70 Best Statistics Books

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Statistics is known as the most troublesome subject among Maths students. Without the help of a good book, it is not easy to learn its basics and crack the complex statistical problems. The application of Statistics in the real world is multifold as it is used extensively in the business, finance and marketing sector. Since these sectors deal with data analysis and predictions and making strategies accordingly, Statistics plays an essential role in helping business, marketing and financial professionals curate the best strategies to play out a particular capacity on the given dataset and numbers. Having the best books on statistics can help you understand its basic concepts and their applications. In this blog, we are bringing you a complete list of best Statistics books you must have to master this widely-used discipline.

10 Best Statistics Books of All Time

World Statistics Day 2020 -- Connecting the world with data we can trust

Are you interested in learning about statistics and want to learn in-depth? We have curated a list of the 10 best statistics books of all time for you:

  1. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R (Springer Texts in Statistics)
  2. Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan
  3. All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference by Larry Wasserman
  4. Principles of Statistics by MG Bulmer
  5. Statistics by David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves
  6. Statistics by Robert Witte, John Witte
  7. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
  8. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman
  9. Head First Statistics: A Brain-Friendly Guide by Dawn Griffiths
  10. Statistical Inference by George Casella, Roger L. Berger

Let’s explore in detail some of these books:

Statistics by Robert S. Witte and John S. Witte

If you are new to learning the essentials of statistics, then this is the best book to start with. It will introduce you from the fundamentals of statistics and help you to get a good stronghold over the subject. Moreover, the basic concepts of statistics are explained in a simple manner and with the use of graphs and visual content. It is one of the best statistics books of all time and completing this read, you will be able to manage and understand a variety of coefficient and connection, hypothesis. Check out this link to buy this book.

Statistics for Business and Economics by- James T. McClave, P. George Benson and Terry T Sincich

Written by renowned statistics experts McClave, Benson and Sincich, this book perfectly introduces the major concepts of Statistics in terms of the context of business and economics. As one of the best statistics books for business professionals, it covers a wide range of topics through real data and applies technology to help the reader get a better understanding of this discipline. Incorporating case studies, activities and real-world examples, it encourages active learning and imparts readers with the key factors to consider to make informed decisions for a business. You can buy this book here.

Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by— Charles Wheelan

While statistics can be a boring subject to study, this book ensures that the reader has fun while exploring the quintessential aspects of this discipline. Statistics is widely applied in almost every sector from game shows and sports to business and economics and this book focuses on the real-world applications of this discipline and how taking the right data and tools can help us answer many prominent questions like rising cases of Autism or the widespread use of consumer behaviour analysis by Netflix. It is one of the best statistics books for those who love this subject and want to unravel its global applications. Click here to buy this book.

Think Stats Probability and Statistics for Programmers by – Allen B. Downey

Amongst the most recommended and best Statistics books for developers, Think Stats Probability and Statistics by Programmers brings forward useful insights on python programming. This book offers procedures that are utilized to investigate genuine informational collections. It likewise responds to the most simple queries that come in Python developers’ brains. If you have fundamental aptitudes in Python language, then you can get familiar with the essential ideas of statistics more effectively with this book. It also delves deeper into studying the Python libraries which incorporate PMFs and CDFs libraries.

Statistics II for Dummies by – Deborah J. Rumsey

Another key mention in our list of best Statistics books, Statistics II for Dummies is for those pursuing a higher-level degree in this field as it explores advanced data analysis along with real-world applications as well as assessment strategies for better understanding of statistical analysis and results. It also encompasses topics like sorting and testing models, performing variance analysis, Rank Sum Test and much more.

Along with these, here are some more statistics books which you must check out:

10 Best Statistics Books for Data Science & Data Analysis

  1. Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python, Second Edition by Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce
  2. Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts by Peter Bruce and Andrew Bruce
  3. Statistics 101: From Data Analysis and Predictive Modeling to Measuring Distribution and Determining Probability, Your Essential Guide to Statistics (Adams 101) by David Borman
  4. Probability & Statistics for Data Science by Ankit Rathi
  5. Statistics for Data Science by James D. Miller
  6. Statistics: Statistics for Beginners in Data Science: Theory and Applications of Essential Statistics Concepts using Python (Machine Learning & Data Science for Beginners) by AI Publishing 
  7. The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data (Pelican Books) by David Spiegelhalter 
  8. Naked Statistics – Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan
  9. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics) by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani 
  10. Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data by EMC Education Services

