
Learn to Write Like a Native: Mastering Duolingo Writing with Cheatsheet

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Duolingo Writing Cheatsheet: Duolingo Writing questions in DET require test-takers to write clear and concise answers. This blog serves as your personal Duolingo Writing Cheat Sheet, equipping you with the essential strategies and techniques to elevate your writing and achieve fluency with confidence. Read the complete blog to learn more about the grammar rules, vocabulary and other tips required to ace the Duolingo writing section. 


Duolingo Writing Cheatsheet PDF: Download For Free

Duolingo Writing Cheat Sheet:  Remember to thoroughly review the provided cheat sheet to familiarise yourself with the various tips required for the Duolingo English Test writing section. Click on the link below to download the Duolingo Writing cheat sheet for free. 

Top 10 Grammar Rules to Keep in Mind for Duoling Writing 

Duolingo Grammar: Strong grammar isn’t just about avoiding mistakes in the DET exam; it’s your key to unlocking a higher score.  A solid grasp of grammar allows you to showcase your fluency and express yourself confidently. Imagine effectively communicating your knowledge across all sections of the test – that’s the power of mastering grammar.

Conversely, weak grammar can hinder your performance. Don’t let avoidable errors undermine months of preparation.  That said, you must keep abreast of the most important grammar rules to bolster your chances of success in the Duolingo English Test. 

  • Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure your subject and verb always agree in number (singular or plural).
  • Vary Sentence Structure: Don’t just use simple sentences. Mix in complex and compound sentences to create rhythm and variety.
  • Parallelism: Use parallelism for emphasis and clarity, especially when listing things or contrasting ideas.
  • Maintain Consistent Tense: Unless for a specific purpose, stick to one tense throughout your writing.
  • Formal Tenses: For a formal tone, use the present perfect tense for past accomplishments and the present passive voice for ongoing actions.
  • Formal Vocabulary: Opt for more formal vocabulary when available.
  • Precise Language: Choose words that convey your exact meaning and avoid ambiguity.
  • Active Voice: Generally, the active voice is more concise and engaging in formal writing.
  • Transition Words: Use transition words to connect ideas smoothly and logically.
  • Pronoun Reference: Ensure pronouns refer to their antecedents to avoid confusion.

15+ Vocabulary to Score Better in Duolingo Writing

Duolingo Vocabulary: Here are some common vocabulary that you must keep in mind to score better in Duolingo writing questions. Have a look. 

WordMeaning Example
IntricateComplex and Detailed The instructions for assembling the furniture were quite intricate, but with patience, I managed to put it together.
ConciseExpressing a lot of meaning in few wordsI prefer to write concise emails that get straight to the point.
NuanceSubtle difference in meaning or expressionThe artist captured the nuance of sadness in the character’s eyes.
EloquentSpeaking or writing fluently and persuasivelyThe politician delivered an eloquent speech that captivated the audience.
ComprehensibleEasy to understandThe teacher explained the concept in a clear and comprehensible way.
CohesiveWell-connected and forming a unified wholeThe essay was well-written and presented a cohesive argument.
ArticulateAble to express oneself clearly and effectivelyShe is an articulate speaker who can explain complex ideas in a simple way. 
PerseveranceContinued effort to do or achieve somethingDespite many setbacks, she persevered and eventually achieved her goal.
AstuteHaving or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or peopleThe detective made an astute observation that helped solve the case. 
IngeniousClever, original, and inventiveThe engineer designed an ingenious solution to the problem.
IndispensableAbsolutely necessaryWater is an indispensable resource for life.
FlourishThrive or prosperThe company has flourished under new leadership.
ImpasseA situation in which no progress can be madeThe negotiations reached an impasse, and both sides refused to budge.
SerendipityThe occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial wayFinding a twenty-dollar bill on the sidewalk was a stroke of serendipity.
EphemeralLasting for a very short timeThe beauty of a sunset is ephemeral.

Duolingo Writing Mistakes That You Must Avoid to Score Better

Duolingo Writing Mistakes: Here’s a breakdown of the most common mistakes to dodge in Duolingo’s writing exercises. Avoid such pitfalls to ensure your responses are articulate, cohesive, and engaging. Have a look. 

  • Duolingo requires formal writing. Ditch, contractions, and overly casual language for a more professional tone.
  • Using a synonym that doesn’t precisely convey your meaning creates ambiguity. Choose the most accurate word to paint a clear picture.
  • Repeating the same words makes your writing dull. Utilize synonyms and descriptive language to showcase your vocabulary range.
  • Don’t get stuck in a rut of simple sentences. Utilize complex and compound sentences to add variety and depth to your writing.
  • The active voice is generally more concise and engaging in formal writing. Reserve the passive voice for specific situations. 
  • Parallelism involves structuring sentences with similar grammatical elements. Inconsistency in parallelism can make your writing sound clunky.
  • Ensure pronouns clearly refer back to their antecedents (the noun they replace) to avoid confusion.
  • Eliminate unnecessary words and phrases without sacrificing clarity. Concise writing is impactful writing.
  • Formal writing doesn’t have to be dry. Use rhetorical questions (questions that don’t expect an answer) or carefully chosen figures of speech (metaphors, similes) to keep the reader engaged (avoid overuse though!).

So that was all about the Duolingo Writing Cheatsheet. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

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Q1. What is the total duration of the Writing and Speaking Section of the DET exam? 

Ans: The writing and speaking section of the DET exam lasts for 10 minutes. 

Q2. What are the rules for writing in the Duolingo Exam?

Ans: Students attempting the Duolingo Writing Sample section must not exceed the word limit of 50 words and must complete the task within a time frame of five minutes. Students are recommended to work on their vocabulary and grammar to score better in the Duolingo Writing sample test. 

Q3. What are the common topics for the Duolingo Writing Sample Task? 

Ans: Art, business, Family, Childhood, Travelling, Technology, and Parenthood are some of the most common topics that come in the Duolingo Writing Sample Task. 

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