
Learn How to Become an Android Developer in 6 Steps

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How to become an android developer

In this day and age, we all have access to high-performance smartphones, tablets, PCs, and other devices. We also have a plethora of apps on our phones that make our lives so much easier than usual. Some of these applications help us stay active, while others assist us in our daily lives and routines, and yet others entertain us. But, have you ever been astounded by the way these applications are created and wondered how they are built? Did you know that these apps are being developed by a team of Android Developers? If not, here is a thorough article on how to become an Android Developer, as well as a clear roadmap to make a successful career out of it.

Who is an Android Developer?

An Android Developer is someone who makes our life easier by creating mobile or desktop applications that assist us in our daily tasks. So, if you’re wondering who an Android Developer is, I’d say they are Software Developers who specialise in creating apps for the Android marketplace. In other words, he or she develops apps based on the domain in which the firm operates. It might be basic programs or complicated ones, such as game apps like PUBG, GTA, Fortnight, and so on.

Android Developers
Courtesy: Android

Roles and Responsibilities of an Android Developer

As an Android developer, you must be extremely clear about your job role and responsibilities. The following are a few essential tasks and responsibilities of an Android Developer that will define who will be a successful developer in the future:

  • You should create and design Android apps for smartphones and tablets.
  • Should collaborate with the design and testing teams to create better products with fewer defects.
  • Learn how to use various APIs and data sources.
  • Understand how to troubleshoot bugs.
  • Continuous examination, discovery and use of new technology.

Why Learn Android? 

So, before diving into the entire roadmap of becoming an Android Developer, one needs to have a clear purpose in mind as to why he/she wants to learn Android or become an Android Developer in the first place. Hence, first and foremost, establish a clear aim. Why are you interested in learning Android? For example, if you want to study Android for your college academic assignments, you only need to master the basics. Similarly, if you want to develop a long-term career, you also need to master professional or advanced skills. So it’s in your hands, and it’s up to you to decide why you want to learn Android. 

Hire Android Developers | Hire Android App Developers India
Courtesy: DeveloperOnRent

Having said that, there are several reasons why you should pursue Android development. Among them are several prominent ones, which are mentioned below:

  1. Because Android is an open-source platform, it minimizes package licensing costs, resulting in minimal investment and good ROI. They offer a large community that allows you to contact the developers in case of difficulties or future updates.
  2. If you are working on any technology such as Software Testing or Full Stack Development, you will quickly learn how to utilise the Java programming language, which is one of the most trusted languages for developing apps. It is also true that any user with basic Java expertise may quickly create an Android application.
  3. The applications that are produced by Android Developers are either acquiring a lot of popularity or are rated highly on the Google Play store. Google is constantly updating some features and introducing new versions. As a result, you receive updates regularly that include improved features that are introduced to your programme.
  4. Developers would undoubtedly agree that the time spent learning how to create an Android application is significantly less than that spent on other technologies. The work is done if you know Java and scripting/computer languages like Perl or PHP.

How to Become an Android Developer in 6 Steps?

Being an Android Developer is not a cakewalk for everybody, as it is with many excellent chances. There are numerous phases in the process for non-programmers, and even experienced programmers have a lot to learn when adopting Android. Here’s a step-by-step guide to becoming an Android Developer in the future:

1. Know Different Tools: Java, Eclipse+, ADT Plugin

Android development may be carried out on a PC, a Mac, or a Linux system. All of the tools you’ll need to create Android apps are free. To begin, download and install the most recent version of Java SE. Then, go to the Android Developers site and download the Android SDK (Software Development Kit). The Android SDK provides the Android code libraries, the emulator, and several essential command-line tools for Android development.

2. Learn a Programming Language

The next stage is to take up and learn a language. In terms of programming languages, you may create Android apps using either Kotlin or Java. Although both Kotlin and Java may be used to create native Android apps, Google stated in 2019 that Kotlin would be the preferred method of producing Android applications. If you were to begin studying Android programming today, Kotlin should be your first language. Therefore, the majority of Android applications are written in Java (some in C++). A solid understanding of Java is required for Android application development. Android makes use of Java’s object-oriented programming architecture.

