
How to Utilize Your Time Efficiently Before The Start Of Your Program?

3 minute read

A lot of students, who plan their higher education abroad carefully, have plenty of time in their hands before they fly off to foreign land and begin with a new chapter of their life. Most of the students who opt for higher education in countries like Germany, France, Spain, Singapore, Hong Kong , USA and UK have a lot of things to pay heed to after they secure an admission into their desired University such as the cumbersome VISA process, arrangement of proper accommodation  and pre-arrival essentials.

In order to avoid any last minute problems or delays, students are generally advised to take care of the VISA process and make arrangements for their accommodation well in advance. For help, they can get in touch with the various student and college bodies at their prospective schools. Take note that networking is the key to making your life easier abroad. Getting associated with various clubs and societies; networking not only helps you to build your own social circle in foreign land but also helps you get internships and jobs.

We, at Leverage, always advise our students to learn an extra, preferably local language, especially if they got admitted into a university in a Non-English speaking country. Learning the local language increases your chances of getting a job there and helps you gel well with locals. On the other hand, you could enroll for courses that would strengthen your profile and help you acquire learn new skills which might come handy in future.  For example, computer science aspirants could brush up on their coding skills by learning a new language, management and law students could take up courses which help them strengthen their oratory skills.

Another way to efficiently utilize your free time is to find an internship which would suit and strengthen your profile. Various organizations and universities prefer students who have had real life experiences and industry exposure rather than just academic and bookish knowledge. Internships would not only help you make contacts but also help you learn work ethics and get you accustomed with practical methods used contemporarily in the industry.

This post admission period also gives you an excellent opportunity to pursue your hobbies and extra-curricular activities which add up to your profile and versatility. On the other hand, you could also join an NGO and take part in social and community services. Universities and various other organizations abroad have a higher regard for social work and extra-curricular activities than the organizations and universities in India. Leading social, cultural and management initiatives at work or as a part of the community not only help you grow as a person but also help you enhance your leadership skills which give you a great advantage.

Hence, following these steps you could effectively and efficiently utilize your time to gain exposure and experience which would benefit you in the future and help you grow in all walks of life. All this hard work and dedication at this point in your life will help you reap the benefits at later stages of your life.

Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Bidyut Dutta,

Senior Vice President & Head-Admissions,

[email protected]






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