20 + Bar Charts Questions and Answers | Data Interpretation

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Bar Charts Questions

Bar chart questions are an important part of the data interpretation aptitude section. It is the skill of finding numbers and graphs. A key part of showing data visually is the bar chart, which will be used a lot in Bank exams(SBI PO, IBPS PO, RRB PO, Clerk, etc), Government exams(SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, etc.), Railway Exams(RRB NTPC, Group D, etc.), Defense Exams(AFCAT, CDS, NDA, etc.), MBA Entrance Exams(GMAT, GRE, etc.), Management Entrance Exams(CAT, XAT, SNAP, etc.), International exams(TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), and other professional Exams(CA, CS, CMA, etc.) to test your ability to understand and study trends, rates, and comparisons. 

This part has a bunch of carefully thought-out bar chart questions and answers that are meant to help you get better at analyzing data and do well on your tests. Each question covers a wide range of topics, from sales, and numbers across regions, to how well students did on standardized tests. This will give you logical skills and a full workout. 

What are Bar Charts? And What are Bar Charts Problems?

A Bar chart uses rectangular bars along a horizontal or vertical axis to show statistics. Each bar shows a different area or group, and its height shows the value that goes with it (like sales numbers or test scores). There is useful information written on the axes, like groups and units of measurement.

Types of Bar Charts Questions

Exam questions based on bar charts can test various aspects of your data interpretation abilities. Here are some common types.

  • Identifying trends and patterns: In some questions, you may have to name increases, drops, or connections between groups (for example, which place had the most sales growth?).
  • Comparing and contrasting: You may be asked to compare numbers from different groups or times. For example, what is the difference between boys and girls average test scores?
  • Calculating values: For some questions, you may need to use the data to do math, like finding the percentage of people who buy a certain product within a certain price range.
  • Drawing Inferences: If you are given facts, you may be asked to draw conclusions or make guesses based on data. For example, what do you think will happen to sales if a new marketing effort starts?

What are Bar chart problems?

Bar charts are one of the most basic ways to show data, and they are often used in tests to see how well you can understand it. They use horizontal bars to show data, and the length or height of each bar is related to the number it stands for. This makes it easy to quickly see how different groups or categories in the data compare to each other.

Components of a Bar Chart

  • X-axis: Represents the categories or groups being compared.
  • Y-axis: Represents the numerical values associated with each category.
  • Bars: Rectangular bars whose length or height reflects the value for each category.
  • Legend: Identifies the different categories or groups represented by the bars.

Common Data Interpretation Problems with Bar Charts

  • Identifying trends and patterns.
  • Comparing and contrasting categories.
  • Calculating percentages, ratios, and other statistical information.
  • Drawing conclusions and making inferences.

Bar Charts Formula

Bar charts are simple and don’t need complex calculations to function properly, their main purpose is to show things visually. But sometimes, basic math can help you figure out what the data they show mean, based on the situation and the research that needs to be done. The following situations happen often.

  • Calculating Percentage: If the bar charts display raw data values and you need to express them as percentages of a total, use the following formula.
Percentage(%) = (Individual bar value/ Total value of all bars) x 100
  • Finding Ratios: To compare the values of two bars, you can calculate their ratio.
Ratio = Value of bar 1 / Value of bar 2
  • Calculating Differences: To find the absolute difference between two bar Values.
Difference = Value of bar 1 – Value of bar 2
  • Estimating missing values: You can sometimes guess a number that is missing from a bar chart by using methods like interpolation via linearity or projection on the data that is already there. Using the numbers of the bars around the lost value to make a formula that guesses it is one of these ways.
  • Custom formulas for specific analyses: Depending on the facts and the question, you may need to use more complicated formulas that are made just for that case. These could include estimates of means, standard deviations, or other statistical measures that are important for understanding the data.

Must Read: 20+ Questions of Making Judgements | Logical Reasoning

Tips and Tricks to Solve Bar Charts Questions

First things first, play Inspector. What’s the title? This tells you the story the chart wants to show. Then, identify the axes – the X-axis is like the “who” or “what” (categories), and the Y-axis is the “how much” (numbers). Also don’t underestimate the power of a quick scan. Look for the tallest and shortest bars. Are there any surprising jumps or dips? This gives you a feel for the overall trends.

