
Barriers of Business Communication

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Barriers of Business Communication

Interpersonal communication can go incorrect for a variety of reasons. The message may not be received exactly as the sender intended in many conversations. As a result, the communicator must seek feedback to ensure that their message is interpreted correctly. Active listening, clarification, and reflection skills may be helpful, but a skilled communicator must also be aware of business communication barriers and how to avoid or overcome them. In this blog, we will look at the barriers of business communication notes and will also look at some steps to tackle these barriers of business communication.

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What is a Communication barrier?

Several workplace communication hurdles tend to tamper with the message sent from sender to receiver. It causes a schism among the members of the organization. One of the major challenges in the company, according to managers, is a lack of communication. Communication problems, on the other hand, are frequently symptoms of underlying disorders. A badly constructed organizational structure, for example, may fail to express organizational goals. Managers may be unclear of what is expected of them if performance benchmarks are not accurate. A responsible manager, on the other hand, will search for the reasons of communication obstacles rather than merely treating the symptoms..Communication barriers can be found in the sender, the transmission of communications, the recipient, or the feedback. 

What are the Barriers of Business Communication?

Anything that stops or hinders communicators from delivering the correct message to the right person at the right time, or a receiver from receiving the right message at the right time, is a communication barrier. The following are some of the barriers to business communication in a corporate setting: 

  • Semantic Barriers 
  • Psychological Barriers 
  • Personal Barriers

Barriers cause a variety of failures in the communication process. Such barriers may filter a part of it or distort its meaning, resulting in misconceptions. Semantic barriers, psychological barriers, organizational barriers, and personal barriers have all been identified.

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Barriers of Business Communication: Semantic Barriers

Semantic barriers are challenges that come during the encoding and decoding of messages. The most common causes of such barriers include incorrect wording, improper translation, and so forth. Some of the semantic barriers are as follows:

  • Message Incorrectly Delivered: The use of incorrect words, the deletion of necessary phrases, a lack of vocabulary, and other factors all contribute to a poorly conveyed message. As a result, the message received by the recipient is distorted and may differ significantly from the original message.
  • Symbols with Various Interpretations: A word can have a variety of meanings. The receiver must be able to comprehend the meaning of the term used by the sender in the same context as the latter. The intended message is not accurately understood by the receiver if this is not present.
  • Faulty translation: Sometimes the communication is in a foreign language that the recipient does not comprehend and requires translation. Consider the case where a message is written in English and has to be translated into Hindi, which is easily understood by the workers. If the translator is not proficient in both languages, there is a risk that the message may be misinterpreted.
  • Usage of technical jargon: In general, specialists such as scientists and engineers utilize technical terms when describing something to individuals who aren’t experts in the area. As a result, these later individuals are unable to comprehend the meaning of such terms. 
  • Gesture decoding and body language: In the communication process, body movement and communication gestures play an important part. If the spoken words and body language are not in sync, the information might be misconstrued. For example, when expressing “Yes,” a sender may shake his head sideways, and when saying “No,” he may nod his head.

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Barriers of Business Communication: Psychological Barriers

The communication process is greatly influenced by psychological barriers. The communication process reveals the receiver’s and sender’s emotional states, such as anger, concern, and grief. The following are the most common psychological barriers:

  • Premature analysis: It refers to judging a message before the sender has even finished it. This can lead to miscommunication, which is a roadblock to successful communication.
  • Attention gap: The receiver’s failure to listen to the message due to his or her busy thoughts creates a significant psychological barrier. For example, a supervisor was distracted with some paper job in front of him, thus he didn’t even listen to a worker’s problem, let alone solve it.
  • Transmission loss and poor retention: When communication needs to transit through many layers, some or all of the information included in the message is lost. In oral communication, this is the most typical scenario. In the communication process, poor retention is also a major stumbling block. People cannot retain knowledge for lengthy periods of time if they are not attentive or engaged.
  • Distrust: The receiver and sender cannot interpret the communication in its original form if they do not trust each other.

Barriers of Business Communication: Organisational Barriers

Organizational barriers include things like structure, authority, relationships, rules and laws, and so on. The following are the most significant organizational barriers:

  • Organizational Policy: The efficacy of communication is harmed if the organization’s policy does not allow for the free flow of information. In a totally centralized organization, for example, people do not have unfettered communication.
  • Regulations and Rules: Rigid laws and regulations might make it difficult to communicate effectively.
  • Status: Communication between persons of various statuses and positions is challenging. They are unable to speak freely with one another.
  • Organizational Structure Complexity: Due to many filtering points, communication in an organization with multiple administrative levels is delayed and confused.
  • Organizational Resources: For a free flow of communication, proper organizational facilities such as a complaint box, suggestion box, social and cultural gatherings, frequent meetings, and so on are critical. In the lack of these facilities, a variety of issues might arise.

