99+ Adjectives that Start with ‘E’: Check Meanings & Examples [PDF Available]

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Adjectives starting with the letter “E” offer a diverse range of descriptive qualities to enhance our language and communication. From words like “energetic” and “enthusiastic” that highlight a person’s vigour and passion to adjectives such as “effervescent” and “eloquent” that add depth and expressiveness to descriptions or some common words in our daily communication. To learn more about the adjectives that start with E, continue reading the blog article below.

Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z
popular adjectives starting with e

Here are some popular adjectives that begin with the letter “E,” along with examples of how they can be used in sentences:

EagerStrongly wanting to do something.She was eager to start her new job and learn as much as she could.
EcstaticExtremely happyHer elegant dress and jewellery made her stand out at the gala.
EfficientProductive of desired effectsThe new manufacturing process was much more efficient, resulting in higher productivity.
ElegantHaving a good or attractive style
The enthusiastic crowd cheered for their favourite sports team throughout the game.
EnthusiasticFull of excitement and interest in something
The enthusiastic crowd cheered for their favorite sports team throughout the game.
EpicUnusually long or great in size or scopeThe battle between the two armies was an epic struggle that would be remembered for generations.
EvasiveTrying to avoid somethingHis evasive answers during the interview raised suspicions about his honesty.
EvilMorally bad; causing trouble or harming peopleThe villain in the story was portrayed as an evil character with sinister intentions.
ExquisiteExtremely beautiful and pleasing
The restaurant served an exquisite meal that included delicate flavors and artistic presentation.
Extraordinary Not what you would expect in a particular situation; very strangeHer talent for playing the piano was truly extraordinary, and she could captivate any audience.
ExuberantFull of energy and excitementThe children’s exuberant laughter echoed through the playground.

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Descriptive Adjectives that Start with E with Examples

These descriptive adjectives that start with “E” can help vividly describe various qualities, characteristics, and situations in both written and spoken communication. Check them out below:

Economical That costs or uses less time, money, fuel, etc. than usual
The hybrid car was an economical choice because it consumed very little fuel.
EvasiveTrying to avoid something; not direct
His evasive responses to the questions raised suspicions about his involvement in the incident.
ErraticChanging without reason; that you can never be sure ofThe squirrel’s erratic movements made it challenging to capture in a photograph.
Effervescent excited, enthusiastic and full of energyHer effervescent personality made her the life of the party, always spreading cheer.
Ebullientfull of confidence and energyAfter receiving the good news, she was in an ebullient mood, bubbling with happiness.
Exoticunusual or interesting because it comes from a different country or cultureThe marketplace was filled with exotic spices and goods from distant lands.
Empiricaloriginating in or based on observation or experienceThe scientist conducted empirical experiments to gather data for the research project.
Evolvingto develop or to make something develop gradually, from a simple to a more advanced formThe technology industry is constantly evolving, with new innovations emerging every year.
Eloquentable to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you speak in publicHis eloquent speech captivated the audience and left a lasting impression.

Positive Adjectives that Begin with E with Examples

Here are some positive adjectives that begin with the letter “E,” along with examples of how they can be used:

Adjectives MeaningExample
Energetic full of or needing energy and enthusiasmShe is always full of energy and ready to tackle any challenge.
Empatheticthe ability to imagine how someone else feelsHer empathetic nature makes her a great friend who can understand and comfort others.
Exemplarydeserving imitationHer exemplary work ethic and dedication earned her a promotion.
Exceptional being unusualHer exceptional talent as a musician earned her recognition worldwide.
Enlightened showing understanding, acting in a positive wayThe book offered an enlightened perspective on the topic, changing many people’s views.

These positive adjectives beginning with “E” can be used to praise and highlight favourable qualities, characteristics, and experiences.

Negative Adjectives that Start with E with Examples

These negative adjectives that start with “E” can be used to describe unfavourable qualities, behaviours, and situations, conveying a sense of criticism or disappointment. Here are some negative adjectives that begin with the letter “E,” along with examples of how they can be used:

EgotisticalAbsorbed in oneselfHer egotistical behaviour made it difficult for others to work with her.
Excessivetoo much; too great or extremeThe excessive noise from the construction site disrupted the entire neighbourhood.
Elitistone who is an adherent of elitismThe elitist attitude of the club members made newcomers feel unwelcome.
Exploitativemaking use of a situation or treating others unfairly to gain an advantage or benefit.The company’s exploitative labor practices were exposed in a documentary.
Exasperating one who is an adherent to elitismDealing with his constant procrastination was an exasperating experience for his coworkers.
EphemeralThe joy of winning was ephemeral, as they soon faced new challenges.The company’s exploitative labour practices were exposed in a documentary.
Estrangedno longer living with your husband/wifeAfter years of conflict, they became estranged and no longer spoke to each other.

Examples of Neutral Adjectives that Start with E

Here are some neutral adjectives that begin with the letter “E,” along with examples of how they can be used:

Educationalintended to teach someone somethingThe museum offers a variety of educational programs for visitors of all ages.
Effortlessneeding little or no effort so that something seems easyHer performance on the test appeared effortless; she knew the material well.
Equalthe same in size, amount, value, number, level, etc.The company strives to ensure equal opportunities for all employees.
Evolvingto develop or to make something develop graduallyThe technology industry is constantly evolving, with new innovations emerging every year.
Exact(completely) correct; accurateHe provided an exact measurement of the dimensions needed for the project.
Expressiveshowing feelings or thoughtsHer expressive artwork conveyed a range of emotions and messages.
Explicitfully revealed or expressed without vaguenessThe instructions for assembling the furniture were explicit and easy to follow.
Experimental connected with experiments or trying new ideasThe scientists conducted experimental research to test their hypotheses.

500+ Most Commonly Used Idioms in English: Meaning and Examples

Complete List of Adjectives that Start with the Letter E

Some of the common adjectives starting with the letter ‘E’ are shown in the image given below. Check them out!

Adjectives that start with e

Download the List of Adjectives that Start with ‘E’ PDF

Adjectives that Start with E to Describe a Person with Examples

The adjectives listed below can be used to describe various positive qualities and characteristics of individuals, highlighting their strengths, personalities, and abilities. Check them out below with usage and examples:

Adjectives Meaning Example
Exhuberant full of energy and excitementJake’s exuberant personality lights up any room he enters.
Eloquentable to use language and express your opinions wellThe eloquent speaker delivered a powerful and moving speech.
Empoweredto give power or authority toShe felt empowered after successfully completing her first marathon.
Engagingto interest or attract somebodyHis engaging storytelling captivated the audience throughout the evening.
Easygoing calm, relaxed and not easily worried or upset by what other people doJames is an easygoing person who doesn’t get stressed easily.
Effervescentexcited, enthusiastic and full of energyLisa’s effervescent personality makes her a delight to be around.
Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

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This was all about adjectives starting with the letter E. To read more exciting blogs, do check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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