
Money Vocabulary IELTS 2023

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Money Vocabulary IELTS

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Every year, quite many candidates appear for this competitive test, the IELTS English proficiency exam where students are judged on four parameters: Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading. However, the candidates should keep in mind that having a wide vocabulary is very important in order to crack the IELTS exam. 

In this blog, you will get to learn about all the words which can be used in place of the word ‘Money’.  

Money Vocabulary IELTS with Usage

There is a huge possibility that the examiner can bring up the word ‘money’ and several questions pertaining to it can be asked. Give below are some examples of how questions related to money can be asked: 

  • ‘What do you use more- hard cash or digital money?’
  • ‘What is your definition of money?’
  • ‘What is money in your native language called?’ 

Therefore, it is very crucial that the exam taker knows each and every word and its meaning by heart, in order to pass the IELTS Speaking score

In the table mentioned below, you will find several words which can be used in place of the word ‘money’. 

Bank NotesHard CashCurrency

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IELTS Speaking: Money Vocabulary Usage and Examples

Check out all the words, their usage and even examples which can be used in the IELTS ‘money’ vocabulary. Please find the table mentioned below.

Bank NotesA negotiable promissory note that one party can use to pay another.A dollar bill in one’s pocket is a banknote.
Hard CashThese are negotiable coins and or banknotes other than the bank notes.One should always keep some hard cash handy.
CurrencyA system of money which differs from country to country.They were paid in Canadian currency.
CapitalWealth is in the form of money or assets which are owned by the company or a person.Companies are currently having a hard time raising capital.
FinancesTo provide funding for a person or an enterprise.He hasn’t paid any attention to their finances. 
Change The money remaining from the amount of money you paid.We had her cash figured down to pocket change.

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Can you please list out some words which can be used in place of ‘Money’?

There are several words which can be used in place of the word ‘money’, these include cash, hard cash, capital, bank notes and several others.

When asked about the word ‘Money’ how can I talk about it?

While answering this question, the candidate can mention how they got to know about this topic, how many times they use this word in a day and much more.

How can I describe the word ‘Money’ in one sentence?

To describe this word, it can be put in one sentence which is, ‘medium of exchange in the form of coins or bank notes.’ 

We hope the information mentioned in this blog will help you in improving your  IELTS money vocabulary. 

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