Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life

9 minute read
Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Before we share examples of chemistry in everyday life, let us ask you this, have you ever noticed that different vegetables take a set amount of time to get cooked? How by just adding baking powder to cakes and doughs, they look fluffier? Can you recall the remedy of rubbing iron over bee stings? Have you tried removing a turmeric stain from a cloth and were perplexed to see it spread instead of getting cleaned? Do you want to know the plausible explanations for such phenomena? All these processes are nothing but chemical reactions taking place in everyday life. Being one of the popular branches of Science, practical applications of this subject is far more than just ‘Chemistry Laboratories’. If you want to read more about such Chemistry in everyday life facts then here is a blog that will shed light on the same!

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Regarded as the central science, Chemistry involves the study of how different substances change colors, shape, size, and forms when reacted with another material or a set of substances. Furthermore, the application of various Branches of Chemistry across different fields has led to many discoveries and high-end innovations which has helped mankind in one or the other way. Understanding Chemistry in everyday life is important because:

  • The food we eat, the cosmetics we use or the medicines we take, all of these undergo chemical reactions.  
  • It can help you make decisions related to a wide range of things like watering plants based on seasons, setting the temperature to bake a cake, choosing the right medicine for acidity, applying a particular SPF sunscreen, etc.
  • It helps you understand which element your body needs more. For instance, some may require Vitamin D more than others. 
Importance of Chemistry in Life, Everyday Uses - Binogi.app Chemistry

Credits – Biology

Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life 

Chemistry has its roots well-settled in almost every aspect of our lives. It is so intricately involved in various processes, we fail to notice them at times. So, here are some interesting examples explaining the role of chemistry in everyday life:

  1. Discoloration of leaves
  2. Food Digestion
  3. Common salt
  4. Ice floating on water
  5. Tears while chopping onions
  6. Sunscreen
  7. Medicines
  8. Hygiene
  9. Baking Soda
  10. Food Preservatives
  11. Emotions
  12. Coffee

Discoloration of Leaves

Chemistry is a significant part of both flora and fauna. Photosynthesis is one of the initial concepts we caught hold of about plant life.

Chemistry in Everyday Life
Courtesy: Gardening Know-How

It is nothing but a chemical process through which some plants make their food. The reason why leaves look green is because of the presence of a pigment called Chlorophyll and when its amount decreases, the leaves look pale yellow. 

Food Digestion

Have you ever thought about what happens to the food we eat? How does our body digest it? Right from chewing to digestion, many chemical reactions take place. Once the food goes down to the stomach, it gets mixed with HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) which is released by the walls of the stomach. This makes it one of the most common examples of chemistry in everyday life!

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Common Salt   

For cooking any type of cuisine, salt is an essential ingredient. We can barely think of a dish without it when it comes to cooking Indian food. Scientifically known as Sodium Chloride (NaCl), it not only helps in adding flavour to the food but also acts as an excellent preservative and thus is the perfect example to determine the use of chemistry in our lives.

Ice Floating on Water  

Courtesy: Wonderopolis

Whenever we pour ice into a glass full of soda or water, the ice floats. You must be wondering, how is this possible? This is so because the density of the ice is lighter than the water. This concept is explained in-depth in the class 9 Science syllabus

Production of Tears While Chopping Onions 

Most of us can relate to this chemistry in everyday life example and how tough at times it gets to chop an onion.

Chemistry in everyday life
Courtesy: Giphy

The tears you get while cutting or peeling an onion are because of Sulphate. The sulphenic acid gets converted to propanediol Sulphur-oxide which causes irritation and triggers the production of tears. 


Sunscreen is an important cosmetic that saves us from harmful UV rays and preserves the natural complexion we have. But why do we only use sunscreen, why not the normal moisturizer? The various organic and inorganic chemicals like TiO2 present in the sunscreen block the rays and prevent them from further penetrating the deeper layers of the skin.


Why is there a specific medicine for every disease? This is because, in every disease, a different biological or chemical reaction takes place. , that is why different chemicals are needed to help patients get cured. 

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We are taught to wash our hands before eating food & now after Covid- 19 hit us before & after doing anything we have to wash our hands. Have you ever wondered if your hands become cleaner using just a drop of handwash or soap? Soaps contain fatty acids of sodium & potassium that act as an emulsifying agent & clean your hands.

It's a Wash: The Chemistry of Soap
Credits – NBC news learn

Baking Soda

How would you feel if had to eat flat cake? The cake rises because of the chemicals present in baking soda. We use baking soda in our everyday life & never knew the chemistry behind it. Baking soda has CO2  that makes the cake & any other food item rise. 

Food Preservatives

Do you ever wonder how home-cooked food never lasts a day & ketchup bottles and jams last almost a year? Next time, try checking the label of any of the products in the supermarket. These products contain a chemical that helps in the preservation & help in the restraining of viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. Most of the chemicals used as food preservatives are sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, potassium sorbate, etc.

Types of food preservatives
Credits – Melissa Ramos


Courtesy: Giphy

Love to hai hi chemical locha – You must have come across this line at least once but you never knew this is true. All our emotions & feeling of love are reactions to chemicals in our body. The feeling of love releases hormones like oxytocin, vasopressin, and endorphins in our bodies.


Courtesy: AllEars.net

We all have fueled ourselves with a cup of coffee at work, and late-night study sessions to keep ourselves awake. How can I cup coffee and do all this? There is no magic behind it but just simple chemistry we come across every day. Coffee has a chemical called adenosine that slows the nerve cell activity when your mind signals sleep.

