99+ Adjectives Starting With The Letter W with Meanings and Examples [PDF Available]

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adjectives that start with w

Adjectives that start with W: The wide range of adjectives that begin with the letter “W” enables us to correctly and sensitively define individuals, places, objects, and ideas. “W” adjectives offer a wide variety of words to transmit meaning and create vivid verbal pictures, whether we’re praising someone’s brilliance, expressing an inventive concept, or describing a circumstance as thrilling.

There is a list of adjectives that start with W in the blog post below, along with some instances. Let’s now get into the specifics.

Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

Here is a list of popular adjectives that begin with the letter “W”:

AdjectiveMeaningExample Sentence
WittyClever and humorous in a playful wayShe’s known for her witty remarks.
WealthyHaving a lot of money or possessionsThe wealthy businessman lived in a mansion.
WiseShowing good judgment and knowledgeThe wise elder offered valuable advice.
WarmHaving or giving off heatThe warm sunlight made the day pleasant.
WondrousCausing wonder or amazementThe view from the mountaintop was wondrous.
WhimsicalPlayfully quaint or fancifulThe whimsical design of the room delighted us.
WaryCautious and watchfulHe was wary of strangers in the neighborhood.
WonderfulExtremely pleasing or excellentIt was a wonderful experience.
WildUntamed or unrestrainedThe wild horses ran freely across the plains.
WinsomeCharming and attractiveHer winsome smile won everyone over.
Well-dressedFashionably dressed or stylishShe always appears well-dressed at events.
WorriedAnxious or troubledHe looked worried about the upcoming test.
WholesomePromoting health and well-beingFresh fruits and vegetables are wholesome.
WretchedExtremely miserable or unfortunateThe conditions in the refugee camp were wretched.
WoodenMade of wood or lacking expressionThe wooden chair was uncomfortable.
WeightyHaving significance or importanceThe decision had a weighty impact on the company.

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Descriptive Adjectives That Begin With W With Examples

Here’s a list of descriptive adjectives that start with the letter ‘W’:

AdjectiveMeaningExample Sentence
WavyHaving a series of curves or wavesHer wavy hair flowed down her back.
WeatheredWorn or aged by exposure to the elementsThe weathered barn stood for decades.
WearyPhysically or mentally tiredAfter a long hike, we were weary.
WhiskeredHaving long, stiff facial hairHis whiskered face gave him a rugged appearance.
WillfulStubborn or determinedThe child’s willful behavior caused frustration.
WinsomeAttractive in a charming wayShe had a winsome smile that brightened the room.
WisePossessing knowledge and good judgmentThe wise old man shared his wisdom with us.
WoodenMade of or resembling woodThe wooden table added a rustic touch to the room.
WornShowing signs of use or ageHis worn-out shoes needed to be replaced.
WondrousArousing wonder or amazementThe wondrous view of the night sky left us in awe.

Positive Adjectives That Begin With W With Examples

Here’s a list of positive adjectives that start with the letter “W”:

AdjectiveMeaningExample Sentence
WonderfulExtremely pleasing or excellentThe vacation was a wonderful experience.
WiseShowing good judgment and knowledgeHer wise advice helped me make the right decision.
WarmFriendly, affectionate, or kindShe gave us a warm welcome to her home.
WealthyHaving a lot of money or resourcesThe entrepreneur became wealthy through hard work.
WholesomePromoting health and well-beingEating a balanced diet is essential for a wholesome life.
WinningAchieving success or victoryHis winning attitude helped him overcome obstacles.
WittyClever and humorous in a playful wayHis witty remarks kept the audience entertained.
Well-likedPopular and appreciated by manyShe was well-liked by her colleagues.
WonderfulFilled with wonder and amazementThe children’s laughter created a wonderful atmosphere.
WondrousAstonishing and inspiring amazementThe wondrous beauty of the natural landscape left us speechless.