Read each question carefully. Sometimes they ask for comparisons (which category is highest?), differences (how much more ice cream did people eat in May?), or even percentages (what percent of people chose option A?).For quick comparisons, hold a pencil across the bars you’re looking at. The longer the pencil covers one bar, the bigger that number is! Need a percentage? If one bar is exactly twice as tall as another, that’s a 100% increase!

Finished? Do a quick final check. Does your answer make sense with the overall trends? Some questions might ask about the average (total divided by number of categories). If you’re stuck, estimate the middle-ish bar’s value and see if it makes sense with the answer choices.

20 + Bar Chart Questions and Answers 

Comprehension: The below Bar Graph shows the sales of different brands of TYRE

Q1. Find the ratio of sales of MRF in 2016 and Apollo in 2019

  1. 44:21
  2. 204:504
  3. 1:2
  4. 200:400
  5. None of these

Answer (Detailed Solution Below) – Option A: 44:21

Solution: Given:

Sales of MRF tyres in 2016 = 44 crore

Sales of Apollo tyres in 2019 = 21 crore


Sales of MRF tyres in 2016 44 crore =

Sales of Apollo tyres in 2019 = 21 crore

Resultant Ratio = 44: 21

Q2. Find the average sales of 2018 and 2019 including all the brands

  1. 85 Cr
  2. 85.5 Cr
  3. 80 Cr
  4. 45 Cr
  5. 90 Cr

Answer (Detailed Solution Below): Option B: 85.5 Cr

Solution: Given:

Sale in 2018 (12+22+32) Crores

Sale in 2019 = (51+ 21 +33) Crores

Concept Used:

Average = sum / total observation


Sale in 2018 (12+22+32) Crores

Sale in 2019 (51+21+33) Crores

The average is = (66+105)/2

The average of both years is 171/2 = 85.5 crores

Q3. What are the average sales of tyre in the year 2019

  1. 40 Cr
  2. 50 Cr.
  3. 35 Cr
  4. 44 Cr
  5. None of these

Answer (Detailed Solution Below): Option C: 35 Cr

Solution: Given:

Sale of tyres in 2019 for all the brand’s

Sales of MRF in 2019 = 51 crore

Sales of APOLLO in 2019 = 21 crore

Sales of Bridgestone in 2019 = 33 crore

Concept Used:

Average = sum / total observation


Sales of BRIDGESTONE in 2019 = 33 crores

Average = (51 + 21 + 33)/3

Average = (105)/3 crore

The average is 35 crores

Comprehension: Directions: The following line graph shows the profit percentage and discount percentage of the five different articles A, B, C, D, and E


i) x²- 5x-50 = 0 (consider positive root value only)

ii) The selling price of article B is Rs.460 and the marked price of article B is Rs.575.

iii) Cost prices of articles B and A are in the ratio 2:1.

iv) The average cost price of all the articles is Rs.400.

v) The sum of the cost price of articles D and E is Rs.1100 

vi) The cost price of article E is Rs.100 more than that of article D

Q4. Find the difference between the marked price of articles D and E.

  1. Rs.150
  2. Rs. 190
  3. Rs. 210
  4. Rs. 170
  5. Rs. 160

Answer (Detailed Solution Below): Option B: Rs. 190

Solution: General Solution:

To find the value of x:

x²-5×50 = 0

x²-10x+5x-50 = 0

x(x-10)+5(x-10) = 0 

(x+5) (x-10) = 0 

x = -5, 10 

x = 10%

To find the value of y:

Discount percentage of the article B 

(575-460)/575 × 100 = 20% 

(x + 2y) = 20 

(10 + 2y) = 20 

2y = 10

y = 5%

Name of the ArticleProfit PercentageDiscount Percentage

Cost price of the article B = 460/115 × 100 = 400

Cost price of the article A = 400/2 × 1 = 200

The average cost price of all the articles = 5x 400 = 2000

(A+B+C+D+E) = 2000 

D + E = 1100 


2D = 1000 

D = 500 

E = 600

The cost price of the article C = (2000-(500+ 600 + 400 +200)) = 300

Name of the ArticleCost Price of the Articles(Rs.)