Credits – Compound Interest
Home-Made Chemistry | 5 Chemical Reactions to do at Home!
Squint Science

Importance of Chemistry in Food 

Chemicals are the basic building blocks of everything. All food is made of chemical molecules, including safe and frequently desired carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, proteins, and fiber. Chemicals have a significant role in the production and storage of food. Chemicals used in food preservation have greatly benefited in keeping food fresher for longer. Cans of food seasonings, dietary supplements, and food additives can all help to raise the quantity of meals. To help in the development of wholesome and nutrient-dense crops, fruits, and vegetables, chemistry has given the world essential fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Significant fertilizers include ammonium sulfate, calcium superphosphate, sodium nitrate, and urea.

The following compounds are often used in food materials:

  • Colouring agents
  • Artificial preservatives
  • Flow stabilizers
  • Binding substance
  • Artificial sweetness
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins

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Importance of Chemistry in Cosmetics

We frequently use talcum powder, lotions, fragrances, and a variety of other cosmetic goods. All of these products were developed in laboratories using substances that are bad for our skin and well-being. Every cosmetic product, whether intended for babies or adults, is made of chemical ingredients. Chemistry is essential for controlling the pH of our skin, keeping it healthy, and removing unsightly scars. The following chemical categories are present in cosmetics.

  • Emulsifier: These strengthen the emulsion’s stability. Potassium cetyl sulfate, for instance.
  • Preservatives: These are added to cosmetics to increase their shelf life. Salicylic acid and benzyl alcohol are two examples.
  • Thickeners: These have a likable consistency. Stearic acid and cetyl alcohol are two examples.
  • Emollient: These soften the skin by preventing water loss. Zinc oxide, for instance, or glycerine.
  • Glimmer and Shiners: For example, mica, bismuth oxychloride.

Importance of Green Chemistry

By monitoring, preserving, and improving the environments in which we live, such as the air, water, and soil, green chemistry helps to maintain the environment. Several techniques and tactics have been developed to guarantee that all environmental contamination is assessed and kept from diminishing. Many non-polluting fuels and substances that may quickly absorb impurities from the air are being investigated and tested to make the air cleaner. One such example is the substitution of CFC in refrigerators. Chemistry provides a thorough understanding of pollutants for interpreting health effects, managing emissions, and developing pollution-reduction technologies. Chemists regularly test the soil and water for contamination and provide the results as well as long-term preventative measures for ecological balance and human health.

10 Uses of Chemistry in Our Daily Life

Here is a list of the top 10 uses of chemistry in our daily life

  1. Human body: The human body consists of chemical components. For example, hydrogen, oxygen, etc.
  2. Emotions: Due to chemical reactions human beings can feel certain emotions like envy, jealousy, etc.
  3. Onions: Due to chemical reactions tears fall when we cut an onion
  4. Soap: Soap is formed by mixing animal fat with ashes. Soap can make hangs clean due to chemistry 
  5. Sunscreen: Sunscreen works (blocking UK rays against sunburn) due to chemistry 
  6. Food: Food rising by adding baking powder/ baking soda is due to chemistry 
  7. Bottled water: The reason why bottled water doesn;t go bad is because of chemistry
  8. Detergent: The reason why laundry detergent is used in washing machines is because of chemistry
  9. Medicines: The medicines that are taken by people contain chemical molecules that help in reducing the illness.
  10. Battery: Batteries are used everywhere. For example, electrical devices. It is ‘the

Chemistry in Everyday Life NEET

Here are some important NEET questions on Chemistry in everyday life:

Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life


  1. Name the artificial sweetener which is only suitable under cold conditions.
  2. What is the mixture referred to as when chloroxylenol is mixed with terpineol?
  3. What does Bithional in soaps work as?
  4. What happens to the surface tension in water when we add soap or detergent to it?
  5. What does Ibuprofen contain?
  6. Aspirin is chemically _______.
  7. Which medical procedure can arrest the growth of cancerous cells in the body?
  8. Name a local anesthetic.
  9. For which physical disorder are Tranquilisers used?
  10. What do SLV-3 rockets use?


  1. Aspartame
  2. Antiseptic
  3. Antiseptic
  4. It lowers
  5. The racemic mixture of both R and S enantiomer
  6. Acetyl Salicylic acid (an antibiotic)
  7. Chemotherapy
  8. Mental disorders
  9. Procaine
  10. Solid propellants


Do makeup products contain chemicals?

Yes, some of the common chemicals in makeup products are benzyl alcohol, glycerine, potassium cetyl sulfate, etc.

Why do we use chemicals in foods?

Chemicals are used for preserving food products. It helps them in increasing shelf life and prohibits bacteria, viruses & fungus also.

What is the name of the chemical present in salt?

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is present in salt.

What is the name of the chemical present in sunscreens?

TiO2  is present in the sunscreen lotion.

What chemical is used in cosmetic products that soften the skin?

Glycerine and zinc oxide is used in cosmetic products that help soften the skin.

Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemistry helps humans to understand the formation of life and its adaptations. Chemistry helps in living better and more sustainable lives. For example, it reveals how illnesses begin and how they can be prevented. 

Thus, we hope that this blog on chemistry in everyday life has equipped you with some interesting knowledge about the field. Want to start a career in this field? Confused about the courses? Don’t worry! Reach out to our experts at Leverage Edu where the counsellors will assist you in selecting a course that matches your interest!

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