Negative Adjectives That Begin With W With Examples

Here’s a list of negative adjectives that start with the letter “W”:

AdjectiveMeaningExample Sentence
WastefulUsing resources inefficiently or excessivelyTheir wasteful habits led to financial problems.
WeakLacking strength or powerThe weak bridge couldn’t support heavy vehicles.
WorrisomeCausing worry or concernThe worrisome news about the economy troubled investors.
WickedEvil or morally wrongThe wicked villain plotted to take over the kingdom.
WaywardRebellious or difficult to controlThe wayward teenager often got into trouble.
WrathfulFull of intense anger or furyHis wrathful outburst frightened everyone in the room.
WearyPhysically or mentally exhaustedAfter a long day of work, she felt weary.
WildUncontrolled or unrestrainedThe wild party left a mess in the house.
WretchedExtremely miserable or unfortunateThe wretched conditions in the prison were unbearable.
WhinyComplaining in a high-pitched voiceThe whiny child was upset about not getting a toy.

12+ Other Adjectives That Start With W

Listed below are some of the other adjectives that students can look for and implement in their writing as well as speaking:

  • Warm
  • Warmhearted
  • Weak
  • Watchful
  • Waterproof
  • Welcoming
  • Wholehearted
  • Wonderful
  • Wealthy
  • Wholesome
  • Wise
  • Witty
  • Waggish
  • Warlike

Neutral Adjectives That Begin With W With Examples

Here’s a list of neutral adjectives that start with the letter “W”:

AdjectiveMeaningExample Sentence
WoodenMade of or resembling woodThe wooden table was sturdy and durable.
WovenMade by interlacing threads or materialsThe woven fabric had an intricate pattern.
WateryConsisting of or resembling waterHer watery eyes were a sign of allergies.
Well-knownFamiliar or widely recognizedThe author is well-known for her novels.
WidespreadExisting or happening over a large areaThe disease had become widespread in the region.
WeatheredWorn or aged by exposure to the elementsThe weathered statue showed signs of wear.
WirelessOperating without wires or cablesThe wireless technology made communication easier.
WorthwhileValuable or deserving of time and effortThe project was worthwhile in the end.
WorkableCapable of being worked or accomplishedThe plan seemed workable with some adjustments.
WeightedHaving additional weight or importanceThe weighted average accounted for test scores.

Complete List of Adjectives That Start With The Letter W

Here’s a complete list of adjectives that start with the letter W:

Complete List of Adjectives That Start With The Letter W – Download PDF

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Adjectives That Start With The Letter W to Describe a Person With Examples

Here’s a list of adjectives that start with ‘W’ to describe a person with examples:

AdjectiveMeaningExample Sentence
WisePossessing good judgment and knowledgeShe is a wise leader who makes thoughtful decisions.
Warm-heartedKind, compassionate, and friendlyThe warm-hearted volunteer helped those in need.
Well-manneredPolite and courteous in behaviorThe well-mannered gentleman always opens doors for others.
WittyQuick-witted and clever in a playful wayPolite and courteous in behaviour
WaryCautious and watchfulShe is wary of strangers until she gets to know them.
WillingEager and ready to do somethingHe is always willing to lend a helping hand.
WonderfulExtremely pleasing and admirableShe is a wonderful person with a heart of gold.
WorkaholicSomeone who is addicted to workingHe’s a workaholic who rarely takes time off.
WealthyHaving a lot of money or possessionsThe wealthy entrepreneur started a charity foundation.
WoundedInjured or emotionally hurtThe wounded soldier displayed great courage.

Example Sentences For Adjectives That Start With W

Here’s a list of example sentences for adjectives that start with ‘W’:

  1. Whimsical: The whimsical garden was filled with sculptures made of recycled materials, each telling a different story.
  2. Wanderlust: Her wanderlust spirit led her to explore remote villages in the Himalayas, where she found peace among the mountains.
  3. Winsome: His winsome smile could brighten the darkest of days and make anyone feel at ease.
  4. Wraithlike: In the pale moonlight, the old, abandoned house looked wraithlike, surrounded by eerie silence.
  5. Witty: During the debate, she showcased her witty sense of humour, earning both laughs and applause from the audience.
  6. Wrinkled: His wrinkled hands told the story of a lifetime of hard work and perseverance.
  7. Wobbly: The novice skateboarder’s first attempt was wobbly, but with practice, he soon mastered the skill.
  8. Wholesome: The smell of freshly baked bread filled the air, creating a wholesome atmosphere in the cozy bakery.
  9. Wily: The wily detective solved the case by outsmarting the cunning criminal at every turn.
  10. Wistful: As she watched the sunset over the ocean, a wistful smile played on her lips, recalling memories of happier times.
Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

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This was all about adjectives starting with W. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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