Essay on Mental Health in English for School Students 

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Essay on Mental Health

Essay on Mental Health: According to the data released by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the year 2021, one in seven people between the ages of 10 and 19 years old experiences mental sickness or disorder. Depression, anxiety, mood swings, behavioral disorders, and other mental disorders are the major reasons for illness among adolescents. As per WHO, depression is one of the leading causes of disability among human beings. Also, the organization states that individuals with extreme mental health conditions are susceptible to dying two decades before their estimated death, owing to grave physical illness caused by mental illness. 

Thus, it is essential to focus on caring for one’s and others’ mental health to avoid cases of disability and suicide. 

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What is Mental Health?

Mental health is an emotional and psychological state of mind. It involves how we think, feel about things, and manage the challenges in life. As students, we should take care of our mental health in the same way we take care of our physical health. Good mental health contributes to effective academic functioning, healthy social relationships, and stress management. 

Furthermore, it is important to know that mental health is a dynamic state of mind that changes over time. Mental health is influenced by genetic vulnerability, types of personality, social support, and life experiences.

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Types of Mental Health Conditions

There are different types of mental health conditions. One of the most common conditions is Anxiety Disorder. In the present day and age, many people are affected by social anxiety, one of the most common anxiety disorders. Its symptoms are increased heartbeat and excessive sweating. Another type of mental health condition is impulse control and addiction disorder, in which people have uncontrollable urges to perform self-harming acts and harm others as well. Furthermore, Mood disorders like schizophrenia cause disturbances in perceptions or thinking. Lastly, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is caused by the impact of horrific events such as any sexual or physical assault, natural disaster or unexpected death of a loved one on an individual’s mind.

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How does Mental Health Affect Students?

It is important to understand that mental health is very important for students because it enables them to concentrate on their studies and lead a serene life. Also, a healthy mind encourages students to explore different opportunities and learn new things.

However, students with mental illness are often seen struggling with isolation, anxiety, and issues in their personal life. Mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, etc hinder concentration in studies and hurt their social and familial relationships.

Therefore, to ensure students’ mental health, families and educational institutions must provide emotional and moral support. Recognition as well as addressing well-being not only helps the students do good again in academics but also helps the students with overall personality development.

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Importance of Creating a Supportive Environment

Caring never goes to waste; rather, it helps the person recover quickly. Studies have shown that support from family and friends not only helps the student face the imbalance of mental health but also helps with emotional help. Thus, it is important to build a supportive environment that is free from any type of mental stress. This makes students feel safe and also prepares them for active learning. This is evident from a proven psychological theory that propounds that when students get a place where they are encouraged and easily understood, they can easily handle the challenges and grow with strong emotions. 

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Expert Advice on Mental Health

Students must receive expert advice to handle mental stress and various complexities of academics and personal challenges. Here, academic institutions should take responsibility for building an environment where students can easily reach out to the responsible authorities for guidance and solutions. Thus, educational organizations must open channels for students to express their concerns, such as setting up counselling services or creating support groups. 

Furthermore, the organization of regular mental health checkups, mental health awareness campaigns, and knowledge sessions on mental conditions in schools are also helpful in the growth of students. Also, collaboration between teachers and mental health professionals and talking to family members can help young minds deal with their challenges. 

Mental health is not a taboo, it just needs awareness and open communication. Students should practice exercises that heal the unrest of the brain. For example, many people find peace by planting trees and watering plants. Whereas, some release stress by communicating with others. Therefore, each individual should find her/their/his way of dealing with mental illness and seek help when needed for good mental health.

Also Read: Taking Care of Your Mental Health While Studying Abroad

Source: CDC

10 Lines Essay on Mental Health 

Some important lines that can help you write an effective essay on mental health are as follows:

1. Mental health is about mixed feelings and thoughts such as being, sad, isolated or mixed.

2. It is important that student should take care of their mental health similarly like taking care of their bodies. 

3. Mental health includes how we manage our emotions and stress.

4. It should be understood that one must take the help or support of friends and family whenever incapable of facing any hard time.

5. Academic institutions can play an important role in the sharing of thoughts and one´s point of view.

6. Teachers should help the students to come up with their problems and should be open to providing solutions to the students. 

7. One must have a balanced mental health for personal growth.

8. There are many times types of mental health. Some of them include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Mood Disorders and many more.

9. Family should create a supportive environment for children with the help of open communication between parents and elders.

10. Planting, and spending time with family and friends are some of the activities that help keep one motivated and away from stress. 

Also Read: World Mental Health Day Activities for Students


1. What are the 4 types of mental health disorders?

Ans. The four types of mental health care are Bipolar affective disorder, Depression, Eating disorder and Obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

2. Who is the father of mental health?

Ans. Philippe Pinel is often considered the father of mental health. 

3. Write a short essay on mental health issues

Ans. Mental health issues are commonly seen among students nowadays. The basic reason behind the mental stress is the lack of communication and technology. There are many types of mental health among them the important areas are panic disorders, phobias, anxiety disorders, social anxiety, etc.

4. What is called mental health?

Ans. Mental health is an emotional and psychological state of mind. It involves how we think, feel about things, and manage the challenges in life.

5. What are mental health conditions examples?

Ans. Some common mental health conditions are generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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