
BA Economics Jobs

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BA Economics Jobs

As an integral part of the Commerce stream, Economics is concerned with the study of choices and optimum utilisation of resources as per their scarcity and availability. Economists essentially keep up with contemporary market trends and carve out efficient strategies to ensure the smooth functioning of an economy. Students wanting to explore the field of study can generally choose from undergraduate programs like BA and BSc Economics, both of which include the basics of this discipline along with perusing its different aspects as a scientific and theoretical area of study. Here is a blog that elaborates the long list of BA economics jobs that the graduates of this discipline can discover after completing their bachelor’s degree.

What is BA Economics?

BA Economics is a degree course which is a blend of three central subjects, i.e. Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Statistics. Macroeconomics comprises of a thorough study of the economy on the national and global level and includes varied concepts such as government budget, income, employment, national income, inflation and deflation of currency, etc. Microeconomics focuses on analysing the different types of markets as well as basic topics like demand and supply, price determination, amongst others. Amidst these two sub-disciplines, Statistics plays an essential role in facilitating the interpretation of economic data. 

Who Can Apply?

BA Economics can be the programme you’ve been searching for, with such a variety of profitable career choices accessible after graduation. A BA in Economics is something you should consider pursuing if you are good with statistics, have experience managing money, and are interested in topics like economic policy.

To pursue economics as a career, one must have the mental capacity to face the tremendous strain and hurdles that lie ahead given the dynamic nature of the economy, which can fluctuate at any time and for a variety of causes. The work becomes much more delicate and risky since you are a member of the team responsible for the company’s or department’s financial stability. As a result, it must be completed with the highest commitment and resolve.

After completing BA in Economics, graduates can explore plentiful opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Moreover, with the intermixing of different disciplines, Economics has also been amalgamated with other subjects of Commerce thus leading to areas of study like Business Economics, Managerial Economics, Financial Economics, Agricultural Economics, amongst others. These specialisations help students in delving deeper into the study of Economics through a master’s degree or a PhD in Economics. Here is a list of some of the popular job profiles for Economics graduates:

Economic Consultant

Economic Consultants work with research institutions, financial companies and private and public agencies. As one of the popular BA Economics jobs, this career profile demands candidates who efficiently analyze heavy statistical and financial data and prepare recommendations, strategies, policies and economic patterns accordingly for the benefit of the organisation they are working with or for the economy as a whole. Some of the major roles and responsibilities handled by an Economic Consultant are:

  • Analysing intellectual property and antitrust violations and calculating the economic damages. 
  • To expand the investment for the clients, economic consultants have to critically study contemporary industry trends and patterns.
  • Evaluating the impact of economic policies on the social lives of the people.

Investment or Financial Risk Analyst

Investment or Financial Risk Analysts assesses potential risks looming upon the financial position of industrial and commercial firms as well as public and private organisations. To prevent the financial stability of the organization they are working with, the analysts have to evaluate and predict the events that might affect the organization in the coming future. It is amongst the majorly chosen BA Economics jobs and the roles and responsibilities of an Investment/Financial Risk Manager:

  • Evaluating the risk associated with specific transactions and collaborating with the traders.
  • Creating and suggesting measures to control risk.
  • Monitoring and predicting market trends.


Featuring amongst the high-profile BA Economics jobs, Auditors work for financial consulting companies as well as departments under the government. The main role of the Auditor revolves around inspecting the major areas where financial resources are being spent in an organization. They supervise the account-keeping as well as financial transactions of the firm. They assess the validity, authority and legalization of the financial statements and create efficient strategies to ensure the optimum utilisation of financial resources in the organisation. Some of the key roles and responsibilities of an Auditor are as follows:

  • Evaluating the financial documents of the firm along with account balances and transactions.
  • Collecting and ultimately creating the financial data.
  • Drafting new policies for the organisation as well as analysing the already established ones and providing the respective feedback to the management.

Financial Manager

Financial Managers are generally demanded by companies and organisations working in Banking, IT, Insurance and Industrial sectors. As one of the highly demanding BA Economics jobs, financial managers prepare annual financial reports and propose beneficial strategies aiming to increase the revenue of the company. As a career profile that amalgamates the knowledge of Economics and Finance, some of the duties carried out by a Financial Manager include:

  • Creating long-term business plans.
  • Managing cash flow, income as well as expenditure.
  • Developing efficient financial systems and modules for the organisation.\

Apart from the above-mentioned career prospects, some other profiles under BA Economics jobs include: 

  • Customer Profit Analyst
  • Foreign Trade Analyst
  • Securities Analyst Trainee
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Sales Analyst 
  • Portfolio Manager

Salary After BA Economics

Some of the salary options for jobs after BA economics are tabulated below.

JobStarting Salary
EconomistUp to INR 7 lakh
Banker Up to INR 7.5 lakh
Finance and Budget AnalystUp to INR 5 lakh
Operations Manager Up to INR 8 lakh
Market Analyst Up to INR 6.5 lakh

Scope of Economics

A bright future with a wealth of choices for both career profiles and further study is promised by the BA Economics programme. The genuine scope of a BA in Economics will be determined by the student’s acquired talents and their capacity to use their knowledge and skills in the workplace for each and every graduate.

If you choose to major in BA Economics as your undergraduate degree, you can choose from a variety of careers, including those as a research assistant, bank teller, or economist. There are many opportunities, and with the right combination of education, training, and experience, a BA in Economics may lead to a highly profitable salary.

Top Recruiters

Numerous career options in a variety of fields are available with a BA in Economics. With a BA in Economics, you can work for leading banks both domestically and internationally as well as other financial companies.

The top global employers of BA in Economics students can be found in the list below:

  • ICBC
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • HSBC
  • NatWest
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of China
  • Oxfam
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Accenture
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Capgemini


What are the jobs after BA in Economics?

Economist, Finance and Budget Analyst, Human Resource and Banker etc. are the types of jobs after BA Economics.

Can I do BA in Economics without Math?

No, you cannot study economics without math. When studying Economics, math is regarded as a required subject

Which is better B Com or BA Economics?

Students with a passion for business and banking can enrol in BCom, while those interested in studying the behaviour of commodities and demand and supply can enrol in BA Economics. Both courses are distinctive in their own right.

Thus, there are a plethora of BA Economics jobs you can choose from after completing your undergraduate degree in this discipline. If you are planning to delve deeper into the vast arena of Economics with a master’s degree, take the help of Leverage Edus AI tool to browse through a wide range of postgraduate courses available in this field and find the right one that matches your interests and career aspirations.

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