3. Understanding the Android Application Lifecycle 

Even if you’ve previously created desktop or online applications, it’s essential to realise that developing apps for mobile devices is an entirely different experience. Other apps and their priority are managed by the operating system via a desktop application. It is up to you to code your Android application to handle external events. Understanding the Android application lifecycle will allow you to design applications that “play along with others,” giving consumers the greatest experience possible.

4. Time to Learn Android API

While Android apps are developed using Java, the Android API or the application programming interface expands the command set with totally new packages. Android packages (groups of classes) enable you to create code that handles anything from the onboard camera and audio recording capability to Bluetooth connectivity and Wi-Fi access, among other things. Once you’ve mastered these packages, you’ll be able to incorporate the hardware and functionality of Android smartphones into your mobile apps.

5. Building an Android Application

It’s finally time to develop your Android application after all of your hard work, training, and rigorous studying. Without a doubt, creating your first entire Android app may be scary for beginners or first-timers, but if you select a topic that intrigues you, the process will be easier and more enjoyable. Write your programme in iterations, beginning with the basics and gradually increasing its capabilities with each pass. For beggining you can even consider using tools like Android app builder to understand the development process, taking a deeper look at codes. Debug and test your application carefully along the way to verify that it works in all scenarios. Testing should be done both on a real Android device and an emulator.

6. Make Your First Android App Available for Users

After successfully developing your first Android application for consumers, you may release/distribute it via the official Android Market, your website, or a third-party site such as Amazon.com, Appstore for Android, Google Playstore, and so on. To release your program through the official Android Market, you must first register as an official Android Developer, which costs $25 at the time of writing.

Courtesy: Ishan Sharma

Best App Development Colleges Abroad

Here is a list of some of the best and most highly renowned colleges and universities abroad for app development courses and programmes. We have curated the list as per QS World University Rankings 2023.

Universities Location QS World University Rankings 2023
(Subject Wise: Engineering and Technology)
Stanford UniversityUSA#2
University of CambridgeUK#3
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUSA#1
Imperial College LondonUK#6
University of California BerkeleyUSA#5
Harvard UniversityUSA#8
University of OxfordUK #4
ETH ZurichSwitzerland#7
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)USA#10
Tsinghua UniversityChina #9

Demand for Android Developers

How can developing software that is friendly for smartphones powered by Android OS not be in demand? There are 3.3 billion Android OS users in the world as of 2023 and all the smartphones function on apps supported by that phone. On top of that, we are living in a completely tech-driven digitalised world these days and brand websites are slowly transforming into apps to improve the user interface and user experience. 

In this scenario, the demand for Android developers is going to surge more and more within the coming years. Not only tech giants but every small or big organisation is going to need an Android Developer to develop and maintain applications that help them run great businesses.  

Salary & Other Job Prospects in Android Developing

Expert coders and Android Developers are compensated handsomely by many companies. In India, the typical annual salary for a novice or newbie Android Developer is between Rs 3 and 5 lakhs. You may earn even more money if you have relevant experience, knowledge, skills, and education qualifications. There are various career possibilities in the world of mobile app development. You may select from a variety of employment opportunities as an Android Developer including:

  1. Mobile App Developer
  2. Mobile App Architect
  3. Embedded Software Engineer – Mobile
  4. Lead Software Engineer- Mobile
  5. Android Developer
  6. Software Engineer

Salary of an Android Developer

The average annual salary of an Android Developer is $117,542 per year in the USA, £61,424 in the UK,  CAD 91,708 in Canada and AUD 1,18,793 in Australia. As the demand for Androids is maximum globally, and there are new applications hitting the market each day the demand for Android Developers is going to increase by 22% by 2030 as per the US Bureau of Labour Statistics. Here are some popular jobs for qualified Android Developers along with their average salaries in USD. 

JobsAverage Annual Salary
Software Engineer$116,182
Software Developer$117,542
Mobile Developer$120,425
Android (Flutter) Developer$100,000
Android Developer$150,000

Did you know? Android application development is one of the most sought-after tech talents in 2019, according to Forbes. It is one such technology that provides long-term work prospects.

That concludes our blog on how to become an Android Developer. We hope that this blog has provided you with a thorough path for pursuing a career as an Android Developer. Wish to study Android and App development courses abroad but are confused about the right program and university? Let our revolutionary AI Course Finder solve your problem. Book your free 30-minute consultation with our Leverage Edu experts today to know more!

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