Marked price of article D = 500 × 140/100 × 100/40 = Rs.1750

Marked price of article E = 600 × 130/100 × 100/50 = Rs.1560

Required difference = 1750 – 1560 = Rs.190.

Q5. Calculate the average family size from the given data.

  1. 2.4
  2. 3.0
  3. 3.4
  4. 4

Answer (Detailed Solution Below): Option C: 3.4

Solution: The selling price of article A = 200 x 120/100= 240

The selling price of article B = 460

The selling price of article C = 300 x 125/100 = 375

The selling price of the article D = 500 × 140/100 = 700

The selling price of the article E = 600x 130/100 = 780

The average selling price of the article of all the articles (240+460+375 + 700 +780)/5 = 511

Comprehension: Study the bar chart and answer the questions.

Sale of Cellular Phones

6. The difference in the sales of cellular phones for the years 1997 and 1999 is?

  1. 500 units
  2. 1,000 units
  3. 5,000 units
  4. 18,000 units

Answer: Option D

Solution: The required answer is got by 48,000 – 30,000 = 18,000.

7. The two years between which the rate of change of cellular phones is minimum are?

  1. 1997 and 1998
  2. 1999 and 2000
  3. Both options (A) and (B)
  4. 2001 and 2002

Answer: Option C

Solution: The lowest rate of change for

For years 1997 and 1998 = ((48000 – 40000) / 40000) x 100 = 20%

For years 1999 and 2000 = ((30000 – 25000) / 25000) x 100 = 20%

is exhibited by both options (A) and (B).

8. The sum of sales of cellular phones in the years 1999 and 2001 is equal to that in?

  1. 1997
  2. 1998
  3. 2000
  4. 2002

Answer: Option A

Solution: The sum of sales in the two years is 30,000 + 18,000 = 48,000, which is the sales value for 1997.

9. The percentage increases in sales from 2001 to 2002 was?

  1. 115 %
  2. 128 %
  3. 122 %
  4. 118 %

Answer: Option C

Solution: The percentage increase exhibited is

((40 – 18)/18) x 100 = 122 % approximately.

Comprehension: The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousands of numbers) from six branches of a publishing company during two consecutive years 2000 and 2001.

Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches – B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 of a publishing Company in 2000 and 2001.

10. What is the ratio of the total sales of branch B2 for both years to the total sales of branch B4 for both years?

  1. 2:3
  2. 3:5
  3. 4:5
  4. 7:9

Answer: Option D

Solution: Required ratio = (75+65)/(85+95) = 140/180 = 7/9

11. Total sales of branch B6 for both the years is what percent of the total sales of branch B3 for both the years?

  1. 68.54%
  2. 71.11%
  3. 73.17%
  4. 75.55%

Answer: Option C

Solution: Required percentage = (70+80)/(95+110) x 100 = 150/205 x 100 = 73.171%

12. What percent of the average sales of branches B1, B2, and B3 in 2001 is the average sales of branches B1, B3, and B6 in 2000?

  1. 75%
  2. 77.5%
  3. 82.5%
  4. 87.5%

Answer: Option D

Solution: Average sales (in thousand numbers) of branches B1, B3, and B6 in 2000

=1/3 x (80 + 95 + 70) = (245).

Average sales (in thousand number) of branches B1, B2 and B3 in 2001

=1/3 x (105 + 65 + 110)=(280).

Therefore Required percentage = [245/3 / 280/3  x 100]% = (245/280 x 100)% = 87.5%.

13. What is the average sales of all the branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000?

  1. 73
  2. 80
  3. 83
  4. 88

Answer: Option B

Solution: Average sales of all the six branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000

=1/6 x[80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70]= 80.

