At the end of every day, there is this one thing I always want my inner voice to say, and it just sets a beautiful calm set in: “I think I was was pretty productive today” Bam!
☝️ this reminded me of an old @pmarca essay I had bookmarked / here goes:… Had (what I then thought) some radical ideas💡
, but then I did pick some & they’ve been my friends forever..
2 favourites were:
✌️ working with a to-do list / I’ve played with lots of tools, recently transitioned from @Wunderlist to @MicrosoftToDo
✌️ getting out of the habit of answering email immediately, & focusing much more on “flow”
👉 Now practising “no calls too” (ref article) 💪
This is a 💎 from another referenced article:
“Structured Procrastination”
Wasn’t quite convinced re “keeping time completely free & unbooked” from the original @pmarca article / and it was interesting to see him do a 180-flip on that one in the revered @sriramk chat recently (image ref)..⭐
For me: Got to be a balance of “choke-by-calendar” & 🧠 -time