
How to Improve English Language Skills for PTE Test 

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How to Improve English Language Skills for PTE Test

PTE Exam is considered to be one of the finest English Proficiency tests in study abroad. It is accepted by 3000+ institutions including world-class universities and colleges for admissions and by a lot of countries like Australia, UK, and New Zealand for visa purposes. It is a major misconception that PTE Exam is easier for those who are native citizens of english speaking nations. In this blog, we will know about how to improve english language skills for the PTE tests in detail.


PTE: Overview

The test does not only involves English Speaking Skills and grammar but also the tactics to answer these questions with time management. This test involves an evaluation of all language skills like Listening Skills, Speaking Skills, Reading Skills, and Writing Skills. So a candidate has to be proficient in all these skills to be able to able to get overall good scores. A day-to-day knowledge of English language is not sufficient for the exam and one has to work on understanding the language deeply. 

The test is not based on literary English, it is rather a comprehension of technicalities like accurate grammar, extensive vocabulary, appropriate prepositions, etc. It is essential as the candidate should be able to communicate in a foreign environment. There are various ways in which one’s English Language Skills can be improved. For each language skill, there are some points mentioned below. 

How to Improve English Language Skills for PTE Test

Here are some of the ways to improve english language skills for the PTE test.


While trying to improve English language skills reading is an important skill in many aspects. It may help to improve reading task scores and also helps speed up responses in writing sections with long questions. It helps to excel vocabulary by introducing new words with every new piece of reading. 

To improve PTE reading skills one has to make it a habit to read daily. The excerpts being read should be unseen and read for the first time. Candidates should always pick different materials for reading, for example, novels, newspapers, reports, data, short stories and so on. There are two essential practices while reading that can help in assessing one’s skill, firstly the candidate should read loudly and clearly to avoid fumbles and incomplete sentences. 

Secondly, the candidate can also record their responses and assess their pronunciation while comparing recorded audio with PTE sample papers. The recordings will also help in seeing if the candidate is answering the questions within the time frame that is suggested by the PTE exam preparation tips. 


The best way to memorize words is to write them. The practice of PTE writing skills will also help in learning the structure of sentences and benefit in speaking skills with an improved ability to form sentences faster than one can learn by any other means. The writing skill practice helps a person to focus better as well which is a trait that benefits overall performance. 

To make better use of time one should practice a little bit of Writing on a daily basis. The best way to practice this is to listen to a sentence or short paragraph and try to write it down. Check the sentence for grammar and accuracy. This helps one practice listening and writing skills together. The same can be done by reading a paragraph and then trying to write it down. 

The PTE test also has writing-related questions based on describing images, which assess the understanding of context and the use of vocabulary by the candidate. For questions like these, the candidates can either practice from the sample papers with a better idea of what kind of images are given o in the beginning of preparation they can choose an image from a poster, magazine etc or select a location/view to describe.


Knowledge of vocabulary and grammar helps in improving English Speaking Skills but there are more things to learn while trying to improve PTE English Speaking Scores. While practising for the Reading section a lot can be improved for the Speaking section as well as the candidate overcoming hesitation and also practising the way of Speaking. 

The best way to start improving on PTE Speaking Skills is to start talking in English. One can record and listen to themselves for evaluation or pratice with someone with a good understanding of the language to correct them. Practising alone loudly and then in front of peers occasionally can help in improving on Fumbles and reduce hesitation. 

It is also essential to practice a lot. For non-native English speakers it is difficult to speak english when one’s mind is thinking in another language, constant practice and identifying things in English can help to bridge that gap and bring fluency as the candidate starts to feel in English as well. Practising day-to-day words in English can help a lot in this case. 


The easiest way to improve PTE English Listening Skills is to Listen! Watching the new Netflix series in English, or a podcast for that matter can help in improving candidates’ listening skills. It is better if the candidates start watching with subtitles and then try to understand without them. It is also advisable to listen to content in different accents. 

The PTE tasks related to English Listening Skills are based on understanding and remembering the content. Highlight correct summary is where the candidate is expected to understand the context of the audio. In the case of Multiple choice questions with one answer or multiple answers, a candidate is required to memorize unique content-based information from the audio. 

This can be practised with the help of podcasts where the candidates can listen to a certain time duration and then try to remember and write down the content. It is also easy to compare the answers in this case. 

Also Read: PTE Exam: Everything You Need To Know


What is PTE?

PTE stands for Pearson’s Test for English. It is an English proficiency test whose scores are acceptable in top-ranked universities of the world like Oxford University, Harvard Business School, and Yale University.

How to check PTE result?

The PTE test scores are available within 48 business hours. The notification for the release of the scorecard is sent to the candidate’s email id. To check the scores one can log in to their MyPTE account and download the scorecard. 

What is the PTE Score required for Australia?

The minimum PTE score for Australian visa is 42. The candidates who have not been able to chive this benchmark score can choose to pursue a 10-week of English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS). This gateway is available for those with a minimum PTE score of 36.

Each of the PTE language skills is a test of the candidate’s understanding of and ease with the language. Prepare with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and have our top trainers strengthen your English score as well as your application. You can secure your spot in your dream college! To get a free counselling session, reach us at 1800527130

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