14. Total sales of branches B1, B3, and B5 together for both years (in thousand numbers) is?

  1. 250
  2. 310
  3. 435
  4. 560

Answer: Option D

Solution: Total sales of branches B1, B3, and B5 for both the years (in thousand numbers)

= (80 + 105) + (95 + 110) + (75 + 95) = 560.

Comprehension: The following bar chart shows the trends of foreign direct investments(FDI) into India from all over the world.

Trends of FDI in India

15. What was the ratio of investment in 1997 over the investment in 1992?

  1. 5.50
  2. 5.36
  3. 5.64
  4. 5.75

Answer: Option A

Solution: The 1997 figure of investment as a factor of 1992 investment = (31.36/5.70) = 5.50 

16. What was the absolute difference in the FDI to India between 1996 and 1997?

  1. 7.29
  2. 7.13
  3. 8.13
  4. None of these

Answer: Option B

Solution: The difference in investments over 1996-1997 was

31.36 – 24.23 = € 7.13 million.

17. If India’s FDI from OPEC countries was proportionately the same in 1992 and 1997 as the total FDI from all over the world and if the FDI in 1992 from the OPEC countries was Euro 2 million. What was the amount of FDI from the OPEC countries in 1997?

  1. 11
  2. 10.72
  3. 11.28
  4. 11.5

Answer: Option A

Solution: Let x be the FDI in 1997.

Then: (2/5.7) = (x/31.36)

x = (2/5.7) x 31.36

x = 11

18. Which year exhibited the highest growth in FDI in India over the period shown?

  1. 1993
  2. 1994
  3. 1995
  4. 1996

Answer: Option D

Solution: It can be seen that the FDI in 1996 more than doubled over that of 1995. No other year is close to that rate of growth.

19. What was India’s total FDI for the period shown in the figure?

  1. 93.82
  2. 93.22
  3. 93.19
  4. None of these

Answer: Option A

Solution: Total FDI investment in the figure shown is = 5.7 + 10.15 + 12.16 + 10.22 + 24.23 + 31.36 = 93.82 billion.

Comprehension: The following chart shows the production of cars in thousands.

Production of Cars for the 2002 – 2005 period from the Selected Manufacturers

20. How many companies have shown production below their average production in 2002 – 2003, but have shown above the average production in 2003 – 2004?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

Answer: Option C

Solution: Average sales of company:

Honda = (6 + 14 + 21)/3 = 13.66

GM = (12 + 18 + 18)/3 = 16

Maruti = (5 + 9 + 15)/3 = 9.66

Hindustan Motors= (16 + 9 + 12)/3 = 12.33

Hyundai = (8 + 14 + 7)/3 = 9.66

21. The ratio of Hindustan Motors production in 2003 – 2004 to Honda’s production in 2002 – 2003 is?

  1. 0.66
  2. 1.5
  3. 2
  4. None of these

Answer: Option B

Solution: The required ratio is (9/6) = 1.5.

22. For how many companies has there been no decrease in production in any year from the previous year?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

Answer: Option C

Solution: By visual inspection, we can say that Honda, GM, and Maruti have not shown a decrease.

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Q1. What types of bar charts can I expect in exams?

Ans. Bar charts that are easy, grouped, and stacked are likely to be used. A simple chart shows one of the data points for each category. A grouped chart, on the other hand, groups several data points for each category together. Stacking charts put data points in each group on top of each other to show how much they add up to.

Q2. What kind of information do bar chart questions typically ask for?

Ans. Questions usually ask you to find trends, compare groups, figure out specific numbers (like percentages or ratios), draw conclusions, and make inferences from the data given.

Q3. How can I improve my accuracy and speed in solving bar chart questions?

Ans. The key is to practice regularly with different kinds of questions. nFocus on using the right methods quickly, understanding the data clearly, and coming up with a reasonable way to answer questions. Also, being able to handle your time well is very important, so practice answering questions in a time limit that feels like a test.

This was all about the “Bar Charts Questions”.  For more such informative blogs, check out our Study Material Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our  Indian exams page.

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