
Helpful Phrases to Study Abroad in France

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phrases to study abroad in france

France is a new emerging study-abroad destination that offers. The country is a dream of many students as it offers splendid beauty, fun and inclusive culture and abundant opportunities in fields like fashion, brand management, luxury management, jewellery design, public relations and more. French is one of the most popular languages that offer a competitive edge to students in this cutting-edge world. But if you are not proficient in French, do not worry, here are some helpful phrases to learn before studying abroad in France.


Also Read: Study in France 

Greetings Phrases to Study Abroad in France

The following are some of the greetings phrases to study abroad in France:

  • Bonjour – Hello. 
  • Salut! – Hey/Hi
  • Merci – Thank You 
  • Oui – Yes
  • Non – No
  • Bonsoir – Good Evening 
  • Bonne soirée ! – Have a good evening
  • Bonne journée – Good Day!/ to have a good day
  • Pardon – Excuse me 
  • S’il vous plaît – Please
  • Au Revoir – Goodbye
  • À la prochaine – See you next time 
  • Parlez-vous anglais ? – Do you Speak English 
  • Comment dit on … en français ?  – How do you say …. in French 

Must Read: Bonjour! Learn the 10 Best Ways to Say Hello in French!

Introduction Phrases to Study Abroad in France

The following are the introduction phrases to studying abroad in France:

  • Enchanté/Enchantée – Pleased to meet you
  • Comment tu t’appelles comment ? – What’s your name? (casual form)
  • Comment vous appelez-vous ? – What is your name? (formal form)
  • Comment Ça va? – How are you?
  • Ça va bien, merci – I am good, thank you 
  • Nous sommes arrivés/arrivées… – We arrived 
  • Nous restons… – We’re staying…
  • Je parle un peu français – I speak a little French
  • J’apprends le français depuis… – I’ve been learning French for…
  • À Bientôt – See you soon 

Must Read: Golden Tips To Successfully Study Abroad In France

Travelling Phrases to Study Abroad in France 

The following are the travelling phrases to study abroad in France:

Pouvez-vous m’aider ? – Can you help me?

Generally, to ask the where questions we use Où est… ? – Where is…?. With this, we can use the place to know about the address and directions of it. The following are examples of using the phrase:

  • Où est l’hôtel? – Where is the hotel?
  • Où est la banque – Where is the bank?
  • Où est la plage – Where is the beach?

To ask about the weather in French we use Quel temps va-t-il faire aujourd’hui ? – how is the weather today? 

To describe weather conditions, the following expressions are used:

  • Il fait beau aujourd’hui – The weather is good today
  • Il fait pleut – it is raining 
  • Il fait chaud – it is hot 
  • Il fait neige – it is snowing 
  • Il fait froid – it is cold 
  • Il fait soleil – it is sunny 
  • Il fait venteux  – It is windy 

Est-ce que vous pourriez prendre ma photo, s’il vous plaît ? – Could you take my photo, please?

Pouvez-vous m’appeler un taxi, s’il vous plaît ? – Can you call me a taxi, please ?

  • The basic transportation facilities are as follows:
  • Le Train  – The train 
  • Le Bus – The bus
  • Le Bateau – The boat 
  • La Voiture – The car
  • Le Car  – The coach 

Also Read: Scholarships in France

Benefits of Learning French 

The following are the benefits of learning French:

  • The number of people who speak French worldwide is over 300 million, making it one of the most extensively used languages in the world. 29 nations, including Canada, Switzerland, and several African countries, have it as their official language.
  • Opportunities for travel and cultural immersion: Many well-known tourism destinations, such as France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and a number of African nations, all speak French. Travelling more and becoming more immersed in the local cultures are two benefits of learning French.
  • Opportunities for employment: The United Nations, the International Olympic Committee, and the International Red Cross all have French as an official language. Possibilities for employment in industries including diplomacy, international trade, and tourism can be increased by knowing French.
  • Learning a new language can boost cognitive performance and even postpone the onset of age-related cognitive decline. French is a language with a rich vocabulary and sophisticated grammar that can be both mentally taxing and gratifying.
  • Enhanced communication abilities: Learning French can improve your overall communication skills, including in your mother tongue. It can aid in your comprehension of various cultural viewpoints and improve your ability to interact with people from various cultural backgrounds.
  • Enjoyment of French literature and culture: Learning the language can introduce you to a whole new world of literature, poetry, and art. French is known for its rich literary tradition.

Also Read: MBA in France

Why Study in France?

  • You will be amazed to learn that practically all French universities provide top-notch education to students from all over the world, regardless of where in the nation you are.
  • In addition, you have the choice of taking classes full- or part-time.
  • Up to 20 institutions can be requested on one application!
  • More than 3,500 institutions of higher learning exist in France, including 77 public universities that offer all degree programmes, schools of architecture, Grandes Ecoles (Great Schools), which offer 5-year diplomas (equivalent to master’s degrees) in the humanities, sciences, and business, and more than 3,000 institutions that offer specialised courses in hospitality, social work, and tourism.

Must Read: Explore International Student Life in France!


Q1. What phrases do I need to know in France?

Ans. The following are some of the popular phrases to study abroad in France:
Bonjour – Hello. 
Salut! – Hey/Hi
Merci – Thank You 
Oui – Yes
Non – No

Q2. Which words and phrases will help you a lot when travelling in France?

Ans. The following are the words and phrases to know before travelling to France:
Bonjour – Hello. 
Salut! – Hey/Hi
Merci – Thank You 
Enchanté/Enchantée – Pleased to meet you
Comment tu t’appelles comment ? – What’s your name? (casual form)
Comment vous appelez-vous ? – What is your name? (formal form)
Comment Ça va? – How are you?
Ça va bien, merci – I am good, thank you

Q3. What is the most popular French phrase?

Ans. The following are the most popular French phrases:
Bonjour – Hello. 
Salut! – Hey/Hi
Merci – Thank You 
Enchanté/Enchantée – Pleased to meet you

We hope that this blog has provided you with relevant information on phrases to study abroad in France. And if you wish to study abroad, contact Leverage Edu for full assistance. You can also call us at 1800572000 and book a free session today!

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