
Free University of Berlin Masters: Courses, Career Opportunities, Admission Process

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Free University of Berlin Masters

Free University Berlin offers a diverse range of master’s degree programs across various fields, including humanities, sciences, and education. With over 190 courses available, many are taught in English, making them accessible to international students. The university is known for its high academic standards and research opportunities, preparing graduates for careers in education, research, technology, and more. The admission process is specific, requiring proof of prior academic qualifications and language proficiency, with specific deadlines for applications. Studying at FU Berlin is particularly budget-friendly because it does not charge tuition fees, allowing students to focus on their education without the burden of high costs.

University NameFree University of Berlin
CourseMaster courses
Acceptance Rate15%
QS World Ranking 2025#97
Approx Tuition FeesNone in most of the courses
Courses Offered Both undergraduate and graduate courses
Application deadline for the Spring semesterNov 1, 2024
Official Websitehttps://www.fu-berlin.de/en/index.html

Also Read: All About Free University of Berlin

Why Choose Free University of Berlin Masters?

Pursuing a Free University Berlin master offers a unique combination of academic excellence in one of Europe’s most dynamic cities. Here are some key reasons to consider pursuing a master’s degree at Free University Berlin:

Academic Excellence

  • FU Berlin is one of Germany’s Universities of Excellence, known for its demanding curriculum and high academic standards.
  • The university offers over 150 degree programs across a wide range of disciplines.
  • It has a strong reputation, particularly in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and computer science.

International Environment

  • FU Berlin attracts students from over 150 countries.
  • It offers numerous programs taught in English to cater to international students.

Research Opportunities

  • FU Berlin is a research powerhouse with excellence within disciplines and encouragement for interdisciplinary work.
  • The university provides targeted support for young researchers.


  • Tuition is often waived at German public universities like FU Berlin.
  • The university offers a range of funding opportunities and scholarships.

Read More: Masters in Berlin Germany

Programs Taught in Masters at Free University of Berlin

The university provides over 190 degree programs, allowing students to specialise in various subjects, including smaller, niche areas like Egyptology and Bioinformatics. Refer to the below table in detail:

Master of Science at Free University Berlin

FU Berlin MS programs are designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and practical skills, preparing them for careers in research, technology, and industry. Refer to the table below:

Free University of Berlin Masters of Science DegreesSyllabusDuration
Applied Landscape and Field ArchaeologyImportant topics to be covered – Practical training in the modern landscape, field archaeology methods, evolution of natural, and cultural landscapes and settlement processes. Various techniques, including 3D recording, geoinformation systems, and modern surveying technologies.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
BiochemistryFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Biodiversity, Evolution, EcologyImportant topics to be covered – How to collect, evaluate, and interpret data on evolution, ecology, and biodiversity professionally, understanding complex ecological and evolutionary processes, methods of modern and classical research in the fields of biodiversity, ecology, and evolutionary biology.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
BioinformaticsImportant topics to be covered – Paradigm shift taking place in medicine and biological sciences. Evaluation of masses of biological data, the use of computers, combined with accurate mathematical models and efficient algorithms is essential. Mathematical methods and models, to recognise relevant biological questions, and to correctly analyse the results of the models in a biological context.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
BiologyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
ChemistryImportant topics to be covered – Inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry along with courses in such related natural sciences as physics or biology as well as courses outside the natural sciences (language courses, for example).Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Cognitive NeuroscienceImportant topics to be covered – Perception, learning, memory, decision-making, consciousness and language, research and development, applied learning of a large array of methodological skills, including planning and programming of neurocognitive experiments, conducting experiments using functional magnetic electroencephalography (EEG), resonance imaging (fMRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and the statistical analysis of experimental data.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Computational SciencesFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Computer ScienceImportant topics to be covered are electronic processing, storage, and transfer of data, theoretical computer science, practical computer science, technical computer science, and applied computer science.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Data ScienceImportant topics to be covered are processing, analysing, and interpreting large digital data sets, aspects of modern data science in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and machine learning, and taking application-related issues into account.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Economic SystemsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
EconomicsImportant topics to be covered – Advanced theoretical and empirical knowledge in line with the latest international research.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Finance, Accounting and TaxationImportant topics to be covered are finance, accounting (financial accounting, managerial accounting or auditing), taxation, and supplements (especially law and related fields in business economics). Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Geographical Environmental ResearchImportant topics to be covered – Scientific theories, models and methods of space structures and processes regarding the development of the natural and cultural landscape as well as the water cycle in natural and anthropogenically influenced systems.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Geographies of Global InequalitiesImportant topics to be covered – Connections between global dependencies and ruptures, health, mobility, racism, urban research, poverty and inequality, work and labour markets, multispecies relations, livelihood research, global governance, socio-ecological transformation and gender.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Geological SciencesImportant topics to be covered – Natural resources and risks to habitable areas, earthquakes, climate change, tsunamis, biodiversity) and resources (water, hydrocarbons, natural gas, rare earths, ores, building materials, etc.)Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Information SystemsImportant topics to be covered – Business analytics, e-business, IT entrepreneurship, operations research and decision support systems.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Management & MarketingImportant topics to be covered – Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
MathematicsImportant topics to be covered are analysis, discrete mathematics, algebraic/complex geometry, numerical mathematics, differential geometry, or topology.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
MeteorologyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Pharmaceutical ResearchImportant topics to be covered – Discovery and development, testing therapeutic compositions/formulations, investigating drug release systems, and determination of drug effects.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
PhysicsImportant topics to be covered – All Scientific methods of physics topicsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Planetary Sciences and Space ExplorationImportant topics to be covered – Planetary exploration with space probes, remote sensing of the Earth with satellites, planetary geology, planetary physics & dynamics, computational modelling of planetary processes, exoplanets and planetary habitability, laboratory work and excursionsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
PsychologyFocus on Clinical Psychology and PsychotherapyFocus on Work, Organisational and Health PsychologyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Public EconomicsImportant topics to be covered – Economic disciplines of public finance, economic policy, and macroeconomics, fundamentals of theoretical models and econometrics.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).

