Q-Is it good for children that parents provide them with everything they ask for?
A- The propensity of parents to give their kids everything is much more prevalent today. From my perspective, I firmly feel that this is a bad trend that will inevitably have an impact on their children as they grow up.
Unquestionably, in today’s world, parents always give their children whatever they desire and fulfil their requests without conditions. This surely influences their progeny in a negative way. Due to the potential for maximisation of the power in children’s minds to not be empathetic toward their parents and be idler to continue pursuing their needs, which they may occasionally be able to meet on their own but prefer to ask their parents to fulfil instead of trying to do it themselves, By doing this, they risk obviously undermining their ability to develop their job or interpersonal skills in the near future. As a result, the number of children who struggle with higher education coursework or even employment opportunities will rise.
Additionally, if this tendency continues, a number of negative effects could arise. First, because young people tend to be impatient and immature in specific situations, they lack the capacity to be mature individuals. resulting in them being difficult people as they get older. Secondly, because adults have been watching over teenagers like guardians, they won’t be able to deal with any problems down the road. For instance, many young people struggle with official exams and school projects since parents in today’s era tend to complete their children’s homework instead.
In conclusion, despite the fact that parents may have been acting in this manner for a variety of reasons, I firmly believe that it will deteriorate their children’s circumstances, both now and in the future.
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