99+ Adjectives Starting With The Letter O Meanings With Examples

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Adjectives are ideal for developing vivid, intriguing descriptions in your writing. So, you can use a variety of powerful adjectives that start with O. In addition to that, adding additional descriptive words to any piece of writing is a terrific approach to improving it. Therefore, in this article, we will explore some common yet one-of-a-kind Adjectives starting with O that can elevate your vocabulary skills.

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Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

Here is a list of popular adjectives that begin with the letter “O”. So, go ahead and check them out to improve your English learning.

ObligingWilling to do what is asked; helpfulThe obliging waiter helped us choose our meals.
ObservantNoticing things carefullyThe observant detective noticed the small detail that led to solving the case.
Odds-onlikely to happen or succeedThe odds-on favourite to win the race is the horse with the best track record.
OkaySatisfactory; acceptableThe test results were okay, but not great.
OmnicompetentAble to deal with all matters or situations
The omnicompetent manager could handle anything that came her way.
One-of-a-kindUnique; originalThis one-of-a-kind painting is worth a fortune.
OpalescentHaving a variety of changing colorsThe opalescent seashell shimmered in the sunlight.
Open-heartedGenerous; kindThe open-hearted philanthropist donated millions of dollars to charity.
Open-mindedWilling to consider new ideas and opinionsThe open-minded teacher encouraged her students to think critically.
OpportuneHappening or done at the right timeThe opportune moment to strike was when the enemy was distracted.
OptimalBest; most favorableThe optimal time to water your plants is early in the morning.
OptimisticHopeful; cheerfulThe optimistic patient was confident that she would recover.
OpulentVery wealthy or luxuriousThe opulent mansion was filled with expensive furnishings.
OrderlyNeat and organizedThe orderly student kept her desk and notes neat and tidy.
OriginalNew and different; not copiedThe artist’s original style was instantly recognizable.
OrnamentalUsed for decorationThe ornamental fountain added a touch of elegance to the garden.
OutgoingFriendly and sociableThe outgoing salesperson was always up for a chat.
OutstandingExcellent; remarkableThe outstanding student received a perfect score on the test.
OverjoyedExtremely happyThe overjoyed parents welcomed their new baby into the world.

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Descriptive Adjectives that Start with O with Examples

Here’s a list of descriptive adjectives that start with the letter ‘O’:

ObliqueNot straightforward; indirectThe oblique answer gave me no real information.
ObsequiousExcessively attentive and obedientThe obsequious waiter fawned over the celebrity diners.
OlfactoryRelating to or affecting the sense of smellThe olfactory receptors in my nose detected the delicious aroma of baking cookies.
OminousThreatening; suggesting that something bad is going to happenThe ominous dark clouds gathered overhead, warning of a coming storm.
OmnipresentPresent everywhere at the same timeThe omniscient God is omnipresent and knows everything.
OnerousBurdensome; difficult to bearThe onerous task of cleaning out the attic took me all day.
OpalescentHaving a variety of changing colorsThe opalescent opal gemstone sparkled in the light.
OpulentVery wealthy or luxuriousThe opulent mansion was decorated with gold and marble.
OrderlyNeat and organizedThe orderly student kept her desk and notes neat and tidy.
OrganicRelating to living organisms or their productsThe organic vegetables at the farmer’s market were fresh and delicious.
OriginalNew and different; not copiedThe artist’s original style was instantly recognizable.
OrnamentalUsed for decorationThe ornamental fountain added a touch of elegance to the garden.
OutgoingFriendly and sociableThe outgoing salesperson was always up for a chat.
OutstandingExcellent; remarkableThe outstanding student received a perfect score on the test.
OverjoyedExtremely happyThe overjoyed parents welcomed their new baby into the world.
ObdurateStubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of actionThe obdurate criminal refused to cooperate with the police.
ObscureNot well-known; difficult to understandThe obscure poem was full of symbolism and hidden meanings.
ObsequiousExcessively attentive and obedientThe obsequious waiter fawned over the celebrity diners.
OutlandishStrange or unusualThe outlandish fashion show featured models wearing clothes made of recycled materials.

Positive Adjectives that Start with O with Examples

Here’s a list of positive adjectives that start with the letter “O”:

ObligingWilling to do what is asked; helpfulThe obliging waiter helped us choose our meals.
ObservantNoticing things carefullyThe observant detective noticed the small detail that led to solving the case.
Open-heartedGenerous; kindThe open-hearted philanthropist donated millions of dollars to charity.
Open-mindedWilling to consider new ideas and opinionsThe open-minded teacher encouraged her students to think critically.
OpportuneHappening or done at the right timeThe opportune moment to strike was when the enemy was distracted.
OptimalBest; most favorableThe optimal time to water your plants is early in the morning.
OptimisticHopeful; cheerfulThe optimistic patient was confident that she would recover.
OpulentVery wealthy or luxuriousThe opulent mansion was filled with expensive furnishings.
OrderlyNeat and organizedThe orderly student kept her desk and notes neat and tidy.
OriginalNew and different; not copiedThe artist’s original style was instantly recognizable.
OrnamentalUsed for decorationThe ornamental fountain added a touch of elegance to the garden.
OutgoingFriendly and sociableThe outgoing salesperson was always up for a chat.
OutstandingExcellent; remarkableThe outstanding student received a perfect score on the test.
OverjoyedExtremely happyThe overjoyed parents welcomed their new baby into the world.
OverachieverSomeone who consistently exceeds expectationsWe all have known someone in school who seems like an overachiever after every term-end result.