Master of Arts at Free University Berlin

MA programs are designed to provide a deep understanding of cultural, historical, and social dynamics, providing graduates with analytical skills and critical thinking. Refer to the below table to have a detailed understanding:

Free University of Berlin Masters of Arts DegreesSyllabusDuration
Applied Literary Studies – Contemporary LiteratureTopics covered – Understanding of institutional, esthetic and economic aspects of contemporary literary production and reception.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Arabic StudiesTopics covered – Classical Arabic literature in its social environment, History of the Arabic language, Arabic palaeography and book culture, Transmissions of knowledge in Arabic literatureArabic scholarship, Literature from al-Andalus, Folklore and traditions of the Arabic-speaking world, Contemporary and popular Arabic culture, Modern Arabic prose and poetryFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Archaeology of the Ancient WorldTopics covered – Prehistoric Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Mediterranean region, Eurasia, and Southwest Asia.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Art History in a Global ContextFocus on AfricaFocus on East AsiaFocus on Europe and AmericaTopics covered – 1. In-depth regional focus and the acquisition of detailed knowledge in the areas of visual arts and visual culture (cinema, advertising, architecture, photography).2. Knowledge cultures of China, Korea, and Japan. The object of study is Eastern Asian art of all genres, from the Neolithic to the present. Painting, calligraphy, sculpture, new media art, architecture, and garden art as well as the applied arts are all included.3. Image production is not intended as art – and architecture from different regions and cultures.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Chinese StudiesTopics covered – Methods and theories from the social sciences, linguistics, and humanities.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Classical ArchaeologyTopics covered – Comprehensive expert knowledge, visual and media competence, the ability to reconstruct, academic working methods, and methodological and analytical skills.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Classical PhilologiesTopics covered –
Culture and Media ManagementTopics covered – Networking in the art and cultural, media, foundation and political landscapes, as well as the creative and digital industriesFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Dance StudiesTopics covered – Disciplines and the artsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Digital Studies of Ancient TextsTopics covered – Ancient Near Eastern or Egyptian written sources, languages, and writing systems, and offers domain-specific courses that apply methods from philology, cultural studies, history, linguistics, and literatureFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Dutch Studies in International ContextTopics covered – Dutch studies in an international contextFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
East European StudiesTopics covered –Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
EgyptologyTopics covered – Society, economy, history, religion, architecture, art, literature, language, etc. In-depth knowledge of both subject matter and methods in Egyptological subject areas, research methods and relevant theoretical frameworks.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
English Studies: Literature, Language, CultureTopics covered – literature, linguistics, and cultural studies of the English-speaking world except North America. Awareness of historical context and the relationships of literature to other texts and media.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Film StudiesTopics covered – History, aesthetics, and the theory of film and/or audiovisual mediaFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Gender, Intersectionality and PoliticsTopics covered – Historical, socioeconomic, cultural and political preconditions as well as the regional specifics of gender structures and complex social inequalities, analyse political processes, interactions, structures and institutionsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
General and Comparative LiteratureTopics covered – Systematic study of poetry and aesthetic issues, history and poetics of European literature.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
German LiteratureFocus on Medieval LiteratureFocus on Modern LiteratureTopics covered – 1. early literature, literary theory, cultural studies, and associated historical issues, early German literature.2. awareness of theoretical issues, methodological, and analytical skillsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
German as a Foreign Language: Teaching Cultural StudiesTopics covered – Linguistic level of language teachingFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Global East AsiaTopics covered – Local, national, regional and global contexts in and around East AsiaFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Global HistoryTopics covered – Discipline of history, area studies, cultural, and social history, Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
HistoryFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
History and Cultures of Ancient Western Asia: Focus on Archaeology of Ancient Western AsiaTopics covered – Analyses of archaeological dataFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
