Method Study

7 minute read
Method Study

Would you like to study in a smarter way? Do you wish to minimise the amount of time you put into studying and maximise the results? Everyone has a different way of approaching their studies. We live in a world where studying smart is the way to go. With the large amounts of information available, it is better to find ways in which you can utilise your time in an effective manner. Having a study plan will make your life much simpler, this is where method study comes in. Method study is a way of imbibing and applying the knowledge imparted to you. It is a detailed approach to studying and requires concentration to move forward. 

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What is Method Study?

Method study deals with analysing every topic/chapter and identifying the strong and weak points in that. Then studying in a pattern in which maximum topics are covered in a minimum time span. Simply put, method study is when each and every piece of study material or work is put through thorough scrutiny in order to ensure that every word is understood and retained by you. This is also advantageous as it prevents any kind of error or misleading information from getting through as it detected and conveniently omitted in the learning process. Method study is the best way to go about your studying to achieve better results and productivity. Being meticulous with your study materials or work is beneficial because you can make less errors and improve stronger retention abilities.

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Objectives of Method Study

The objectives of the method study are as follows:

  • To improve the quality of learning
  • To improve the usage of materials, books and other literature
  • To develop a better physical working environment
  • To achieve an economy in human efforts
  • To reduce the unnecessary fatigue
  • To improve the design and condition of the workspace
  • To improve the workspace layout
  • To finally improve the processes and procedures

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How to Approach Method Study? 

Method study is the process of breaking down the entire study process and approaching it one step at a time. So, here are some method study tips on how you can prepare better:  

For method study, you can follow a procedure of learning , described by each step in it:


First, select the work that you are planning to do. It can be any pending work, management, practice, learning course, etc. A defined problem area or an identified opportunity may be the subject of a method study. It is typically defined through a thorough analysis of available data, standard monitoring or control procedures, high levels of discontent and complaint, or as part of a change in management policy, procedure, technology, or venue, and usually because it meets certain urgency and/or priority requirements.


The Record stage of a method study entails collecting enough data (both in terms of quality and quantity) to serve as the foundation for assessment and review. There are several recording methods to choose from, depending on the nature of the investigation, the work being studied, and the degree of detail needed. Gather or record all the sufficient information and data that you will be needing during your study. Here, you might need recordings, diagrams, charts, notes, etc for your study.


The collected data is examined and analysed; critical evaluation and systems analysis are formalised forms of this method. The goal is to recognise, often through a formal questioning process, certain aspects of the overall work system that need to be improved or that can benefit from the change. Examine all the information that you have recorded. You can examine and analyse the data you have gathered to identify the sections that need work.


When more detailed research leads to establish areas of progress, the Examine stage of the investigation merges into the Develop stage of the investigation. The goal here is to recognise potential improvement actions and evaluate them in order to establish a preferred solution. Here you need to develop a preferred solution for the data that you have examined. You can identify short-term and long-term solutions where you can work a short-term solution till the long-term solution comes to fruition.


In this method, you need to install the theoretical changes that you were planning to do. Here, you need to create a physical solution that has been implemented. In this part, you might figure out some reasons behind any section that is lacking or any area of improvement that you can work on.


It is important to verify that new working methods are working, that they are being followed correctly, and that they are producing the desired results after some time has passed. This is the period of maintenance. Here, you need to learn to maintain the changes that you have done. In this section, you will learn whether the changes that you have done are really beneficial or not.

These were some of the tips on how to go about method study. Following each one of them along with hard work and determination will lead to good results. 

Method Study PPT

Courtesy: Sparsh Maheshwari

Advantages of Method Study

There are numerous advantages of method study. Some of them are:

  1. Completion of course before time
  2. Ample amount of time for revision
  3. There is no last-minute hassle 
  4. The time that is saved can be used to study other books related to the subject. 