Negative Adjectives that Start with O with Examples

Here’s a list of negative adjectives that start with the letter “O”:

ObnoxiousVery unpleasant or annoying; offensiveThe obnoxious tourist was loud and rude to everyone.
ObsceneOffensive to morality or decency; indecentThe obscene graffiti was spray-painted on the wall.
ObsequiousExcessively attentive and obedientThe obsequious waiter fawned over the celebrity diners.
ObstinateStubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of actionThe obstinate child refused to eat his vegetables.
ObtuseSlow to understand; lacking intelligenceThe obtuse student couldn’t grasp the concept of math.
OdiousExtremely unpleasant or disgustingThe odious smell of garbage filled the air.
OdorousHaving a strong smell, especially an unpleasant oneThe odorous dumpster was full of rotting food.
OffhandCasual and dismissive; not serious or thoughtfulThe offhand remark offended the sensitive listener.
OfficiousExcessively eager to assert one’s authorityThe officious security guard harassed the innocent shoppers.
OminousThreatening; suggesting that something bad is going to happenThe ominous dark clouds gathered overhead, warning of a coming storm.
OnerousBurdensome; difficult to bearThe onerous task of cleaning out the attic took me all day.
OppressiveExcessively oppressive or burdensomeThe oppressive government regime controlled every aspect of people’s lives.
OrneryBad-tempered and easily annoyedThe ornery old man was always complaining.
OstentatiousIntended to impress by being showy or extravagantThe ostentatious socialite wore a diamond necklace and a fur coat.
OutlandishStrange or unusualThe outlandish fashion show featured models wearing clothes made of recycled materials.
OutrageousShocking or offensive; unacceptable
The outrageous price of the new car was out of reach for most people.

Neutral Adjectives that Start with O with Examples

Here’s a list of neutral adjectives that start with the letter “O”:

ObjectiveBased on facts rather than personal opinions or feelingsThe objective report outlined the findings of the study without bias.
ObviousClear and easy to understandThe obvious answer was to take the door on the left.
OccasionalHappening from time to time, but not regularlyI only eat occasional snacks.
OddUnusual or differentThe odd-looking bird had feathers of many different colours.
OdourlessHaving no smellThe odourless detergent is perfect for people with allergies.
OfficialDone or authorized by a person or organization in authorityThe official announcement of the new product was made at the press conference.
OldHaving existed or been alive for a long timeThe old house was built in the 1800s.
OmnivorousEating both plants and animalsThe omnivorous bear diet consists of both berries and fish.
OpenNot closed or sealed; accessibleThe open door invited us to come in.
OrdinaryUsual or common;
not special or unusual
The ordinary day-to-day life of a student can be quite busy.
OrganicRelating to or derived from living matterOrganic produce is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
OriginalNew and different;
not copied
The original idea for the new product came from a brainstorming session.
OrnamentalUsed for decorationThe ornamental vase was filled with fresh flowers.
OutgoingFriendly and sociableThe outgoing salesperson was always up for a chat.
OutstandingExcellent or remarkableThe outstanding student received a perfect score on the test.

500+ Most Commonly Used Idioms in English: Meaning and Examples

Complete List of Adjectives that Start with the Letter O

Here’s a complete list of adjectives that start with the letter O:

Complete List of Adjectives that Start with the Letter O – Download PDF

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Adjectives that Start with the Letter O to Describe a Person with Examples

Here’s a list of adjectives that start with O to describe a person with examples:

ObservantNoticing things carefullyThe observant detective noticed the small detail that led to solving the case.
Open-heartedGenerous and kindThe open-hearted philanthropist donated millions of dollars to charity.
OptimisticHopeful and cheerfulThe optimistic patient was confident that she would recover.
OverjoyedExtremely HappyThe overjoyed parents welcomed their new baby into the world.
OstentatiousIntended to impress by being showy or extravagantThe ostentatious socialite wore a diamond necklace and a fur coat.
ObsequiousExcessively attentive and obedientThe obsequious waiter fawned over the celebrity diners.
OutgoingFriendly and sociableThe outgoing salesperson was always up for a chat.
OverachieverSomeone who consistently exceeds expectationsThe overachiever student was always at the top of her class.
OutspokenFrank and direct in expressing one’s opinionsThe outspoken politician was not afraid to speak her mind.
OrganizedNeat and tidyThe organized student kept her desk and notes neat and tidy.
OutstandingExcellent; remarkableThe outstanding student received a perfect score on the test.

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Example Sentences for Adjectives that Start with “O”

Here’s a list of example sentences for adjectives that start with O:

  • Observant: The observant student noticed that the teacher was wearing a new ring.
  • Open-hearted: The open-hearted philanthropist donated millions of dollars to charity.
  • Optimistic: The optimistic patient was confident that she would recover.
  • Original: The artist’s original style was instantly recognizable.
  • Organized: The organized student kept her desk and notes neat and tidy.
  • Outstanding: The outstanding student received a perfect score on the test.
  • Obsequious: The obsequious waiter fawned over the celebrity diners.
  • Ostentatious: The ostentatious socialite wore a diamond necklace and a fur coat.
  • Outgoing: The outgoing salesperson was always up for a chat.
  • Overachiever: The overachiever student was always at the top of her class.
  • Overjoyed: The overjoyed parents welcomed their new baby into the world.
Complete List of Adjectives From A-Z

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This was all about adjectives starting with O. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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