History and Cultures of the Ancient Near East: Focus on Ancient Oriental StudiesTopics covered – Cultures and languages of the Ancient Near East, roughly covering the area of modern Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, from the end of the 4th millennium BC to the Hellenistic Period. Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Integrated Chinese StudiesTopics covered – In-depth study of  Modern and contemporary China and the historical process, History and cultural studies or law, economics, humanities and social sciences.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Integrated Japanese StudiesTopics covered – Cultural studies or social studies on JapanFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Integrated Korean StudiesTopics covered – Knowledge of selected phenomena, developments and processes in Korea are conveyed and discussed in a broader, also transregional context.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Interdisciplinary Latin American StudiesTopics covered – Social and Cultural Anthropology, History, Literature and Cultural Studies, Brazilian Studies, Gender Studies, Sociology, Political Science and Economics with subject specialisation and the development of region-specific competencies.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Interdisciplinary Studies of the Middle EastTopics covered – Arabic literature, the cultural and intellectual history of the Arabic-speaking world, Qur’an–Tafsir–Hadith, Old and Middle Iranian philology, Iranian religions, Iranian history, Iranian literature and linguistics, Islamic history, Islam in Europe, Judaism and Islam, Jewish history of knowledge, comparative Semitics, Eastern Christianity, Arabic linguistics and dialectology, Aramaic linguistics and dialectology, Turkic literature and linguistics, etc.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Iranian StudiesTopics covered – Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Islamic StudiesTopics covered – Fields of history, religious practice, philosophy, politics, law, culture, and theology.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Japanese StudiesTopics covered –  Cultural studies or social studies about JapanFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Jewish StudiesTopics covered – Arabic studies, Iranian studies, Islamic studies, philosophy, religious studies, Semitic studies, and Turkology.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Korean Studies/East Asian StudiesTopics covered – Analysis of gender relations in various social, political, and historical contextsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
LinguisticsTopics covered – Structural, historical, and applied aspects of European languagesFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Media and Communication StudiesTopics covered – Journalism, public relations, advertising and entertainment as a form of public communication, media systems and media history, media use and media effects, research and methodology in communication studies.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Media and Political CommunicationTopics covered – political communication, political communication management, Mediated (including digital) political communication, political communication management, political journalism in online and offline media, methods of empirical communication research, and findings of international political communication research.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Modern Greek Language and LiteratureTopics covered – Fundamental, comprehensive, and solid academic skills and knowledge of Modern Greek language and literature as well as the pertinent historical and socio-cultural context, making advanced knowledge of Modern Greek literature, cultural studies, and linguistics possible.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Music, Sound, PerformanceTopics covered – Media, Performance, Gender, and Postcolonial StudiesFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
North American StudiesTopics covered – Politics, sociology, literature, economics, culture and historyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
PhilosophyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Political ScienceTopics covered – Methodological, and empirical political scienceFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Prehistoric ArchaeologyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Public HistoryTopics covered – Historical culture and historical learning operate, and acquire practical abilitiesFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Religious StudiesTopics covered – Artistic, philosophical, and intellectual history, and cultural traditionsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Romance LiteraturesTopics covered – History of Romance literature, literary and cultural phenomena, Advanced knowledge of the principles of academic workFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Semitic StudiesTopics covered – Studies on modern Semitic languageFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Social and Cultural AnthropologyTopics covered – Regional knowledge of Asian and African countriesFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Sociology – European SocietiesFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Theatre StudiesTopics covered – theatre history, contemporary theatre/performance analysis, theory and aesthetics, and theatre/arts/media.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
TurcologyTopics covered – pre-modern statehood and social organisation; modernisation under the conditions of global interdependence and power structures; political, social, and cultural approaches to plurality and diversity, gender as a social, cultural, and political category, migration, mass violence, and genocide, and approaches to historical and cultural heritage.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).

Master of Education at Free University Berlin

The program offers specialisations for primary school teaching, secondary school teaching, and career changers. The below table is for reference:

BiologyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
ChemistryFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Classical Greek PhilologyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Computer ScienceFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
English StudiesHow to meet professional standards of teaching, and how to develop the ability to sustain and grow throughout their career. literature and media, and learn to apply modern linguistic methods to various texts and discourses.Four semesters, which equates to (two years).
Ethics/ PhilosophyFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
FrenchFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
GermanFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
HistoryFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
ItalianFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
LatinFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
MathematicsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
PhysicsFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Politics/Political EducationFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Primary EducationFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
Q-MasterFour semesters, which equates to (two years).
SpanishFour semesters, which equates to (two years).

