
E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme

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E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme

Prospective candidates who wish to pursue continuing education programmes at ETH, Zurich can apply for the “E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme”. This program will not only provide financial assistance, but it can also open up a myriad of lucrative opportunities for students hailing from developing countries. Furthermore, students applying for the aforementioned programmes will be given a plethora of practical experience, thereby broadening their learning and educational curve. 


The programme can help candidates who wish to study at ETH Zurich acquire diverse research and learning opportunities, including knowledge of engineering, social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.

Name of the Programme E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme
Conducting BodyETH Zurich
AimProviding consolidated financial assistance to promising candidates. 
Official Webpagehttps://ethz.ch/en.html

What is the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme?

Since its inception, the Engineering for Development (E4D) Continuing Education Scholarship Programme solely aimed at providing financial backing to candidates hailing from developing or third-world countries. Students opting for the said programme can expect to receive scholarships for their travel and living expenses.

One of the primary ideologies underlying the conception of the programme was to forge mere students into great future leaders by providing them with best-in-class knowledge, and by honing their skills to near perfection. 

The programme was established in hopes of moulding candidates into visionaries who would contribute to the development and poverty alleviation of society, especially their own home countries. 

E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme Eligibility Criteria 

The sole purpose of conducting bodies prescribing the set eligibility criteria for an examination is to ascertain whether or not the candidate possesses the requisite calibre and qualification.

And the said programme, just like any other scholarship programme, comes with its own set of prescribed eligibility criteria that must be met by the applicants in order to be deemed eligible. 

In the case of the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme, applicants must keep abreast of the requisite criteria before applying. The prescribed set of eligibility criteria for the said programme is: 

  • Candidates must be holding a master’s degree from a notable university and must have a total work experience of a minimum of 2 years. 
  • It is a mandate for applicants to be proficient in the English language. Students with a  TOEFL level C1 will be deemed eligible for the scholarship programme
  • Only the candidates hailing from nations classified under the DAC list of the OECD will be eligible for the said scholarship. 
  • In order to be deemed eligible for the said scholarship programme, applicants are not only required to acquire acceptance from the School for Continuing Education, but also from the MAS, CAS or DAS programme office.  

E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Eligible Programmes 

Educational programmes encapsulated under the ETH Zurich Continuing Education Programme including MAS, CAS, and DAS are considered to be eligible for the E4D Continuing Education scholarship. Those who wish to keep abreast with the overview of the different programmes branched under the scholarship scheme can refer to the official webpage of the “School for Continuing Education”. 

E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme Financial Support

One of the primary concerns for students pursuing higher education abroad is budgeting. This is where the scholarship programmes come into play. Students hailing from underdeveloped or developing countries can benefit from such programmes by alleviating some of the major expenses such as Visa fees, travel expenses, living allowances, and so on.

These scholarships ensure that promising and ambitious candidates’ education is not hampered by a dearth of financial support. Some of the expenses that one can expect to be covered by the said scholarship are: 

  • Economy round trip ticket (maximum 2’000 CHF/INR 1.8 lakhs)
  • Visa fees
  • Annuity
  • ETH tuition fee (i.e. around 660 CHF/INR 58,956 per semester) waiver  

Prospective candidates should also keep in mind that the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship does not cover the fees for any of the following programmes: MAS, DAS and CAS.

Furthermore, the application fee of the School for Continuing Education, i.e. 150 CHF (INR 13,398) is not covered in this scholarship.

There is, however, a catch!  If a candidate hailing from a developing nation is able to procure a  valid application but, for some reason is not selected, the application fee will be refunded to the applicant. 

E4D Scholarship Application Documents

Applicants who wish to apply for the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme must procure the requisite and necessary documents in order to avoid the last-minute hustle of collecting documents. Candidates must submit relevant and original documents in order to pass the documents’ verification process. Those who obtain false information or attempt to mislead officials will not be awarded the scholarship.

The requisite documents for the scholarship programme are: 

  • Candidate’s resume
  • A master’s diploma or MSc degree
  • A letter of application- The application letter should include the candidate’s motivation for attending the programme and how it will benefit his or her career development.  
  • Admission letter 
  • Certificate of Employment. 
  • Certificate of English level (minimum TOEFL level C1) 

Key Points to Remember

Candidates solely enrolled in the ETH MAS, DAS, or CAS programmes and evaluated as “meritorious” based on their academic and professional qualifications are considered eligible for a scholarship. Those who wish to apply for the said scholarship programme must apply to both: 

  1. A continuing education programme. 
  2. E4D scholarship. 

Applicants are required to contact the programme coordinator of the preferred programme in order to acquire the admission letter prior to the application deadline. 


Will candidates who do not have their ETH admission confirmation letter be able to apply for the scholarship programme?

Candidates who do not have an ETH admission confirmation letter are not eligible to apply.

Which linguistic categories are acceptable for the registration process of the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme?

Prospective candidates appearing for the aforementioned programme must answer all questions in English only during the registration/application process.

Where can one submit their queries regarding the enrolment in the Continuing Education programmes? 

Concerns pertaining to the Continuing Education programmes must be directed to the School of Continuing Education at ETH Zurich.

What is the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme?

The Engineering for Development or E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme provides financial assistance along with a myriad of lucrative opportunities for students hailing from developing countries to help them pursue continuing education programmes at ETH, Zurich.

The E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme can open up an enormous window of lucrative academic and work opportunities for those who do not have consolidated financial backing. Thanks to the scholarships provided by ETH Zurich, candidates who forsook their dreams of working in Science-based professional fields can finally pursue them without any financial hindrance. Partaking in the said program can be a stepping stone for numerous meritorious aspirants who desire to build their careers in engineeringsocial sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.

If you are planning to study abroad in the upcoming intakes get in touch with our study abroad experts at 1800-57-2000. And stay tuned to our scholarships page for more information related to various scholarship schemes to study abroad.

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