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Scope of Method study

There are different areas where you can apply Method study for better results. You can use method study for:

  1. Improving work methods and procedures
  2. Smoothening workflow
  3. Determining the best sequence of working
  4. Reducing monotonous work
  5. Eliminating unproductive operations
  6. Reducing manufacturing costs by reducing the cycle time of operations
  7. To be met in terms of quality.
  8. In order to meet output goals, operators and operations must work together.
  9. Handling distances
  10. Tooling and equipment used.
  11. Achieving a work cycle time
  12. Working processes

Best Study Methods

There are several other study methods that you can follow for a better result and increased productivity. Here are some of the study methods that can help you in improving your learning:

  1. SQ3R Method
  2. Retrieval Practice
  3. Mind Mapping
  4. Spaced Practice
  5. Color-coded Notes
  6. PQ4R Method
  7. Exercising before studying
  8. Feynman Technique
  9. Leitner System
  10. Pomodoro Study Technique

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Types of Study Methods

Here are some of the types of study methods that you can follow for learning. These methods are known for the effective time management pattern and study techniques that can help you learn better and for long.

Here are some of the top study methods that you can follow:

SQ3R Method

SQ3R method is an acronym for a five step study method. In this, you follow a method of:

  1. Survey: Survey the work that you are planning to do.It can be a chapter, subject, book, etc.
  2. Query: Formulate a few queries around the subject you are learning.
  3. Read: Read the full chapter and look for solving your queries
  4. Recite: After reading the sections, summarize it in your own words
  5. Review: Review all the materials before finishing your study
SQ3R - How to study effectively (evidence based study tips)
Credits: Mike and Matty

Spaced Practice

Spaced practice works when you want to learn something without having to cram it. You can follow this method to practice spaced learning

Day 1: Learn the material
Day 2: Revisit and review the work
Day 3: Revise the work
After 1 week: Revise the work
After 1 month: Revise the work

How I Use a Spaced Repetition System to Learn Everything
Credits: Credits: Mike and Matty

Feynman Technique

The Feynman technique works in a way that if you want to learn something, it is best learned in your own language. Try to simplify whatever you are learning to get a better understanding of it. Why is this method study being used? Since learning isn’t accomplished through skimming through a book or memorising enough to pass an exam. When you can describe something and use it in a number of contexts, you’ve mastered it. Instead of turning something new into isolated, meaningless factoids, the Feynman Technique gets more mileage out of the ideas you encounter.

The Feynman Technique: How to Learn Anything Faster!
Credits: TopThink

Leitner System

This technique is based on using flashcards. In this, you keep your cards in different boxes with each card representing a section you need to learn. If you are able to recall the concept or get the right card, you can move a box ahead. If you get it wrong, you move it back a box or let it be in Box 1 in case it’s in there. Each box represents a time for practising each subject:

  • Box 1: Everyday
  • Box 2: Every two days
  • Box 3: Every four days
  • Box 4: Every nine days
  • Box 5: Every 18 days
how to study with flashcards the RIGHT way ⇨  Leitner's system
Credits: Mariana’s Corner

Pomodoro Study Technique

This is a great technique to help reduce distractions. This system believes that by dividing your work into small sections you can avoid being distracted, overwhelmed and feeling monotonous. It works in this way.

  1. Set a timer for 25 minutes
  2. If you feel distracted, write it down on a piece of paper and return to your work
  3. Once you have completed 25 minutes, you can put a check mark on a paper, these check marks are also called pomodoros.
  4. Take a 5 minute break and take care of the distraction you had
  5. After you are done with four pomodoros, take a 30 minute break.
  6. Repeat the process till your work is done

Also Read: How to Use the Pomodoro Study Technique?

How to Use the Pomodoro Technique - Study Tips  - Time Management
Credits: Socratica

Not just in studies, even your professional career and personal life can be benefited from method study i.e. by developing a systematic approach or by using these different study techniques. Leverage Edu too believes in a practical and systematic approach to your career. Every step is taken to ensure maximum benefit. Right from the first psychometric test to helping you build a successful career path. 

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