12 Things You Can Say to Your Mother That You Can Also Tell Your Teacher

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mother teacher

How many times have you mixed up mother and madam in school? There are countless funny stories to share when it comes to that. However, since both your Teacher or Professor and your Mother share a very important role in shaping your personality, career and future it is not surprising to confuse the two. Therefore, here we have listed 10 things you can say to your mother that you can also tell your professor. Read along to find the best one. 

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‘Thanks for always having my back, even when it’s covered in questionable life choices’

Ever missed homework or forgotten your lunchbox at school? Well these are just the small things to be worried about. When you have a bigger fish to fry, you still stumble, crawl, stop, then stand and walk again. But no what, whenever you are ready to give another shot at life, your mother and your teacher will always stand by your side. 

‘Your voice is magical, it puts my insomniac mind into a deep sleep’

Those long lectures can work their own magic. Remember those days at school when the teacher was so fed up by the children that she eluded teaching with a long lecture on morals and code of conduct. Similarly, it takes no strong reason for our mothers to start a daylong lecture with emotional tantrums and well, lots of reasons to put us to sleep. 

‘I don’t need an alarm clock or calendar, I have a mother and a teacher’

If you have had an experience of living alone after living with your mother for a long time then you would certainly realise this. When no alarm clock could wake you up, it is one threatening call from your mother from the other door that worked wonders. Similarly, there is no need for a calendar when there is a teacher to remind you of which day it is every time. You cannot delay your homework, right?

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‘Your lectures are so engaging, I almost forgot to check my social media every 5 seconds’

Technically you cannot take your cellphone to school so this is more relatable to those in college or if we can replace social media with social circle in school, well and good. But yes, some family or classroom discussions are truly so engaging that we indulge ourselves completely in them. The story of your childhood at home or the dinosaurs at school, there is always something that can completely catch your attention.

‘I have a weird life theory, can you help me with some adulting tips?’

Yes, those stages in life when things appear unclear and you do not know what exactly to do, you turn to these two people for advice. Well, that’s another matter if you do not like what they say but you do listen to them anyway. Last minute preparation for an important topic for an exam? You always rush back to your teacher for some important notes. Or made a blunder in life only your mother can look into? Well hurry up, she might have some amazing advice. 

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‘I like that you have got it all sorted for me but is there any room for discussion?’

And the greatest teenage dilemma is to figure out your authority in your own life. It is though a luxury to have someone to make your life decisions but it is also natural to sometimes add a personal taste. For sure, no one would want a dad like Farhan’s… right? Neither a dean like Virus who also worked as a part-time fortune teller telling students around if they would ever succeed. 

‘Is the break over? I don’t feel like resuming yet’

Summer breaks… the loveliest part of the year. Some of us do miss school a lot too but the vacations get to our nerves by the time they come to an end. These vacations were always filled with amazing family trips, lazy days at your grandparents’ house and lots of whatever you want to do with some homework. So, be it this gorgeous summer break or just the lunch break at school, most of us just remember that whenever the bell rang, we felt like we were not ready yet.

‘Can you translate the description of what you actually want?’

Some teachers when describing homework and mothers when describing household chores spoke the strangest languages in all lands. It is difficult to understand their jargon given our innocence in the field. Not only that, they get so engrossed that do not realise you stopped following a while back. Never mind, at times we manage to decipher them. Otherwise, we did not have any other choice than to ask ‘Can you translate the description of what you actually want?’

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‘I have absolutely nothing to do with your mood swings. Can I stop being the victim of your bad days?’

Remember when you could tell that this teacher started her day with a fight at home? Or there is something despicable happening in her life. How? Well, that is no rocket science as their mood swings said it all. And though students have nothing to do with her mood swings, the classroom environment did get tense. How it happens at home with your mother needs no explanation, her bad day means everyone’s bad day. 

‘Your energy fills my life with positivity. Except on Monday mornings when I want to throw up on your optimism’

Whenever you lack motivation or are in fear, you know you can look upto a certain teacher or your mother. They are always there to help with their unwavering belief in you and positivity about your future. However, this optimism of making your life worth it is so irritating to deal with on Monday mornings. You might often want to ask, ‘Where are you guys getting this energy from?’

‘Your question delves me into such a creative realm that it ‘time up’ by the time I return’

Some questions in the question paper are so confusing, open-ended and vast that you do not understand what it is actually asking. This question, in which you believe that you know a lot, is the one you take the most time to write and the one you lose the most marks. It is mainly because you cannot understand the context, but that was not your problem. On the other hand at home, every other question is like that.

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‘How can I make a career in Laziness with my expert napping and creative procrastinating skills?’

It is not all about them, you can also talk to your mother and your teacher about restricting factors. Well because for most students in school, procrastination is their go-to way, let’s take it as a common problem here. Class toppers won’t relate here for sure. Those were the lazy days and had it not been for our teachers and mothers we would be literally googling a career with laziness and procrastinating skills. 

This was the end of our discussion on this topic. So, which one did you find the most relatable?  Let us know through comments. Moreover, if you still feel like you need some expert advice on studying abroad, our Leverage Experts will always be happy to help. Or if you need more of such mind-boggling content, drop by our Infotainment page

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