
Ways to Win Study Abroad Scholarships and Make Your Study Abroad Dream Come True!

6 minute read
Win Study Abroad Scholarships

Are you planning to study abroad? As we all know studying abroad requires the need of proper financial funding, so to experience a fulfilling time abroad, without the constant worries of tuition fees, everyday expenses and more. This is where scholarships help students. Several scholarships such as UCL Global Masters Scholarships, Melbourne International Undergraduate Scholarships, etc, help cover the tuition cost of students. International students who are aiming for study abroad scholarships to finance their studies abroad are often in pursuit of winning the best of the best study abroad scholarships. Taking the same into consideration, this blog emphasises ways to win a study abroad scholarship. Read below and make your study abroad dream come true!


Go-To Guide to Win Study Abroad Scholarships 

There are a lot of study-abroad scholarships out there! You just need to be aware of the steps to follow to prepare for and win the right scholarship. Let’s start by sharing a proper guide that shall help you win a study abroad scholarship.

It’s All About the Preparation 

First, you will need to prepare yourself for the efforts that you are going to put into this study abroad journey. Being a hundred per cent dedicated to this goal can increase your chances of seeing positive results. You will need to set apart some hours of time in a day which will solely be for the preparation of study abroad scholarship applications. Reach out to student counsellors, or to the university directly in case you want to know about the available scholarships that you can apply for. Next, you can prepare beforehand by making a list of everything you qualify for. This requires a proper study of the eligibility criteria and application process. So get it done. You can also search “study abroad + undergraduate/postgraduate + scholarship + country/language/major” to find as many results as possible. 

Also Read: WBMDFC Scholarship

Research and Research 

One of the most important ways of winning a study abroad scholarship is to research and know everything about it. This helps you become fully prepared for what the scholarship asks of you and how you can start working on proving the same. Remember that there are a lot of scholarships out there! But you need to work to avail of the same. Applying to and availing of as many scholarships as possible can work in your favour! So start by compiling all the resources and relevant information that you can and utilise the same coherently. For example, did you know that you can jump from one study abroad scholarship bucket to another, expanding your number of options? Yes. 

  • Location-Specific Study Abroad Scholarships help and encourage students to study in a specific country. These scholarships can be provided by specific universities, the government, or private funders. If you are looking to study in Japan or to study in Australia, a number of these scholarships are available. 
  • Student-Specific Study Abroad Scholarships consider factors such as the gender, race, sexual orientation, and disabilities of a student and provide a certain set of scholarships. 
Win Study Abroad Scholarships

More specific scholarships such as University-Provided, Government-Funded, Program-Specific, or Subject-Specific study abroad scholarships are also available; you just have to check what all boxes you meet and how you can use that in your favour. SO RESEARCH! 

Also Read: Government Scholarship for MBA Students in India

Know All About Applying Beforehand 

When you know what all requirements and documents are required to apply for a scholarship, things become easy. Check the application deadline, the process that is suitable for the scholarship provider; what all requirements can be tweaked in consideration with the particular scholarship and more. If there is a scholarship essay that you need to work on, start drafting it. Check the ways in which the application process and evaluation happen on the scholarship website and know it all before going ahead with your application!

Contact the Funder Directly 

At times, students might get stuck on details that they are either confused about or are not able to find on the World Wide Web. In cases like these, understand the nitty-gritty of the scholarship you are applying for by directly contacting the scholarship/grant funder. This will not only help you confirm that you have all the correct information but also act as a sign of your initiative that the granter will recognise in a positive light. 

Work on Your Resume 

One of the ways to win study abroad scholarships is to tweak your resume as needed. This means that if there is a set format of the resume per country, then you can integrate those changes. In other ways, you can work on enhancing your resume by adding all your recent accomplishments. Make sure that the resume is no longer than a page. Find a balance between providing enough information in a concise manner. 

resume to win study abroad scholarships

Furthermore, cover letters often accompany resumes in scholarship applications. Make sure they are well-written and closely aligned with your accomplishments mentioned in the resume.

Also Read: Top Technical Skills to Enhance your Resume

Create an Essay That Reflects Your Passion 

A scholarship provider needs to know that the student applying for the scholarship is serious enough about receiving one. They want their money to be invested in a good cause, and that the student will utilise this opportunity to work on their dreams; that they care enough about this scholarship to fully appreciate it. This can be greatly reflected in the study abroad application essay that students write to convince the evaluation panel of their worthiness. Therefore, it is advised that you not be afraid to express yourself in your essay. 

Tell your story and win that scholarship!

Also Read: How to Draft a Winning Application to Masters’ Union?

Don’t Forget to Ask For Help 

In this entire process of finding ways to win study abroad scholarships, don’t forget to ask for help! Ask professionals, study abroad guides, academic advisers, university consultants, connections, or professors about what they know of study abroad scholarships. Invest time in talking with people around you and reach out to professionals when in need of professional guidance. You can also contact the experts at Leverage Edu to know all about study abroad scholarships. 

Specific Tips to Win Study Abroad Scholarships 

Some of the specific and secret tips that can ensure winning study abroad scholarships are mentioned below. 

  1. Apply as early as you can. 
  2. Proofread everything. Better to print it all out and read it aloud to check for mistakes. 
  3. Double-check eligibility and the application process. 
  4. Invest time to obtain stellar recommendations. 
  5. Avoid generic statements in your scholarship application essay. 
  6. Consider study abroad scholarships in less-visited countries.

Want to study abroad but are worried about expenses? Let Fly Finance help you.

You can check out the specific of these specific study abroad destinations below. 

  1. Scholarships in Japan 
  2. Scholarships in UK 
  3. Scholarships in New Zealand
  4. Scholarships in Canada
  5. Scholarships in Australia 
  6. Scholarships in Spain 
  7. Scholarships in Singapore


Which country provides 100% scholarships?

Finland is a country that provides scholarships to study for free for students. 

How can I get a full scholarship to study abroad?

First, you need to research and find scholarships such as location-specific, subject-specific and more to get a full scholarship to study abroad. 

Can an Indian get a scholarship to study abroad?

Yes, an Indian can get a scholarship to study abroad. The government of India offers various scholarships to support students in pursuing higher education abroad.

Ready to make your study abroad dreams come true? Leverage Edu can help you win scholarships and guide you through the entire process! Visit our website and connect with our expert mentors today at 1800572000 to book a free consultation today! Take the first step towards an unforgettable study abroad experience. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your future.

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