
99+Adjectives Starting With The Letter V with Meanings and Examples [PDF Available]

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adjectives that start with v

Adjectives That Start with V: Adjectives that begin with the letter “V” appear in a wide variety, allowing us to properly and delicately characterize individuals, groups, locations, objects, and ideas. “V” adjectives offer a wide variety of words to transmit meaning and create vivid verbal pictures, whether we’re praising someone’s brilliance, expressing an inventive concept, or describing a circumstance as exciting.

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Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

Mentioned below is a list of popular adjectives that begin with the letter “V,” along with examples and their meanings:

VividClear and distinct in the mind; having a strong or lively impression. The memories of their childhood were still vivid in their minds, even after many years.
VoluminousOccupying or containing a large volume of space; spacious or extensive.She wore a voluminous dress that billowed out as she walked.
VigilantWatchful, alert, and attentive to potential dangers or problems.The security guard remained vigilant throughout the night to ensure the safety of the premises
VileExtremely unpleasant, morally reprehensible, or wicked.His vile behavior towards his colleagues led to his dismissal from the company.
VulnerableSusceptible to harm, injury, or attack; lacking protection or defense.The young birds in the nest are vulnerable to predators until they learn to fly.
VexingCausing annoyance, frustration, or distress; irritating or bothersome.The constant delays in the project were quite vexing for the team.

These are just a few examples of adjectives that start with the letter “V.” Adjectives can add depth and detail to your descriptions, helping to paint a more vivid picture in your writing or conversation.

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Descriptive Adjectives That Begin With V With Examples

The descriptive adjectives can be used to provide vivid and descriptive details in your writing or speech, enhancing your ability to convey meaning and imagery effectively. Here’s a list of descriptive adjectives that begin with the letter “V,” along with examples & meanings:

AdjectivesMeaning Examples
VastExtremely large or wide in area, extent, or scope.The Sahara Desert is a vast, arid expanse of sand.
VoluptuousSensuously pleasing, often referring to a person’s full or shapely physical attributes.The painting depicted a voluptuous woman with curves and sensuous features.
VeraciousTruthful, accurate, or honest in speech, statements, or reporting.His veracious account of the events convinced the jury of his innocence.
VibrationalRelating to vibrations or oscillations, often used in the context of energy or frequency.The vibrational energy of the music resonated deeply with the audience.
VolatileTending to change rapidly and unpredictably; liable to erupt suddenly or violently.The volatile market caused many investors to panic and sell their stocks.
VisionaryCharacterized by forward-thinking, creativity, and the ability to imagine and plan for the future.She had a visionary idea for a sustainable future, which inspired many.
VigorousStrong, energetic, and robust in activity, growth, or appearance.Regular exercise helps maintain a vigorous level of physical fitness.

Positive Adjectives That Begin With V With Examples

Adjectives that are positive in their characteristics can be used to describe people, experiences, or situations in a favorable and uplifting manner, adding a positive tone to communication or writing. Check out list of positive adjectives that begin with the letter “V,” along with examples and their meanings:

VibrantFull of energy, life, and brightness; lively and dynamic.The vibrant colors of the flowers in the garden added beauty to the surroundings.
VisionaryHis visionary ideas revolutionized the technology industry.Characterized by innovative and forward-thinking ideas; capable of imagining and planning for the future.
VirtuousHaving high moral standards, exhibiting integrity, and being morally upright.She is known for her virtuous character and her commitment to helping others.
VivaciousLively, animated, and full of enthusiasm and energy.Zarah’s vivacious personality lights up any room she enters.
VictoriousAchieving victory or success in a competition or battle. The team felt victorious after winning the championship.

Negative Adjectives That Begin With V With Examples

Negative adjectives can be used to describe undesirable qualities, situations, or characteristics, and they convey a critical or unfavourable tone. Check the list given below with adjectives, their meaning and examples for your easy reference. 

VileExtremely unpleasant, morally reprehensible, or wicked.His vile behavior towards his coworkers led to his termination from the company.
ValuelessLacking value or worth; worthless or insignificant.The stolen jewelry was found to be valueless, as it was made of imitation gems.
VexatiousCausing annoyance, frustration, or irritation; producing vexation or distress.Dealing with the vexatious bureaucracy was a frustrating experience.
VulgarLacking refinement, taste, or manners; coarse, obscene, or offensive.His vulgar jokes offended many people at the party.
VacuousLacking intelligence, thought, or meaningful content; empty-headed or shallow.His speech was vacuous, filled with empty platitudes and devoid of substance.

Neutral Adjectives That Begin With V With Examples

 Here’s a list of neutral adjectives that begin with the letter “V,” along with examples:

VitalAbsolutely necessary or essential for life, well-being, or success.Proper nutrition is vital for maintaining good health.
VocationalRelating to or providing training or education in a specific trade or occupation.He decided to pursue a vocational course in carpentry to learn a practical skill.
ValidHaving a sound basis in logic or fact; legally or officially acceptable.Your argument is valid, and it makes a compelling point.
VoluntaryDone willingly and without coercion or obligation; optional or by choice.She joined the voluntary cleanup crew to help restore the local park.
VolumetricRelating to the measurement of volume or the three-dimensional space occupied by an object.The volumetric measurements of the container indicate its capacity in liters.

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Other Adjective That Starts With Letter V

Here are some of the other adjective that starts with the letter V:

  • Valiant
  • Vain
  • Valid
  • VAST
  • Valorous
  • Valuable
  • Variable
  • Varied
  • Versatile
  • Vibrant
  • Vacant
  • Vagabond
  • Vagrant
  • Veracious
  • Vicious
  • Victorious
  • Villainous
  • Virtual
  • Virtuous
  • Vague
  • Valedictorian
  • Vehement
  • Velvety
  • Venomous snake

Complete List of Adjectives That Start With The Letter V

Here are adjectives that start with the letter “V”:

Complete List of Adjectives That Start With The Letter V- Download PDF

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Adjectives That Start With The Letter V to Describe a Person With Examples

Listed below are adjectives that start with the letter “V” to describe a person, along with examples and meanings: 

VivaciousLively, animated, and full of enthusiasm and energy.Sarah is a vivacious person who always brings energy and enthusiasm to any gathering.
VolunteerWillingly offering one’s services or assistance without being paid, often for altruistic purposes.Sarah is a dedicated volunteer who tirelessly contributes her time to charitable causes.
VulnerableSusceptible to harm, injury, or attack; lacking protection or defense.The vulnerable child needed special care and attention due to her fragile health.
VerboseUsing more words than necessary; wordy or long-winded in expression.The verbose professor’s lectures often left students feeling overwhelmed with information.
VociferousExpressing strong opinions or feelings loudly and vehemently.The vociferous activist passionately advocated for social justice and equality.

Example Sentences For Adjectives That Start With V

Here are example sentences for adjectives that start with the letter “V” to help you understand how they can be used:

  • Vibrant: The vibrant colors of the festival decorations lit up the entire street.
  • Valiant: The valiant firefighters battled the raging inferno to save the historic building.
  • Visionary: Steve Jobs was a visionary leader who revolutionized the technology industry with the iPhone.
  • Virtuous: Her virtuous character and strong moral values earned her the admiration of her peers.
  • Vivacious: The children were captivated by the vivacious clown who made them laugh uncontrollably.
  • Versatile: A versatile actor, she seamlessly transitioned from comedy to drama in her roles.
  • Victorious: The team felt victorious after winning the championship game in overtime.
  • Venerable: The venerable old library contained rare books that had been collected for centuries.
Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

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This was all about adjectives starting with V. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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