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Barriers of Business Communication: Personal Barriers

Both the sender and the receiver’s personal characteristics have a significant influence on the communication flow. The following are some examples of personal barriers:

  • Fear of Interrupting Authority: A superior may conceal communication that he believes may jeopardize his authority.
  • Superior’s Lack of Confidence in His Subordinates: If a supervisor has doubts about his subordinates’ skills, he should not ask for their advice or comments.
  • Reluctant to Communicate: Even the best communicators can’t connect with people who aren’t interested in doing so. Some people are simply not inclined to communicate much by nature. Other reasons for people’s unwillingness to communicate include fear of rejection or any other likely negative consequences. For example, subordinates may be hesitant to interact with their superiors because they believe it will result in a conflict.
  • Insufficient Incentives: Workers may not begin communication if there is no motive or incentive. Employees may be repelled from making useful recommendations if they are not rewarded or appreciated.

Five Ways to Eliminate Barriers of Business Communication

There will never be a day when communication barriers are completely eliminated. There are, nevertheless, methods to minimize their negative consequences and improve communication efficiency. The most crucial requirements for effective communication are a greater awareness of the reasons for communication barriers and a better grasp of people’s communication preferences. Let’s take a closer look at the five methods for overcoming workplace communication barriers.

Recognize the different generations in your workforce

Currently, there are five working generations:

  • Traditionalists (those born before 1945)
  • Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964)
  • Generation X (born between 1965 and 1976)
  • Millennials (people who were born between 1977 and 1995)
  • Generation Z (those born between 1996 and now)

Because these generations have distinct communication preferences, failing to adapt to them will certainly result in a communication barrier. To make communication more efficient, we need to better recognize and respond to these differences.

For example, millennials and Generation Z employees are accustomed to receiving tailored news feeds on social media. They like creating online groups, sharing ideas, and seeking suggestions on their preferred social media platforms. They also expect their companies to provide them with this type of communication experience.

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Make your communication agile

We learned earlier that highly hierarchical companies have a harder time communicating than ones where information flows more freely. It is critical to incorporate more flexible means and ways of communication in today’s ever-changing environment. Information should flow both ways at all times, upward communication should be promoted at all times, and employers should be able to contact their target audiences promptly.

Keep track of your communication methods.

Assume you communicate using a variety of channels, including email, team chat software, and Zoom. You have a query for your project manager concerning work that has to be completed today, but you don’t know where to ask it. What is the best channel to use?

If you’re confused, your team will be as well. A defined standard operating procedure (SOP) instructs your team members to transmit which information is one approach to avoid this problem. Important announcements and updates, for example, are delivered through email, meetings are held on Zoom, and short task-related messages are sent to your team chat app, among other things.

Cut down the communication (where possible)

We communicate things that aren’t required or include individuals who aren’t necessary, which causes the majority of communication difficulties. To begin, make sure you stay on topic, regardless of the channel or participants. In a conversation about a new project, sharing memes and gifs is not a smart idea, so stay on topic.

Choose the best communication channel

It may not be a communication barrier if you don’t feel like you’re communicating effectively enough with your team. In reality, your chosen form of communication may not be popular among your coworkers. An email was the primary method of communication in many organizations throughout the world until recently. Despite its numerous advantages, it had flaws, necessitating the development of additional tools. Video messaging applications, phone call apps, screen sharing apps, and team chat apps like Chanty are just a few examples. You can try a different communication tool if one doesn’t work for your team. For example, email might be inconvenient for messaging regarding urgent work or asking fast inquiries – this is where your team chat software comes in handy.

How to Create a Successful Communication Plan?

It is critical to have a well-crafted communications plan in order to minimize communication issues. These are the questions communicators should address when developing an internal communications plan and strategy:

  • What are the present hurdles to communication?
  • What are our long-term communication objectives, and how will we overcome existing communication barriers?
  • Who is your target audience, and what age and cultural distinctions do they have?
  • What are the main points you want to make and the issues you want to discuss?
  • Which communication channels would you employ and how will you disseminate messages?
  • How will you assess the effectiveness of your communication strategy and plan?

Solved Examples on Barriers of Communication

What do you mean by a communication barrier? Make a list of all the major impediments to successful communication. A communication barrier is any characteristic that restricts the purpose or channel of communication between the transmitter and the receiver. The word “barrier” comes from the fact that a communication barrier can limit or diminish the ease with which we communicate. Although the obstacles to successful communication vary depending on the context, the following are some of the more common obstacles:

  • Linguistic Barriers
  • Psychological Barriers
  • Emotional Barriers
  • Physical Barriers
  • Cultural Barriers
  • Organizational Structure Barriers
  • Attitude Barriers
  • Perception Barriers
  • Physiological Barriers
  • Technological barriers
  • Socio-religious barriers


Physical isolation, inadequate communication channels, a lack of awareness of the audiences’ demands, and distractions are all major communication barriers that must be avoided for any organization to succeed. Make sure your company has the necessary skills and techniques to communicate successfully. Examine your organization’s present technology and determine whether you require new technology, enhancements, or just a unified approach to the technology you now employ.

We hope the information provided on the barriers of business communication was helpful. Stay connected with Leverage Edu for educational content and exciting quizzes!

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