel University, Philadelphia – Entertainment Engineering program
  5. Eastern Michigan University, United States – Entertainment Design and Technology program
  6. Ohlone College, United States – Entertainment Engineering program
  7. Savannah College of Arts and Design – Themed Entertainment Design Master of Fine Arts program
  8. Carnegie Mellon, Pennsylvania – Masters of Entertainment Technology program 

University of Derby, London is the only university to offer various top programs related to the program. If you are confused about which career path to choose, then the University of Derby provides its students with:

  • Venue Designing Programs 
  • Noise Control Programs
  • Equipment and Manufacturing Design 
  • Acoustic Design 
  • Freelance Event Engineering 
  • Engineering and Management 
  • Live Event Production, among various others

Admission Requirements 

To get admission to an Entertainment Engineering and Design program, students must possess a strong academic background and must have opted for physics and maths till their high school level. Students can also take additional courses related to this field like design, arts, basics of engineering and graphic designing. Aspiring candidates must also possess a great set of communication skills and must also have the ability to multitask. 

Career Outlooks

Successful graduates from top universities can go on to do an internship or work at top companies such as Pixar, Universal Studios and Disney. The average salary for a successful professional in this field ranges from $73,8971 (INR 61L) to $86,861 (INR 71.81L) per annum. Your salary may also increase in a few years when you are an experienced professional. The other similar fields are as follows:

Related Read: How to Become a Sound Engineer?


How do I become an entertainment engineer?

A bachelor’s degree is the bare minimum of education required to work as an entertainment engineer. Because these engineers perform a variety of tasks and operate on a variety of systems, employers may need entertainment engineers to hold a master’s degree to assure the appropriate expertise.

What exactly does a engineer do?

An engineer is a professional who creates, designs, and maintains a wide range of machines, structures, and data systems. Engineers are also responsible for sticking to their employer’s budget and timeline restrictions. Engineers are experts in their domains, continuously developing and innovating.

What does a entertainment engineer do?

Mechanical and structural systems for scenic and entertainment staging, theatre facilities, theme parks, and other types of events are created by entertainment engineers.

If you wish to do something that is fun and unique in your life, then Entertainment Engineering is the best career for you. Planning to signup for a course in this field? Don’t know how to go about it? Feel free to reach out to study abroad experts.

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