
Helpful Phrases to Learn Before You Study Abroad in Spain

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phrases to learn before study abroad in spain

Spain is a cultural and popular study abroad destination for students across the globe. If you are someone who is planning to study in Spain, then apart from the academic preparations that lay ahead of you, you must also start thinking about the helpful phrases to study abroad in Spain. Communication and language play a huge part in one’s experience abroad, especially one that requires day-to-day interactions with the local people in an academic setting. Taking the same into consideration, let’s dive deeper into a list of helpful phrases to study abroad in Spain!


5 Key Phrases to Study Abroad in Spain

The language spoken in Spain is Spanish. Therefore, the most prominent and helpful phrases to learn before you study abroad in Spain are in Spanish. We have mentioned below the five key phrases that shall help you to study abroad in Spain. Read on!

Por favor

Meaning: Please. 

It is important to be polite. And when you take on the journey to study abroad, asking for help is bound to happen. Rather, it is a good idea to ask for help and interact with your fellow students, or locals, in Spain than feeling lost on your own in a new country. In situations like these, or otherwise, what’s one phrase that’s used all around the world with the same meaning but all in a different language? It’s “Please”. That’s exactly what “Por favor” means.  As it is suggested via the phrase’s pronunciation, it indicates a ‘favour’. Simply put, the phrase is a sign of politeness that’s usually added at the end of a sentence. The usage of the phrase is generally informal, though it is not something that necessarily hints at casualness. Moreover, this phrase to make a polite request is an adverb

Usage Example:

  • Take off your shoes before entering the house, por favor
  • Can you pass the book to me, por favor?

Also Read: 10+ Helpful Phrases to Learn Before You Travel to Study Abroad in UK


Meaning: Nap 

Probably one of the most important parts of a day is your time for a nap. Generally, a “siesta” can also refer to the time period of 2 pm to 5 pm. This is because this post-lunch time is usually when the afternoon nap is taken. Spaniards love a good siesta, which is why this term might be a lot more commonly used than you think. The level of prominence of a siesta can be noted by the fact that during this time a lot of stores tend to close. Using this phrase will help you to not only communicate your own desire to nap but to also understand and interpret when other’s communicate the same to you. In fact, do you know that this noun is in itself derived from the Latin word, “hora sexta”, which leads to the meaning of “midday rest”? As a siesta is an old tradition in Spain, we hope you enjoy your study abroad experience in Spain with a lot of siestas! 

Usage Example:

“Will you be available to hang out after lunch?”

No, sorry, it’s Siesta time!”

No pasa nada

Literal Translatory Meaning: Nothing happens

Contextual Meaning: Don’t worry about it

This phrase is so common in Spain that after about a week of your stay in Spain, it will easily become a part of your daily vocabulary! This is because it’s integrated in the day to day conversations and matches a range of situations and circumstances. In fact, the phrase is extremely versatile and can be used in several official and formal contexts as well. This is seen in an official health campaign which was called “No pasa nada, discriminar es absurdo.” Taking a complete 180-degree turn, the phrase can also be used in the most unserious situations. Suffering from a cold? No pasa nada. Running late for a morning class? No pasa nada. Messed up the project assignment? No pasa nada. There’s really no end to it! It proves to be one of the most helpful phrases to study abroad in Spain! No wonder you will catch on to it within a week. 

Usage Example:

“Sorry I forgot to call you yesterday”

“No Pasa Nada”


Meaning: Okay; Yeah; Whatever. 

Vale is an extremely common word heard in Spain. Just imagine how many times a day you use the words “okay” in your language. Too many right? That’s how common this word is because that’s exactly what it means in Spanish. As an international student in Spain, you will grow familiar with this word in no time! While interacting with shopkeepers or strangers, this word will come to use. It is easy to pronounce as well and can be used as many times as you want. It’s commonly used to confirm something as well. It’s used in an informal setting, in most cases, as it is a slang version of “de acuerdo”, which means “all right”. Use this phrase with your friends or your roommates, no pasa nada! (Get it?)

 Usage Example:

“Can I borrow your pen?”


Also Read: 50 Difficult Phrases with Meaning


Meaning: Thank you. 

Wondering how to express gratitude to your Spanish classmate while you are studying in Spain? This phrase to study abroad in Spain is at your rescue! Gracias can be used on all occasions as when a ‘thank you’ is used. Which is… all of them. Speaking to a friend and thanking them for their gift? Use gracias. Writing an email to a professor? Gracias would work. A further extension of Gracias is “gracias muchas” which means “thank you very much”. This is an easy phrase to use, that is sure to be one of your regulars in your daily conversations! It’s also seen as polite and decent to use it. So use it away!

 Usage Example:

“I brought you the movie ticket you asked for”

“Gracias muchas!”

Also Read: 10 Common Phrases Used in New Zealand

The List Continues With Essential Phrases to Study Abroad in Spain 

There are a lot many words that are still on the list of phrases to study abroad in Spain! Check them out below! 

Buenos díasGood morning
Buenas tardesGood afternoon
Buenas nochesGood night
Lo sientoI am sorry 
De NadaYou are welcome
Hasta luegoUntil later
Mucho gusto Nice to meet you


What are some must-learn phrases in Spain?

Some must learn phrases in Spanish are
Hola – Hello
Gracias – Thank you 
Por favor – Please 
Nos vemos – See you 

Is Spain good for study abroad?

Yes, Spain is good for study abroad.

How do you say sorry in Spanish?

Lo siento means I am sorry in Spanish. 

Those were some of the helpful phrases to study abroad in Spain! Hope this helps you in your study abroad journey. Keep following Wings by Leverage Edu for more such interesting blogs. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook.

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