99+ Adjectives Starting With The Letter Q: Meanings & Examples

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adjectives that start with q

Adjectives that start with Q: Adjectives that begin with the letter “Q” are relatively rare in the English language. These adjectives can help you describe various aspects of a person’s character, personality, and behaviour. Keep in mind that individuals can possess a combination of these qualities, making them unique and multifaceted. The blog article below will give you an idea about the adjectives that start with Q with their meanings.

Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

List of 19+ Best Adjectives that Start with Q

QuirkyQuadrateQuaggyQualitative Research

Here are some popular adjectives that start with “Q” along with examples:

QuaintAttractively unusual or old-fashioned.They stayed in a quaint little cottage in the countryside.
QuietMaking very little noise, peaceful.The library is a quiet place to study.
QuizzicalExpressing mild or amused puzzlement or curiosity.She raised a quizzical eyebrow when he told his strange story.
QuickMoving or happening rapidly, speedy.He gave a quick response to the question.
QualifiedHaving the necessary skills, knowledge, or credentials to do something.She is a qualified nurse with years of experience.
QuantitativeRelating to quantity or numerical measurement.The research involved both qualitative and quantitative data analysis
QuixoticExceedingly idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical.His quixotic plan to eliminate poverty in a month was met with skepticism.
QuietudeLimited or restricted in some wayThe quietude of the forest was interrupted only by the occasional chirping of birds.

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Descriptive Adjectives That Begin With Q With Examples

Descriptive adjectives that begin with the letter “Q” are less common, but here are some examples along with their meanings and usage:

QuirkyUnconventional or unusual in an interesting and endearing way.Her quirky sense of fashion always caught people’s attention.
QuizzicalExpressing mild or amused puzzlement or curiosity. His quizzical expression indicated that he didn’t quite understand the joke.
QuietMaking very little noise, peaceful.The library is a quiet place to study.
QuaintAttractively unusual or old-fashioned, often used to describe places or objects.The quaint village was known for its charming cottages and cobblestone streets.
QuadraticRelating to or involving the second power of a variable in mathematics.The students were learning about quadratic equations in their math class.
QuotableWorthy of being quoted or easily quotable due to its memorable or significant nature.His speech was filled with quotable phrases that resonated with the audience.

Positive Adjectives That Begin With Q With Examples

Here are some positive adjectives that begin with the letter “Q,” along with their meanings and examples in the table given below for your easy reference: 

AdjectivesMeaning Examples
QuaintAttractively unusual or charming in an old-fashioned way.The quaint little town was known for its picturesque cottages and friendly residents.
QuenchableCapable of being satisfied or fulfilled.Her thirst for knowledge was insatiable, and she read books voraciously.
QuestingEagerly pursuing a goal or adventure.The young explorers embarked on a questing journey to discover hidden treasures.
Quick-wittedMentally sharp and able to think and respond rapidly.He was known for his quick-witted humor, always coming up with clever remarks.
QuintessentialRepresenting the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.Her elegance and grace were the quintessential qualities of a true ballerina.
QualityHaving a high standard of excellence or superiority.The quality of their products is unmatched in the market.

Negative Adjectives That Begin With Q With Examples

Here are some negative adjectives that begin with the letter “Q,” along with their meanings and examples:

QuarrelsomeInclined to argue or disagree often.The quarrelsome neighbors had frequent disputes over property boundaries.
QuixoticExceedingly idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical.His quixotic plan to eliminate poverty in a month was met with scepticism
QuerulousComplaining or whining in a persistent and irritating manner.The querulous child constantly complained about the food, the weather, and everything else.
Quick-temperedEasily angered or prone to sudden outbursts of anger.His quick-tempered nature often led to arguments and conflicts.
QuaggySoft, wet, and marshy, often used to describe unstable ground.The quaggy terrain made it difficult to walk in the swamp.
QuestionableSuspected or deserving of doubt or suspicion.The quality of the product was questionable, given its low price and frequent malfunctions.

Neutral Adjectives That Begin With Q With Examples

Here are some neutral adjectives that begin with the letter “Q,” along with their meanings and examples:

QuietMaking very little noise; not loud.The classroom was quiet during the test.
QualifiedHaving the necessary skills, knowledge, or credentials to do something.She is a qualified candidate for the job. 
QuarantinedIsolated or separated from others, often due to disease or contamination.The passengers on the cruise ship were quarantined after a suspected outbreak of illness.
QuestionableSuspected or deserving of doubt or suspicion.
QuarrelsomeInclined to argue or disagree often.The quarrelsome neighbors had frequent disputes over property boundaries.

Complete List of Adjectives That Start With The Letter Q

Here are some adjectives that start with Q in the infographic given below.

Adjectives That Start With The Letter Q

Complete List of Adjectives That Start With The Letter Q- Download PDF

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Adjectives That Start With The Letter Q to Describe a Person With Examples

Here are some adjectives that start with the letter “Q” to describe a person, along with their meanings and examples:

Quiet NaturedHaving a calm and gentle demeanor; not easily agitated.Her quiet-natured personality made her an excellent caregiver for the elderly.
QuestioningInclined to ask questions or seek information; curious.The young boy’s questioning nature led to a deep understanding of the world around him.
QuotableExpressing thoughts or ideas that are worth quoting or memorable.Martin Luther King Jr. was known for his quotable speeches on civil rights.
QuiescentPeaceful and calm; not showing signs of activity.The quiescent lake reflected the surrounding mountains on a clear day.

Example Sentences For Adjectives That Start With Q

These sentences listed below illustrate how various adjectives starting with “Q” can be used to describe people, objects, situations, and more in different contexts.

  • The financial advisor warned against investing in questionable schemes with no guarantees.
  • The adventurers set out on a questing journey to uncover the mysteries of the ancient ruins.
  • The quarrelsome coworkers argued over minor issues, creating tension in the office.
  • The passengers on the cruise ship were quarantined due to a suspected illness outbreak.
  • The chef emphasized the importance of using high-quality ingredients in her recipes.
  • The researcher analyzed quantitative data to draw statistical conclusions.
  • The quiverous excitement in the stadium was palpable as the teams entered the field.
Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

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What is a positive word beginning with Q?

Quality. It refers to something of high standard or excellence.

What are some adjectives that start with Q?

Here are some adjectives that start with Q:

What is a loving word with Q?

Quixotic is a loving word with Q. It means idealistic, romantic, or dreamy in a chivalrous way.

What are Q words related to quality?

Here are Q words related to quality:

What are 10 words with Q?

Here are 10 words with Q:

What are 4 letter Q words?

Here are ten four-letter English words that start with Q:

What is an adverb that starts with Q?

An adverb that starts with Q is ‘quickly’.

This was all about adjectives starting with Q. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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