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Cost of Studying Free University of Berlin Masters

Free University of Berlin Masters are essentially tuition-free for most students, with only a small semester contribution fee to pay. The main costs are living expenses, which are comparable to other major German cities.

Tuition Fees

FU Berlin does not charge tuition fees for most of its Master’s programs. Students only need to pay a semester contribution fee which covers administrative costs, social services, and a public transportation pass. This fee is approximately EUR 304.40 per semester as of 2024.


There are a few exceptions where tuition fees are charged:

  • Some continuing education Master’s programs may have fees that vary depending on the specific program.
  • Non-EU students studying in the state of Baden-Württemberg are required to pay a tuition fee of EUR 1,500 per semester.

Cost of Living

The estimated monthly living costs for students in Berlin range from EUR 934 to EUR 1,300. This includes:

  • Accommodation: EUR 295 to EUR 749, depending on whether you choose on-campus or off-campus housing.
  • Groceries: Around EUR 200 to EUR 250.
  • Leisure Activities: Approximately EUR 200.
  • Public Health Insurance: About EUR 95.
  • Public Transport: Between EUR 0 and EUR 63, depending on your eligibility for discounts.

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Admission Process of Free University of Berlin Masters

The admission process for studying a master’s program at Free University Berlin involves several key steps designed to ensure that applicants meet the necessary qualifications. Here are a few essential points that students should keep in mind:

Eligibility Required

  • A relevant Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification is required (All Master’s programs).
  • For German programs proficiency in German is required, often proven through tests like TestDaF or DSH German Test.
  • For a master’s degree, the English proficiency tests listed below are required.
Proficiency in English
IELTS Minimum score of 6.5
TOEFL Minimum score of 90

Application Process

Applicants for Free University of Berlin Masters must submit their applications through the university’s online portal or uni-assist for those with degrees obtained outside Germany.

Documents Required

Common documents needed include:

Scholarships for International Students at Free University of Berlin

Free University Berlin offers several scholarship opportunities for international students to support their studies.


One of the main is the Deutschlandstipendium scholarships, which provide EUR 300 per month to talented students from all backgrounds. This scholarship is available for a minimum of two semesters and is funded equally by the Federal Government and private sponsors. Students must be enrolled at Free University Berlin and can apply during the designated application period, which for the 2024/2025 academic year runs from August 22 to September 12, 2024.

DAAD Scholarships

Also, the DAAD Scholarships are available for international students currently enrolled at Free University Berlin. These scholarships, part of the STIBET program offer a monthly grant of EUR 250 for ten months particularly aimed at students with special circumstances such as those with a refugee background or caregiving responsibilities. The application deadline for these scholarships is February 11, 2024.

Other Opportunities

While Free University Berlin does not directly award many scholarships, students are encouraged to explore funding options through external organisations and databases, such as the DAAD, which lists various scholarships for international students in Germany.

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Free University of Berlin Masters Career Opportunities 

This table outlines various career paths associated with each master’s program reflecting the diverse opportunities available to graduates from Free University Berlin.

Degree ProgramCareer Opportunities after Free University of Berlin Masters
Master of Arts (M.A.)Education (teaching, curriculum development)
Research (academic and cultural institutions)
Media and Communication (journalism, public relations)
Cultural Management (museums, galleries, arts organisations)
International Relations (diplomatic services, NGOs)
Social Work and Community Development
Language and Linguistics (translation, interpretation)
Master of Science (M.Sc.)Technology and IT (software development, data analysis, cybersecurity)
Research and Academia (positions in universities, research institutions)
Environmental Science (consulting, conservation organisations)
Health and Pharmaceutical Industries (research, regulatory affairs)
Business and Finance (consulting, financial analysis, venture capital)
Data Science and Analytics (data-driven decision-making in various sectors)
Master of Education (M.Ed.)Teaching in Primary and Secondary Education
Educational Administration (school management, policy development)
Curriculum Design and Educational Research
Special Education (supporting diverse learning needs)
Educational Technology (developing digital learning tools)
Language Education (teaching foreign languages)
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Is the Free University of Berlin masters free for international students? 

Most programs at the Free University of Berlin don’t have tuition fees, except for some graduate and postgraduate courses. However, students do need to pay certain charges each semester, which may vary over time.

Is pursuing a master’s degree in Germany free for Indian students?  

Germany has become a favoured destination for international students, including those from India. A significant factor contributing to this is that education in Germany is free for both local and international students.

What is the acceptance rate for the Free University of Berlin Masters?

The acceptance rate for the Master’s program at the Free University of Berlin is about 15%, making the admissions process quite competitive. If you’re applying for the Spring semester, keep in mind that the application deadline is November 1, 2024.

This was all about the ‘Free University of Berlin Masters.’ Explore study abroad opportunities with Leverage Edu and Leverage Live. To plan this journey opt for a free 30-minute counselling session at 1800 572 000. 

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