
What is Taught in an Anthropology Course?

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Anthropology Syllabus

Who are we as human beings? This question has been the core of Philosophy for centuries. A study of human behaviour, culture and language is perhaps the most interesting thing. This can be the reason as to why you should consider taking an Anthropology course. It has been the subject of choice for a number of students who love to read and research about human diversity. Anthropology is a scientific study of how human beings have evolved over a period of time with growing linguistic, behavioural, geographical and cultural heterogeneity. Let’s take a look at the details of the Anthropology syllabus to help you understand the endless possibilities in this field.

What is Anthropology?

Anthropology Syllabus

Just like Archaeology course deals with the digging up of evidence from the past to draw a conclusion about the existence of early human beings, Anthropology studies the established links between the past and the present of the human race. The course has been broadly classified into the following categories:

Biological Anthropology

Biological Anthropology deals with the physical aspects of human evolution. The study of Anthropology helps in answering scientific questions like: How the environment has accelerated human growth? What causes diseases? How human design has evolved with years? 

Archaeological Anthropology

This part of the Anthropology syllabus gives an overview as well as in-depth knowledge of using archaeological techniques to map out the vital aspects of human evolution. Digging out fossils, artefacts, and human remains can give you an insight into the lives of people living in the past. Using ‘Carbon-14 Dating Technique’ you can ascertain the links between the death of organisms containing organic material, the diet they followed and cause of death. Studying Archaeological Anthropology allow you to understand the art and craft of the era you want to study.

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology seeks to answer questions about how people from different cultures interact with social elements around them. Individuals belonging to different cultures have a different set of beliefs and ideologies. This section of Anthropology attempts to explore how people dress up, what their eating habits are, their festivals and rituals in a particular region which forms the basis of research in Cultural Anthropology.

Linguistic Anthropology

Linguistic Anthropology forms a major part of the Anthropology syllabus which deals with the study of the evolution of language and its impact on a particular region. Semiotic understanding in a region, how languages vary in different regions and their impact on humans forms the basis of this subject.

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Applications of Anthropology

Anthropology has a wide scope for application in the real world with Anthropologists involved in solving human problems based on their academic qualification and expertise. Your internship or training program may allow you to work on the application part of the Anthropology syllabus under the following fields of study.

  • Human Rights
  • Climate Change
  • Epidemic Outbreak
  • Sustainable Development
  • Gender Equality
  • Communication 

Also Read: Human Rights Courses

Top Universities to Study Anthropology

Anthropology syllabus can vary from course to course depending upon the universities. Some of the globally recognized universities offering courses in Anthropology are listed below:

Utrecht University

Located in the Netherlands, Utrecht University, offers two master’s degree courses in Cultural Anthropology with one of them focused on Sustainable Citizenship and the other on Sociocultural Transformation. These comprehensive courses equip students with the required skills to analyse the relationship between cultural diversity and power within the process of socio-cultural transformation.

Harvard University

When it comes to quality education, Harvard University has an unbeatable reputation. Located in North America, it is one of the finest universities in the world offering unmatchable degree courses in Anthropology.

University of California, Berkeley

Offering diverse courses like Socio-cultural Anthropology, UCB has secured top global ranking for Anthropology programs. Giving you an intensive atmosphere of learning and experience, the place is ideal for Anthropology enthusiasts.

University of Cambridge

Starting an Anthropology course in 1900, the University of Cambridge offers a robust course curriculum and a Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology for students to aspire to build an exciting career in Anthropology.

University of Oxford

With its Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, the University of Oxford was first to offer a master’s degree in Anthropology. The Anthropology Syllabus of the university’s offered courses includes lectures, tours and practicals.

If you want to make the world a safer place that is free of human differences, then a career in Anthropology is the right option for you. We hope that this blog has helped you to understand the major topics covered under the Anthropology syllabus. Get in touch with our counsellors at Leverage Edu and we’ll guide you in choosing the right course and university that can equip you with the required knowledge and exposure into the field of Anthropology.

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