
In-Depth Information About Lawyer Salary In South Korea In 2024

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Lawyer Salary In South Korea

Law is a very stable profession with a very high salary in South Korea. There are numerous opportunities and the exposure is as good as it can be. Though there is a need to clear an exam if you have not studied in the same country, once you get a job, it is worth it. The students who have studied in South Korea and are seeking jobs in the same country are at benefit as there is no need for such extra exams. Apart from all other factors, salary is an important factor to consider, let’s learn everything about Lawyer salary in South Korea. Read the blog to the end to get all the information you need. 


Average Lawyer Salary In South Korea

The average salary is determined by taking all the high and low salary factors into consideration.  Though the figure that you are going to earn as a lawyer in the country can differ based on several factors. The average salary of a lawyer in South Korea is good. A lawyer in South Korea makes around 98,039,900 KRW per year.

  • The average highest yearly salary for a lawyer is 149,999,200 KRW
  • The average lowest yearly salary for a lawyer is 50,998,800 KRW

Let’s see the monthly averages go get beer and look into the salary:

  • The average monthly salary for a lawyer is 8,169,991 KRW
  • The average highest salary is 12,499,933 KRW
  • The average lowest salary is 4,249,900 KRW

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Lawyer Salary In South Korea Based On Experience

In the field of law, it is very important to consider the level of experience to determine the salary brackets. The employees with higher levels of experience earn higher salaries considering their practice in the field and hands-on skills. A lawyer with 2 years of experience in the field can expect to earn a 34% higher salary compared to a fresh lawyer in the profession. The following image contains the level of experience and salary paid in the profession against them. This will help you understand the value of experience in the field of law in country South Korea. 

Lawyer Salary In South Korea

Lawyer Salary In South Korea Based On Education

The second determining factor is education. The level of education is considered a very important factor when the salary level is decided for the individuals. The skills and the proficiency that are developed with high knowledge get paid for. The employees with better and higher qualifications earn better and higher salary packages. In the field of law, a bachelor’s degree can fetch you a 24% higher salary compared to a certification-level qualification. 

Education Average Salary
Bachelor’s degree74,758,600 KRW
Master’s degree92,641,100 KRW
PhD147,600,500 KRW

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Lawyer Salary In South Korea In Different Sectors

The public and private sectors work in a similar way but show slight differences in the salary. The public sector of the country pays better salaries than the private sector. The difference in the figures is not very high but moderate. 6% is the difference observed at the moment. The private sector pays a 6% lower salary compared to the public sector. The table below will clear all the  other doubts:

Sector Average Pay
Public sector  47,880,300 KRW
Private sector45,239,100 KRW

Lawyer Salary In South Korea For Different Cities

The salary in different cities of different countries differs. Not all cities pay the same average salary to the employee. The salary determination happens based on the standard pay of the city. Some cities pay very high, whereas some cities pay very low. To know which cities are best to work in and pay the best average salary, cities are compared in the image below.

Lawyer Salary In South Korea

Lawyer Salary In South Korea Compared To Similar Professions

The salary of a lawyer can be good or bad compared to other professions. To know if the salary is actually rewarding, we can compare the average salary of a lawyer in South Korea to several other professions in the same industry. The following table contains a list of other professions similar to the Lawyer and their average salary against them for the purpose of comparison.

Professions Average Salary
Court reporter 35,758,400 KRW
General Counsel67,321,200 KRW
Judge advocate 102,359,100 KRW
Legal advisor 58,559,300 KRW
Legal Executive 83,641,100 KRW
Barrister 24,599,500 KRW
Attorney 96,600,100  KRW
Administrative law judge 127,201,600 KRW
Magistrate Judge 145,200,100 KRW
Staff Attorney 71,400,600 KRW
Legal officer 27,841,200 KRW

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What is the difference in the salary of males and females in the profession of law in South Korea?

The pay for males and females in the profession of law slightly differs in the country. Though efforts are being made to remove the difference, yet for the time being the difference is close to 6%. Females earn a 6% lower salary comparatively. 

What is the average pay raise that can be expected in the profession of a lawyer in South Korea?

The pay raise of a professional completely depends upon the work and performance of the employee. However, on average the pay raise that can be expected is 10% in one year.

Is it worth being a lawyer in South Korea?

The job of a Lawyer is absolutely worth considering several factors like the average pay, the opportunities, the exposure and the work-life balance. The life of a lawyer will become easier if you pursue your law degree from the same country too.

This was all about the Lawyer salary in South Korea, to read more about other jobs, and salaries and choose the best job for yourself with all the knowledge kindly follow Jobs Abroad, and to gain knowledge on Study abroad follow Leverage Edu.

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