10 Best Statistics Books for Machine Learning

  1. Statistics for Machine Learning: Implement Statistical methods used in Machine Learning using Python (English Edition) by Himanshu Singh
  2. Machine Learning Cookbook with Python: Create ML and Data Analytics Projects Using Some Amazing Open Datasets (English Edition) by Rehan Guha
  3. Statistics for Machine Learning -: Essential statistical concepts for exploring predictive analytics and machine learning using Python and R by Pratap Dangeti
  4. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics) by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
  5. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics) by Christopher M. Bishop 
  6. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics) by Christopher M. Bishop 
  7. Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning by Anirban DasGupta 
  8. Statistics for Beginners in Data Science: Theory and Applications of Essential Statistics Concepts using Python (Machine Learning & Data Science for Beginners) by Ai Publishing
  9. Statistics Crash Course for Beginners: Theory and Applications of Frequentist and Bayesian Statistics Using Python (Machine Learning & Data Science for Beginners) by Ai Publishing
  10. Machine Learning and Statistics: The Interface (Sixth Generation Computer Technologies) by G. Nakhaeizadeh and C. C. Taylor

10 Best Statistics Books for Economics

  1. Statistics For Economics & Introductory Microeconomics For CBSE Class 11 – 2021-2022 Session by V K Ohri and T R Jain
  2. Introductory Microeconomics + Statistics for Economics Class-XI
  3. Statistics For Economics – 11: Educational Book by DP Jain
  4. Statistics For Economics – Class 11 – CBSE by TR Jain and VK Ohri
  5. VK Ohri Statistics For Economics For CBSE Class 11 by V K Ohri and T R Jain
  6. Sandeep Garg Microeconomics & Statistics For Economics For CBSE Class 11 (2021-2022 Session) by Sandeep Garg 
  7. Statistical Methods by A Panel of Authors
  8. Statistics for Economics – Class 11 – CBSE (2021-22) Examination by T.R Jain and V.K Ohri
  9. Statistics Economics For Class 11 (Examination 2020-2021) by Sandeep Grag
  10. Dhanpat Rai Statistics For Economics For Class 11 By Sandeep Garg

10 Best Statistics Textbook for Self-Study

  1. Probability Theory and Statistical Applications: A Profound Treatise for Self-Study (De Gruyter Textbook)
  2. Ready, Study, Go!: Smart Ways to Learn
  3. Introducing Statistics: A Graphic Guide
  4. Statistical Methods (Combined edition volume 1 & 2)
  5. Confident Data Skills: Master the Fundamentals of Working with Data and Supercharge Your Career (Confident Series)
  6. Statistics: Bullet Guides
  7. Self-Controlled Case Series Studies: A Modelling Guide with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics)
  8. Statistics without Tears: An Introduction for Non-Mathematicians
  9. Statistics Made Easy: Flash
  10. Statistics, 3E (Idiot’s Guides)

10 Best Statistics Books for Beginners

  1. Statistics Book For Beginners: Fundamentals Of Inferential And Descriptive Statistics: Books On Statistics For Beginners
  2. Statistics For Data Science: The Practical Guide For Absolute Beginners: Statistics Books For Beginners
  3. Statistics without Tears: An Introduction for Non-Mathematicians
  4. Statistics Book For Beginners: Fundamentals Of Inferential And Descriptive Statistics: Probability And Statistics For Beginners
  5. Statistics: Statistics for Beginners in Data Science: Theory and Applications of Essential Statistics Concepts using Python (Machine Learning & Data Science for Beginners)
  6. Statistics by R S N Pillai and Bagavathi
  7. Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
  8. Books On Statistics For Beginners: Important Techniques Used To Infer Predictions From Data: Practical Statistics
  9. Statistical Methods (Combined edition volume 1 & 2)
  10. Statistics: A Basic Introduction

10 Best Statistics Books for Research

  1. Statistics for Business-Decision Making and Analysis
  2. Data Analysis in Business Research: A Step – by – Step Nonparametric Approach
  3. A Textbook of Research Methodology & Medical Statistics
  4. Research and Statistics in Physical Education
  5. Nursing Research And Statistics
  6. Essentials of Biostatistics & Research Methodology
  7. The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data
  8. Statistics in Psychology and Education
  9. Research Methods And Statistical Applications
  10. Data Analysis in Business Research
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Thus, we hope that this blog helped you find the best Statistics books you must have on your shelf to master the art of Statistical Science! Planning to study a degree in Mathematics or Statistics? Our Leverage Edu experts are here to help you explore suitable course and university combinations as per your interests and find the best one to ensure that you take an informed decision towards a rewarding career! Register for a free career counselling session with us now!

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